ITT good period food
>inb4 eggs
ITT good period food
always heard spinach and red meat was good as well as fatty fishes.
so make you some of those things, but most importantly get a heating pad. no matter what kind of unholy fucking knots my uterus is tying itself into, heat tames the pain.
Ice Cream, you cunt.
>heating pad
My nigga
>le Veeky Forums is all women meme
I have very particular period cravings, not weird cravings, just very particular.
>steak with creamed spinach (pretty common, but I'll eat creamed spinach every fucking day while I have my period) The steak HAS to be a bone in ribeye, rare.
>mashed potatoes, specifically garlic mashed potatoes. I'll eat those as a fucking meal.
>Veggie sandwich and a cup of broccoli cheese soup. I have to have this at least once during that time.
>Rippled potato chips and cottage cheese. Use chips to dip the cottage cheese. Glorious.
I don't get cravings for sweets or chocolate or anything like that. Everything I crave is either protein based or has something to do with vitamins and minerals.
My wife always wants McDonald's fries when she's on her period, so I guess that.
>broccoli cheese soup
I ate that shit every fucking day when I was preggers
My son is made of broccoli cheese soup
Literally anything chocolate.
T: married.
my sister eats chip flavours she doesnt normally enjoy when she is on her period
normally she hates sour cream and onion but i am currently seeing her eating a bag of sour cream and onion chips
try weird shit you don't normally eat
LOL. When I was pregnant I craved pineapple and coconut like fucking crazy. I'd eat like 2 whole pineapples a day, and bags of dried coconut chips. I remember being frantic on my way home from work to stop at the store, and bought 2 whole coconuts, went home and cracked both, and sat and ate them while I watched movies with my feet way up in the air because they were so swollen. My husband was fucking bewildered by it. He'd be running to store to buy pineapples in the middle of the night.
Fucking anything, nobody gives a fuck about you being on the rag. Fuck off.
I'm a god damned salt hound on my period, but i have endometriosis, so i'm like a stuck pig
Soups, chips, a good burger or steak, mac n cheese all the way
Skip food. You'll look bloated enough, you don't want to look fatter too.
>all these normal, pleasant posts making good contributions to the thread
>enter this dude
You have a very attuned sense of what nutrients your body needs. Your period craving foods are high in iron, magnesium and phosphorous. Good job.
You too.
Fuckin love that bloated 'i just binge ate all the food in the house' feeling, i live for it
Then you rip a big fart and queef your blood stash all over your goddamn self
No shit! kek
t. amy schumer
This shit is the bomb for female cravings. My mans always snags me one when i'm feeling bad. Sweet, protein-y, a little bit salty, all around good shit for dessert binging. Lower cal than regular ice cream.
>Then you rip a big fart and queef your blood stash all over your goddamn self
Oh my god, that made me laugh so hard I got dizzy. Plus, I'm having my period right now, so laughing that hard caused a flood. Jesus....
Haha, va-gi-naaa! women can be funny too kekek
I always want the bottom of the barrel fast food shit, especially taco bell. I never enjoy it except when aunt flo comes to visit.
I can only guess that my body is craving sodium but who fuckin knows.
Anyone have period blood recipes?
Yes this. Also i want to cook less on my period, i'm usually real good but... Instant gratification salty food is too addicting and tempting
Do Americans really so this?
I always end up craving poppy seed muffins with almonds on top
or pumpkin bread
Step one: put period blood on your teeth and look like a zombie
Step two: walk outside and smile at randos
It's a recipe for disaster alright
jesus fucking christ no
does anyone wanna be my gf?
>I'm a lonely, angry virgin
oh. okay.
>tfw no qt 35 year old shitposter wife
Heating pad is the best. Also, mint tea usually helps to comfort me.
As for food, sometimes your body can tell as previous anons mentioned. I'd say go for something rich in iron, magnesium and maybe sodium (not necessarily one food) since it's the lack of those that usually causes cravings
be nice u bleedin cunt
I think it's actually pretty personal. My fiance likes scrambled eggs, bacon. grilled cheese, tomato basil soup and meatloaf....but I would never assume that that would apply to every girl on a cycle.
Wouldn't that be a prejudice thought process anyway?
The rest of Veeky Forums
Being a fat nigger would be a step up for most of the failures on this board.
Me included.
eh periods can effect the body differently but there's often some universal cravings
Well every period causes the same kinds of symptoms (which lead to your body craving the vitamins you're missing) it's just a matter of whether you experience them more or less severe which can change what you crave.
Well do tell Dr. Anonymous.
