What kind of sodas do you prefer beyond the pepsi/coke brand stuff Veeky Forums? I've come to love Jones over time but people tell me there is other stuff I ought to try, not really sure where to start.
What kind of sodas do you prefer beyond the pepsi/coke brand stuff Veeky Forums...
Whats that like?
I'll put it on my list then. We have a small shop in a nearby mall here that sells all sorts of weird hipster sodas I've never heard of that I want to try, but the first time I grabbed one it ended up tasting awful.
Watered down fruit juice
Is this you
Being from Carolina and having family in New England I like Cheerwine, Sun Drop, and Moxie.
Is that actually any good? I see it all the time in stores but I don't think I've had it in years, not sure the stuff we got when I was a kid was even the same brand.
PA Dutch Birch beer. Grew up loving the stuff.
Sasparilla is a close second.
I will never not love this shit
The orange/Mandarin is like a sweeter milder and slightly fruitier tasting orange soda. Really nice.
My main go to now, Mtn Dew doesn't taste the same now
Mutants great for caffine needs.
Otherwise I go for Faygo, cuz it's cheap and good.
This one actually gave me a slight caffeine buzz.The red one tastes of swedish fish.
leninade is a solid 5/10
Wow two people who don't shit on it thank you
Fuck you for scalping those quantum jones sodas
I didn't, I've never gotten to try one. I think its pretty stupid as well.
I ordered Irn Bru off Amazon. It was good but Jesus Christ is that shit sugary.
>Drinking the Memory Loss Related Jew
Enjoy not knowing how you got in your own home every night in 40 years.
>Drinking the sugary liquid Jew
Sparkling water is where it's at. Add natural flavors if you must
IBC black cherry
I dont drink as much soda anymore because it's expensive. Lately I've been craving Hawaiian Punch.
Great Minds.....
My nigga. That's all I buy
Nice to see someone else who doesn't practice self harm
god tier
That Dr Brown sugar free cherry soda is very good
Absolute patrician.
No cock, ta.
Anyone else all for the GOAT?