What's your go-to poorfag meal, /ck?

What's your go-to poorfag meal, /ck?

I like buying the 99c prepackaged udon noodles and adding a fuckton of hot sauce to them.

Had udon for the first time recently and paid like $9 for the bowl. Did not know it could be bought for 99 gyat dayum cents.

Breadcrumbs with water. Probably about 10 times cheaper than yours with the same nutritional value

cheap hot dogs ($1 for eight)
cheap hot dog buns ($1 for eight)
cheap sauerkraut (

Just go to your local grocery store and go to the Gook isle

Some sort of risotto usually.

some pasta
concentrated tomato
clove of garlic
some dried herbs
some olive oil
the trick is just to keep adding pasta water until you get a saucey consistancy

price per portion

I don't get why you would use those cheap seasoning packets
>buy the even cheaper plain packages of udon and some cheap dashi stock powder instead
>fry up some mushrooms/thinly sliced pork/whatever you have that would be good in a noodle soup, it's not rocket surgery
>add some water, stock powder, soy sauce, whatever seasonings would be good in a noodle soup, again not rocket surgery
>add udon noodles (nips would boil them in a separate pot of water, but nips are retarded and have no idea about cooking techniques, they clean saute pans instead of deglazing them)
it's like two extra steps and a few more minutes to cut up some ingredients and the end result will be ten times better.

hot sauce

Those dollar noodle packets are great for stir fry - those got me through college

rice + eggs + cabbage soy sauce/ketchup
or potatoes + eggs + ^

Kidney beans or chopped up hotdogs, put over jasmine rice with soy sauce is a good one. Sometimes if I'm more hungry I'll add cut up hotdog, carrots, and peas to ramen noodles, remove the noodles, and using the leftover broth to cook the rice for the first thing in. Reusing ramen broth is a level of poorfaggotry I hope to never have to stoop to again.



Asian style

Make a shitload of rice for the week and buy whatever cheap meat and veggies i can and stir fry them to later eat them with rice

Havent tried it yet but i bet it will gelp me lose weight

Potted meat, kraft single, Louisiana hot sauce, on white bread

Sardines mashed into a paste, on toast

>half length pasta


Yeah, you can even get a huge thing of dried mushrooms that you can rehydrate at any time and which will last forever

Also when I was desperate one time I shredded some beef jerky (which I got as a gift lmao) and ate it with noodles. It was actually awesome.

>cheap hot dogs
Enjoy your tube of pig ass

Broken spaghetti is a thing

Eating it right now

Put boxed breadcrumbs, wheat germ, wheat bran, raisins, walnuts, sunflower seeds sugar in a bowl and add hot water. Very good, ghetto whole grain. Breadcrumbs cost the same as rice. Medieval peasant cuisine with a modern twist

this, I don't know why everyone insists on nutritionally devoid ramen and shit. I mean if you can add some green onions and chicken to it then that's a better option but if you're poor as shit just eat oats and eggs

>rocket surgery

You dumb idiot

>Surgery (from the Greek: χειρουργιkή cheirourgikē (composed of χείρ, "hand", and ἔργον, "work"), via Latin: chirurgiae, meaning "hand work")

Just a fancy way of saying technician

fry tuna and egg together into a delicious omlette

I use sardines sometimes when they're on sale. It's heavenly, greasy goodness if you have onion and ketchup

Stir fried indomie with a veg and topped with egg. ~3 CAD?

usually just go with noodles because of how you can make anything with it.

>wait for Dr.Oetker pizza to go on sale for $2 each
>buy 100
>eat for 2 months

>I don't know what the word poor means

what is the advantage of buying them soft already like that? wouldn't it be a better value, and probably taste better to buy them dry and boil them?

>already soft

You know Asian noodles aren't normally dehydrated, right? Fresh noodles don't start out as "instant".

You really just need something filling as a base and a small stash of spices and the like.
I usually just eat dried foods like rice, pasta, beans and lentils. that shit's almost free and is easy to make varied food with.
Also potatoes and other root vegetables. And eggs

and cabbage. that shit is the greatest!

no noodles start off "hard" you retard

right now it's poached seagull eggs, with sauteed weeds, wild onions, wild garlic and a simple stock made from dandelion roots.

