Dinner rate thread
Dinner rate thread
Pan roast peppered chicken, potatoes and asparagus
why do white people literally have 0 cuisine and 0 culture? The only way this could be more white is if you had a glass of milk and were watching leave it to beaver
lol wow bologna is so shitty it won't even sear properly
Nice digits m8 what did you eat for dinner?
wtf is flyover?
>light mayo
>98% fat free bologna
honestly 10/10 i fucking love bologna
fuck that
turn up your heat mate
Why? Don't think the sear is good enough?
Correct. It's barely browned.
Made this the other night. Frankly, I should've either turned up the heat or left it on a tad longer myself.
Sous vide chicken breast basted with butter on a carrot puree with a kale cranberry salad and cottage fries dusted with smoked paprika. Wa la etc
I agree with that. This is one I made a few months ago, looked better although they both tasted good. Yours looks delicious honestly, and nicer plating than my drunken ass.
i think these all look very nice and you all did a very good job
thank you user
That looks much better. I find browning chicken adds minimal flavour compared to other meats like pork and beef anyway. However, for presentation alone it's worth getting a reasonably brown crust.
My spacing was too far apart / plate was too big. It still turned out tasty though.
I just had a bowl of cottage cheese with home made strawberry jam.
Am I a degenerate?
Yeah definitely. What's your go to method for a beef steak?
You're on Veeky Forums so probably. But that sounds pretty tasty. I prefer it straight up with tons of black pepper but jam is nice too.
As in a flyover state, as in this was a meal made in the mid-west. The suggestion being, I assume, that OP is a dumb hick who thinks he's hot shit bc he can make more than a mayo sandwich.
I'm actually okay with fried bologna sammiches myself so.... 6/10.
Since I have anxiety I typically stick with sous vide when I'm doing proteins. Unless I specifically want to cook them in a way that disregards sous vide or makes it difficult (eg. a stew).
So typically I salt and pepper both sides of the steak(s) and sous vide it at a temperature dependent on who will be eating with me. If it's just me, I like it around 135F. Then I sear it quickly in peanut oil and after flipping throw in some butter to baste. Sometimes I'll use fresh thyme and crushed garlic with the butter as well.
Making a quick mushroom gravy can also be great with a steak. Just throw cut up mushrooms in a pan with butter and salt and pepper. Then when the mushrooms start to brown and lose some liquid add any beef dripping from the pan. Here you can either go water, cream, stock or a combination. Last time I used water and cream and it turned out great.
Oh fuck. And add flour to the mushroom at some point to create a roux to thicken the gravy up. I usually do it at the same time I add the steak drippings but it's not really super important as far as I know when you do it.
Sounds delicious. Really makes me want to get on the sous vide method. Typically I rub some salt/pepper on the steak, sear both side of the beef fillet for a couple minutes, add a bit of butter, some garlic, thyme or rosemary, baste it, then into a 400F oven for 5 minutes. Typically comes out rare- medium rare depending on thickness and I like to have it with sauteed mushrooms.
Sounds great too mate. No technique is the "right" technique. If you're interested in sous vide I use the Anova circulator and just a food safe tupperware I bought on Amazon. It's actually quite cheap to get into it now and once you figure out the typical method from start to finish you get the same finished product every time.
Plus it's easy and I like good food but also don't like the stress (albeit small) of watching food in an oven / pan that needs to be a certain temp.
you're a harsh and vague critic user
Look out Gordon Ramsay is here
Just made these
Jesus Christ those look like literal diarrhea.
looks awful man...gotta work on the presentation and frankly I don't want a liquid sauce on my hotdogs
actually looks like you wiped your ass with those hotdogs m8
Mac and cheese with peas, asparagus, and grilled chicken, with cheddar and gruyere.
>not living exclusively off of canned tuna and cottage cheese
literally cant tell if its supposed to be chili or some kind of salsa
>peas in your mac
The fuck is wrong with you?
>ewwwwwww itssss greeeeen reeeeeee
Could you have a more childlike palate?
Open face sangwich for me
Ooh la la
From the other evening.
Never under estimate the power of cottage cheese.
