Does sushi taste better when paired with a cold glass of Sapporo?
Does sushi taste better when paired with a cold glass of Sapporo?
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never go full weeb
N-nani?! Of course it does desu senpai-san
weebs are a serious plague on the world that no one seems to be addressing.
yes. just like in the animes.
No, the carbonation destroys your taste buds. Sake, a light tea, or water are the only acceptable drinks to accompany sushi.
No. Asahi is way better cause Sapporo in the US is brewed in flyover land now.
Thanks for the heads up
Do something about it then pussy
Fucking this.
>check news
>Japan has been nuked AGAIN
Because I'm a weeaboo ass sniffing faggot, I bought some sushi and a six pack of Sapporo thinking I'd have an immersive experience while watching my favorite raunchy anime.
This beer tastes like absolute shit, a fucking PBR would have tasted better.
Suntory Premium Malts is my fav Nipponese beer.
Carbonation doesn't destroy taste buds, stop spreading nonsense
I don't think sapporo with sushi but their tall boy can is legitimately the best part about the beer.
Kind of. Dry beer like Sapporo and Asahi match well with raw fish.
I always get sweet tea and warm sake
fug... just checked and it's true
you need to get Asahi Super Dry in a 500 ml bottle. you pour it into a small glass, like you would use for breakfast juice.
Asahi is brewed in Canada
no you drink it straight out of the big boy can like a true overworked salarayman
>on the world
not really. just this website.
Pocari Sweat and shots of soju
Or a nice malt whiskey on ice
Only works if you have a 150 sq ft apartment and a Kotatsu
I don't like Sapporo. I'd rather drink Kirin Ichiban, Asahi, or even Orion (actually, I like Orion, it's great for hot summer days).
the 1liter cans are Japanese import
Guelph brews Sapporo for Canada
doesn't really matter, probably better without radioactive water desu
I'd say Kirin. I find it maltier and the logo is rad as fuck.
my nigga. Green label is great.
No they aren't. They have ounces on them
I like both but I'd rather take an Asahi.
You need whatever that cheap Suntory shit is. That most places in Japan serve as their draft beer. When ever you just see "beer" on the menu.
suntory premium malt
that's the schlitz of japan
gween tea
Lad! Fuckin go to Sainsburys on way home from work grab a big bottle of Asahi then straight to Asda an grab their fuckin bento box m8
Course you're still hungry after coz of the drink so you grab a box of sober meat and chips from Troy's Kebab all cushy an that, maybe a burger since they toast the buns proper good and the meat is fuckin ace
You're a lad mate, you know
>Sober meat
>Not fuckin doner meat
Fuck iPhone man trying to tell me how to spend my pay
i know this isn't "done" but i love having a tall glass of rye with my sushi. it definitely either makes it taste better or worse depending on flavors.
sapporo goes better with beef
i get one every time i order shaking beef at a local vietnamese place
I prefer a cold tiger beer myself. *tips katana*