I dont really give a shit where the meat on the animal comes from. Meat is meat and for $1 for 8 you would know and expect it to come from other cuts. Who cares really? Do you really think meat from around the asshole tastes different than meat from the ribs when its in a hotdog? Fucking stupid idiot your ignorance seriously triggers me. I mean how can people like you even survive out in the world? ?Mommy and daddy must give you a pretty nice allowance to be able to eat ribeye steaks everynight for dinner. I mean seriously? You must be american, so entitled and condescending not to mention rude and probably loud in real life. Uneducated like most americans and eat shit food like cheese out of a can. I mean come on. Fucking plonka idiot american cheese eating piece of human trash. Probably homophobic and xenophobic/islamophobic too. What the hell is wrong with you guys? Shit at food and politics and opinions.

holy shit

I had these once and they were awful

"Rocket Surgery" is a combination of "Rocket Science" and "Brain Surgery" meant to combine the complexity of both into one thing to further exaggerate the complexity of the subject.

three $1 1/2lb burritos from del taco usuing the one dollar off survey coupon

jesus fuck it had me to the picture capiticha thing 8 fucking times and on the last one it make me pick all the pictures with ice cream and i clicked them both. wasnt enough so i then had to click on pictures of leg wax

This is the GOAT no-fuss method of eating prepackaged udon and yakisoba noodles:

- Microwave the sealed packet until hot (30-60 seconds)
- Open packet and dump noodles into a bowl or cup
- Stir in flavor packet
- Eat

You could also stir scallion, seaweed, etc, but it's already excellent as described above.

who the fuck breaks their spaghetti

You're supposed to

That sounds like hobo tier

This is usually what I do if I'm broke/lazy/short on time:
Put washed rice, frozen veggies and a nice flavoursome fatty meat(I usually use some flavored sausage/bacon) into a rice cooker.
Add water and cook.
When its cooked, stir to ensure everything is evenly spread and its ready.
What I like about this is I can tailor it to my budget, so if money is tight I can use like 1 sausage per person and pad with more veggies etc. The thing is to chop up the meat so that its fine enough that everyone gets some while not so fine that its mush.

Calm down Ahmed

Americans and people who dont know how to cook or eat spaghetti, basically the same group

Why? How do you even strain broken pasta?

Rice and beans re-fried in butter & onions

Only for spaghetti so it fits in the pot. You strain it same as you would unbroken.

I'm guessing the same way you strain regular pasta.
I personally use tongs to pull it out of the water

>Take a bunch of Sausages
>Half a glass of mustard
>Slice sausages, chop onions
>Put oil, mustard and onions into pan, heat.
>Add sausages

why cant you just wait 20 seconds and push it down into the water once its softened jesus christ

im american and i cant figure out why these spergs are breaking their spaghetti

makes no god damn sense

Fry cooked rice with some diced zucchini, garlic and onion, slowly add a thoroughly beaten egg while stirring. Edible gold in 10 minutes (plus cooking time for rice but I usually use leftovers).

You have to remember, we didn't start using the fork until the last half of the 19th century. Give us another 100 years and we might not have to break our spaghetti.

Onions and shredded cabbage pan fried with garlic chili paste mixed in with rice.

Alternatively garlic margarine noodles.

That's not poor fag. That's lazy fag.

little toaster oven pizzas on naan bread with tomato sauce and shredded cheese.

get bags of frozen veggies and shrimps. add a few of each when you cook the udon. MAGIC

$9! screw that. it's basically 10cents of flour and water. you can even make it easily yourself if you want. watch a youtube video.

$9 not only buys you the noodles, it pays for add-ons and before all the chef making the stock from scratch, which can take days depending on your devotion. For restaurants it makes no difference because they are always making new stock, but if you wanna have a decent bowl at home, you either have to settle for instant, make something you know could have been made much better, or invest the time for the real thing.

>if you wanna have a decent bowl at home, you either have to settle for instant, make something you know could have been made much better

yeh. I guess I'm used to making it at home. Would order udon if I were traveling or out with friends though.

to make some awesome udon quickly at home start with some chicken broth, add water, add a beef bouillon to it. that makes an awesome broth--better than most at the japanese restaurants I've been to as well. I do this like every two weeks.

Making your own udon noodles is incredibly easy, but time consuming.

But other than the effort of rolling it out and letting it rest, you can freeze up the extra noodles for later use.

Making a batch that takes about an hour to make can last you a week if all you want is udon

>Making a batch that takes about an hour to make can last you a week if all you want is udon
my mom used to do this! it was the best!
it's just water, flour, salt and you can ziplock it away in the freezer for months if you want and it'll be fine.

for a cheap meal i get ramen noodles
and put frozen peas and corn into it and
left over cold meat. Normally buy more meat
than my partner and I can eat and slice it up on
samwidges for lunch etc.

One of my all time fav easy cheap meals is you get nice white bread, cant be stale, put a single piece of cheese ontop of BOTH slices. So cross section would chow cheese, bread, bread. Then you put it in the microwave for about 54 seconds, take it out and flip the top piece of bread over so the melted cheese ends up between the two bits of bread. Then just cut and eat while its hot.
American cheese probably isnt suitable but in australia i just use normal sliced tasty cheese.

Ive been on holiday to america twice, the first time I went all over. The second time I stayed only in the south, san diego, san antonio, austin etc. NYC and the east side fucking sucks and the west side of california etc is so fucking overrated. Ive got better beaches like 5 mins from my house in australia and no fucking lame fuckheads everywhere.

