So I was out mowing my lawn when I stumbled across some morrels growing along the fence. Any suggestions for cooking them?
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So I was out mowing my lawn when I stumbled across some morrels growing along the fence...
One of those is actually a coin OP
It's for size comparison.
Saute in butter with salt and pepper. That's all you need to do here.
I did this before and it was quite good.
Morels are the only mushroom I trust myself to pick wild. Nothing else really looks like them
Please tell me the mycologist and bio engineer with interests in mushroom hunting still lurk this board! I want to go mushroom hunting this spring and they were so smart and helpful! I fear they have left :(
verpa bohemica does, but some people eat them anyways, i guess to no ill effects
>Eating something that is not even a vegetable
They're coated in roundup, toss them
Nah, my lawn looks like shit. No chemicals there.
>get a reputable book on mushroom identification
>become familiar with what grows in your area, at what times of year and under what growing conditions
Cavemen could figure out which mushrooms were tasty, which ones killed you and which ones gave you a wild weekend, you can do it too
And thanks, I'll try that
I'm not fucking stupid; I can and am learning that shit for myself. It's not about that.
It justso happens there were two very knowledgeable, very intelligent individuals who used to have conversations about food fungi/mushroom hunting on this board. I would cozy up and read their posts and enjoy catching up on their new experiences & fungi-forays. They became distant anonymous companions. And now I'm afraid they're gone forever.
>pan roast chicken
>sautee morels in butter with some leeks or ramps
>deglaze with vin jaune or very dry sherry
>add a tiny bit of cream, the drippings from the chicken, and reduce
>season to taste
>mount with butter at the end
Mushroom risotto.
You lucky sonovbitch. I would fry them very hot with olive oil and lemon juice, maybe put them on some sourdough with some expensive salt/
>stumbled across some morrels growing along the fence
You lucky bastard. Some people hike deep innawoods and spend hours looking around for those fuckers only to find 2 or 3.
Somebody hit the jackpot. I suggest you garlic and butter up something gamey to go with it. Go full on wild.
Another easy one is chicken of the woods
those are poison.
Why would rip them with the mycelium like that you terrible person you. Don't you want them to grow back, why are you distroying them reeeeeeeeee
Because OP is a millenial nu male idiot who got all his "knowledge" off the internet.
And oyster mushrooms
Make a few into slurry and spread it around, so you'll have more in the future:
bread em and fry em for easy
risotto sounds better tho
Have your home surveyed for radioactivity.
There is barely any mycelium there, autist.
>Cavemen could
It took a lot of deaths, I'm sure.
Saute with butter, spinach, and balsamic vinegar, serve as a side with chicken
Also make sure you're not going to kill yourself
Morels are great for risotto. You could also marinate them in a sauce with some other vegetables and saute/braise them.
I got some free food from this local barbecue joint today and ordered something called "sprouts and shrooms" as a side. It was quartered brussels sprouts and button mushrooms swimming in a sauce with cumin and chili powder. It was fucking phenomenal.
they grow fast after wildfires. next time theres a fire near you, check out the area.