I discovered you can make tofu in home with chickpeas.
Beyond tofu, what other products I can make with plants?
I discovered you can make tofu in home with chickpeas.
Beyond tofu, what other products I can make with plants?
>tfw I have an obese vegan friend
How does he do it?
He doesn't get enough protein to keep an healthy metabolism.
Well now you can finally understand that some people do have a problem with weight due to genetics.
I'm pretty sure the answer is the dumb amount of beans he eats.
I'm not saying he's not pigging out. I'm saying genetics play a role. Beans aren't all that fattening anyway.
He eats more calories than he expends.
It's not rocket science.
a very few percentaje of the population can't lose weight because of tyroid, but in 99% of cases, is lazyness and gloating like a pig.
i do too.. he's a vegan baker
also my aunt is vegetarian and she just got a lap band
Sugar is vegan
You can be vegan by eating stricly potato chips, fries and pasta.
If there really was a fat gene it would've died out a long time ago when being fat would literally kill you.
Not 99%. Also I already said it's a mixture of both diet and genetics. But genetics play a role in nearly all cases.
I eat like an asshole with no regard and I can't gain weight easily. That's also genetics.
vegan = carb addict
Why does this kind of talk trigger you people so much? It's basic science that genetics play a role in how you gain weight based on diet and exercise.
There are professional athletes that eat nothing but fucking candy.
>There are professional athletes that eat nothing but fucking candy.
maybe it's because they also do a lot of exercise?
Not all sugar. Some is made with bone char.
no, you just think you eat like an asshole with no regard. I was the same way until I saw what my fat friend actually eats everyday, including 4 fucking ice cream sandwiches for dessert and ridiculous amounts of snacks he didn't even count as food
the simple truth is that you get fat by eating more food than your body needs, you lose fat by eating less and you stay the same by eating roughly the right amount
this is true for everyone except people with some serious illness
you could easily get lean on a diet consisting entirely of sugar as long as you only eat as much as you can burn, which in the case of athletes is quite a lot
your body uses all the calories you eat
Look dude, I'm with you that some people are fat because of their genetics but it is not related to metabolism, but reward pathways in the brain. "Addictive personalities" are real, "muh metabolism" isn't real unless you have a thyroid disorder or some sort of weird absorption defect like people who can't digest fructose because their GLUT5 receptor is bunk
Bread makes you fat
A friend actually gained a lot of weight after he became vegan
Lean implies muscle, you need protein to build muscle
Ive made it before, I think you use chickpea flower. Its a lot different than regular tofu, and has to be handled a bit differently, definitely dont experiment with freezing it, its awful. Kinda limits how much you can make at once. I think its popular in Myanmar, so if you like that kinda thing you can find some interesting recipes.
You can also make regular tofu from soy milk, but I never bothered. Wonder if its any better than store bought. You could also try out making seitan from flour, you can control the consistency and season it however you like. Theres tons of recipes for making various patties out of beans, I found one for a breakfast sausage using black beans and brown rice that is a favorite of mine.
>but reward pathways in the brain.
It's also the case that a diet poor in soluble fiber self-selects for a non-diverse biome of gut bacteria that promote a slow metabolism and weight-gain as documented in fat/lean twin-studies and mice experiments where researchers bred mice without any intestine bacteria of their own and then infused them with "fat" and "lean" human gut bacteria and despite being fed equal amounts the ones that got the fat human bacteria weighed more. Then when they a got a fecal donation from the lean mice that replaced/refreshed their gut bacteria the developed a normal weight. That stool transplant therapy is being tried on humans too.
Vegetarianism is a fucking degenerate white folk disease. Gods mistakes.
That's funny because most of the vegetarians I know are Indian, and all but 1 of the vegans I know are black
>Vegetarianism is a fucking degenerate white folk disease. Gods mistakes.
this. the only vegeterians I met wer rich white people with too much money and too much fucking time on they hands.