If someone bought me tickets to america again i probably wouldnt go. Just not worth the time.
Mexico or canada id go in a heart beat.

Why would I want to bother waiting when I can just buy pre broken pasta?

Chicken (with different kind of sauces/glazes) over rice and beans.

I'm not poor so I don't know what other people scavange for

>Yes, it's a POUND

Well, I wasn't questioning whether or not the printed unit weight was correct before. But after reading this...

>half length
>no need to break

This shit better be, like, 30 cents for that "POUND".

rice and omelet or
rice and braised chicken or braised tilapia.
these are basically $1 a meal and are tasty and nutritious.

I thought it was a joke. A play on both phrases. Like:

>I'm telling you thing isn't hard
>say "it's not rocket surgery"
>even the idiot that can't get the phrase right is saying it's not hard.
>it must be pretty goddamn easy in that case


Buttered rice with some hot sauce. Lived off of it for about 5 months while in college

>Specifically posting Knorr and talking about broth
>Not posting Knorr Stock Pots

Come on mang, do you not know your Veeky Forums memes?

Aglio e olio. The ingredients are garlic, oil, and pasta. Optionally, if you're a big spender, you can add cheese and crushed red pepper. It's filling and fucking great.

>Wheat Flour 370 lb. ca. $84
>Evaporated Milk 57 cans ca. $100
>Cabbage 111 lb. ca. $30
>Spinach 23 lb. ca. $40
>Dried Navy Beans 285 lb ca. $230

Together this costs me 484 Dollars and provides me with the daily recommended amount of following nutrients For A Full Year.

>Calories 3,000 Calories
>Protein 70 grams
>Calcium .8 grams
>Iron 12 milligrams
>Vitamin A 5,000 IU
>Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 1.8 milligrams
>Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 2.7 milligrams
>Niacin 18 milligrams
>Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 75 milligrams

I pay roughly 40 Dollars in Food per Month that way whilst maintaining a healthy diet.

But m8 this is a cooking board. Unless you're getting really fucking creative with those spices I fail to see how you could enjoy a meal.

Guaranteed cancer from all that nitrate in hot dogs, especially that cheap

Eating isn't there for enjoyment. It is fueling the mind and body for higher tasks. Cooking is about Min Maxing.

I don't think you'd get enough vitamins or fish oils and other beneficial things if you ate just that.

you should throw in some avocados and oily fish and varied fruits and occasional red meat too.

Im pretty sure you shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen anymore

How long does cooked rice last? Can you just make a big pot on sunday and just re heat it in a pan with water when you need it?

Da comrade Ivan, eating is only for fuel, thats why they took babushka to the gulag, she was wasting time and food on preparing complex meals

200 dollars for two months is literally panhandling money

You honestly could have stopped after
>Who the fuck cares where on the animal the meat comes from
And it would have been more effective


Cheap staple (rice, barley, wheatseed, buckweat, cheap pasta) mixed with sauce (variations of caramelised onions and carrots, some browned forcemeat, tomato paste, soy sauce and spices)

toasted bread with a fried egg and ketchup

Rice with steamed vegetables usually

mac and minced meat, some onion and ketchup

why would you eat condoms and rubber bands?



non-name chk veg noodles with an egg and whatever veggies I feel like. Also add chili flakes.

>Buy 111 lb of cabbage
>Eat it over the course of a year

Somehow this doesn't check out

Or even better: buy chicken and some vegetables used in soups (onions carrot). Make broth, leave chicken meat in. Use this with instant ramen soups instead of boiling them water. I think buying cheap chicken instead of hot dogs makes this food taste much better. Instant noodle soups are cheapes food, but you will not survive long eating only that.


Chicken ichiban noodles with an egg and some carrots/frozen peas
stir-fry rice with chopped up egg and green onion/peas/whatever veggies I have lying around
mac & cheese with black olives/fresh tomatoes

Shittiest of posts. I've found that rl friends who have frequented Veeky Forums in critical stages of their personnal devellopment have had an enlightened attitude when it comes to critical thinking, freedom of speech and the tennants of anarcho-collectivism, all of which are proponents to positive contribution in an associative context. I'm in no way saying that this is what every individual should pursue but I'll argue that user is drunk and needs to go home.

nobody said to buy everything at once doofus

I pity you for you are not able to focus and use your time efficently to attain enlightenment and become one with the dao. You are like a sleeping child to me.

already cooked rice will last a long ass time in a refrigerator, the traditional wisdom on making fried rice is to let the rice dry out for a day or two in the fridge before you fry it in the oil/butter

>buys a special product because he can't wait 20 seconds

autism really is an epidemic

Because long pasta is a more useful ingredient. You can keep it long, or you can break it up when you need smaller pieces.

That's not possible with pre-broken.

And besides which, if you have to break pasta to make it fit into your pot then you're doing it wrong. Pasta is best cooked in a very large volume of water. Stop using a tiny pot.