I like your style. Lets die young together.
pray to god you dont drop that shit
peas actually go quite well with white/cheese sauce
who doesn't love a banger in the mouth
>light mayo
>fat free bologna
Why do people bother with this shit. Why completely sabotage the flavor of your meal just to cut out like 30 calories. If you really want to lose weight you shouldnt be eating processed meat on white bread anyway. Enjoy your bland crap i guess. Fuck these nigger bait threads i mad
My last two dinners
First time making you po mian today. Didn't really work out like I wanted it to.
What the fuck is happening in this image.
barilla with ketchup and arizona
>what is reverse image search?
I made this for dinner tonight. Burned the brats a little but it was breddy good. Great keto meal.
Woops forgot pic
you need a slice of Velveeta on dat, bro.
Holy shit, why ate your utensils smeared with grease before you've even taken a bite?
>nasty flatware
>creamer in coffee
Usually drink it black but im drinking the shittiest bitter instant coffee ive ever drank.
oh no the rating autist...i can't wait for his next edition of numerous selected posts that no one else will invariably give a shit about
Euro trash food/10
>Veeky Forums
Did you make the oil yourself?
The recipe is so simple it pretty much has to hinge on the oil. Also use a thinner italian noodle. If the noodles are handmade drop the roller down to 2 or even 1 and remember to run it through a couple of times. Other than that, what were you expecting besides boiled noodles and vegies with pepper oil?
this is not bologna, this is just a big wurlstel
I am going to give him a pass, because otherwise those sammich's are a quick path to obesity
dumb frogposter cant quote posts
Made paella for lunch a few days ago
looks nice
what is that white liquid?
Made some argentinian "asado" some days ago
shut the fuck up faggot. What is your race? White people has just as much culture and cuisine as any other group. Ever heard of french cooking? Oh only the world standard for fine dining. Italian food? spanish? German? Shut the fuck up. bologna is fucking basically mortadella so why dont you go shut it up your ass you daft cunt.
Also this white people hate is really starting to piss me off. Hating on white people is just as fucked up as hating on blacks. Go to hell.
No one on /pol/ would say something so fucking retarded as that. They are against hypocritical reverse white racism.
falling for the bait this hard
>not getting extra thick bologna
Get off my board
I have no idea what you're talking about. Italian noodles? Rolling? I just pulled dough to make noodles. Was my first time doing it so it was horribly thick, also I think my oil wasn't hot enough? I don't know, and what's this about making your own oil?
>Italian noodles? Rolling?
Never seen a pasta machine, user?
>>and what's this about making your own oil?
Your reading comprehension is horrible.
MRE instant coffee bad?
Indian from India here. Looks delicious!
this is new to me, i've heard of pasta machines but don't own one. i only hand pull noodles since all i eat is asian stuff
No fried egg/10
That's a sad looking meal.
I find peas go the best with mashed potatoes, along with onions and a lot of pepper. Dash of gravy too, especially if it's lamb.
Yeah, we have plenty of regular hypocrisy!
>this white people hate is really starting to piss me off
welcome to life as literally any other race pre:2000
italians and spaniards are not white
Checked, I got quads earlier on /b/
I love me some fried Bologna
He's not wrong. Peas are shit-tier. I like any vegetable except fucking peas. Their texture and taste is just horrid. The only time I'll ever like them is in split-pea soup.
Where did you buy your time machine
Same day you started coming to this website. Today. Newfag
The poor don't count as white. They're just pale niggers.
>falling for the low-fat weight loss scam
Not going to lie. as a lard,Those look really damn good
nice elitebook nigga
Yes they are you fucking idiot. Greeks can be white as well. Define white?
Wow yeah you're right since i had nothing to do with any discrimination ever i totally deserve to be discriminated against for being white because my white ancestors discriminated against people that didn't look like them along with every other race on the face of the earth in their respective countries. Fucking idiot. You are probably white too and suffer from white guilt. Cuck faggot.
Italians, Spaniards and Greeks are not white by default. Some northern parts of the country have very fair skinned people but historically there were lots of invasions by Turks, Moors, etc and thus lots of interracial births. If you look at the DNA of these people you will find these admixtures. I'm half Lebanese sandnigger. In Lebanon you can find men and women with blonde hair, white skin, light eyes and this is often because the recessive genes of crusader conquerors. Greeks should not even be considered white because of how long they were occupied by Turks. Many have extremely curly hair, darker skin, sometimes bigger/hook noses too. Stop being so insecure it doesn't even matter.
I believe it was a reflection, the broth was acrually yellow because of the zafron