Taco Bell on your period >>>>> Taco Bell any other time
Basically anything that people crave when they are stressed
>comfort foods
>salt, fat, carbs
My "period food" is an advil and a glass of water. I just eat what I normally eat otherwise.
I hate Taco Bell, and most fast food, but this local place....oh lawd, when my period's here, I can't stay away. It's basically like a way better version of Taco Bell.
So food in general? Why does my fiance crave meatloaf then? A little salt, a little carb in the bread crumbs...but mostly protein.
I'm pretty sure you're full of shit or just ignorant. Mostly when my girl goes on the rag she just wants coffee and for me to shut the fuck up for like a week.
Any female can weigh in on this if you have the balls.
I get munchy as fucking hell and all I want is salty things
I hate how good it is
Dudes imagine having the munchies while not high and everything shitty and bad and heartburn-inducing tastes amazing. That's kinda what it's like.
Meatloaf is very fatty. And there's iron. Why so cranky? I was explaining what universal cravings means in general, congrats on your special snowflake fiancee and all
I feel more aggravated than normal during my period and it's a combination of hormones and feeling like crap because I'm bloated, hungry, and my nethers feel like a bloody swamp from bleeding, then I feel like crap for feeling angry.
Fuck dude you'd be mad too if you had to use half a roll of tp every time you went pee , or chat your brains out because your lower body hates you.
Can vouche - my girlfriend always uses one of those waterbags with a really hot water in it
She's half Jewish and half Irish and loves tacos. I don't even know what the fuck is going on but I know you're wrong.
You know what's the fucking worst thing? When I get a really bad period, and my emotions go berserk. Last month, I had a fucking horrible period, and my husband took me out to our favorite steakhouse for dinner. I was so happy, but then when my steak came, they had gotten my side order wrong, I fucking started crying like an idiot. I'm normally totally level-headed, especially in public, (my career is public relations for fucks sake) and that was fucking embarrassing as shit, for ME, much less him.
>Husband: "honey, why are you crying?"
>Me: "I have no fucking idea."
>Husband: "Okay then."
>Me: "Just ignore it."
>Server silently brings me another napkin
Beyond water "universal craving" is a bullshit phrase. Some bitches want mexican watermelon, and some want lox on an onion bagel.
You would know this if you weren't a virgin.
KFC Mashed potatoes
Stop mansplaining to me, reeeee!
>tfw IBS combined with period just makes you insanely nauseous for 3-5 days.
That's awful. My condolensces.
Dad has crohns and i'm just waitin for the day i get symptoms too.
menstrual blood pancakes
>Veeky Forums roleplaying as women on their period gorging on food
This boards struck a new low.
My girlfriend likes these crepe things. Are they hard to make? I have no experience with making sweets or non Asian food.
Pls close this thread
Thank god I stick to 2D Jesus Christ.
Is this shit even ironic anymore?
I can't tell if this is full bore reddit shit or if it's trolls trolling trolls.
I just don't know anymore.
What did she mean by this?
I still refuse to believe that any of these posters are actually women. Just don't buy it.
If you can learn to make crepes you will find they are among the greatest panty removers ever invented.
Crepes are incredibly easy to make. You might mess up the first one in the pan, but after that you'll get the hang of it quickly.
tits or gtfo
protein shot, sausage link, two eggs.
whatever you say, fatty
Why you mad, though?
The trips of absolute and undeniable strewth.
>umad?? xd
go back 2 reddit cumdumpster
I feel too sick to eat, anyone else?
>women asking what food they should make for themselves
>implying that has any effect on the women who post in Veeky Forums.
We're already on Veeky Forums, dumbass, we've seen it all.
lots of sperm thick slimy sperm.
They're not asking what food to make for themselves, they're comparing what foods they like to eat. If you don't like it, just hide the damn thread.
>we're from le dark and edgy Veeky Forums nothing phases us /b/ros xd
I'll reiterate, go back.
>what foods they like to eat
so it isn't even about cooking? that makes it worse
I usually crave codeine when I am on my period.
I try to get some red meat in (the bloodier the better), and ginger and fenugreek tea is also good. I have had a lot of periods so the routine is part of it, and some cravings come from that. I just have more of an urge to eat the week before and really want codeine once it starts.
that image isnt supposed to shock anyone you dumb whore
your images and text are boring annoying and useless.
This is different from anyone else posting on Veeky Forums how?
More than half the posts on this thread are "my girlfriend likes this".
>women scraping the bottom of the barrel for attention by whore posting on a Veeky Forums
>think they're insulting anyone by calling them virgins
pretty sure he just wants girlies to reply to his posts, get a little taste of female attention the only way he can figure out to do. never change Veeky Forums
Not an argument
However low vitamin and micronutrient levels have been correlated with cravings