Why are people so filthy ? I still can't believe the number of "i pass my hands under water for four seconds after taking a big shit", or "i just pat my hands on a towel after touching raw chicken" scenarios i had to witness during my work time.
Why are people so filthy...
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You mean why are whites so filthy. I'm an oriental, we don't have this problem.
I live in Switzerland though.
>I'm an oriental, we don't have this problem.
Then explain why you have a 50/50 chance of getting sick when eating in a oriental """restaurant""" ? You fuckers eat dogs.
I dont always wash my hands after taking a piss, and I dont always throughly wash after I shit.
I do always keep my hands very clean when handling any sort of food, and I shower once a day.
I may not be the cleanest ever, but its never been a problem. Dont have to be so anal about that stuff due.
>Dont have to be so anal about that stuff due.
Actually i do. Explain why i shouldn't.
Fried rice syndrome, it's caused by a toxin generated by a bacterium that's naturally present in soils everywhere in the world and has nothing to do with personal hygiene. To prepared the fried rice correctly inevitably results in elevated cereulide levels in the final product. We're used to it, you're not.
No, i think the syndrome you're looking for is the : shit in my food and food lacking refrigeration syndrome.
But you're right for the last part, i'm not used to eating shit. Glad you can, though. Here's your shit-eater badge.
Yeah you just eat maggots in a bowl made of putrifying milk, surely a bowl of rice left on the counter for 6 hours is much worse than that
Bubble boy syndrome.
Stop shitting on your hands then, you sick fuck.
people are too anal about "cleanliness" these days. that's why there are so many allergies and superbugs. it's better to be exposed to small amounts of bacteria/viruses/etc. to develop a healthy immune system. then you won't be sick all the time.
No, you dumb fuck, stop spreading agribusiness propaganda. If you live a normal life, interacting with other human beings, touching doorknobs, eating raw fruits with the skin on, and so on, you get more than enough exposure to these "small amounts of viruses/bacteria/etc". You should still wash your hands after taking a dump because norovirus is horrible and you're a fucking disgusting slob
Superbugs are caused by large scale abuses of antibiotics, in particular CAFO livestock and physicians being unwilling to stand up to patients who think they know better than an MD. But the vast majority of antibiotics are used for meat. And before you start blathering about "sick animals" you should actually read up on what nontherapeutic antibiotics do, what their role is in the business. By definition, it is not about treating sickness, it is about boosting feed conversion rates.
I eat shit. I don't get sick.
Literally, I eat shit, I have always tongued any asshole of my mate but I've literally snuck into bathrooms to eat people's shit leftover on toilets
No health issues here
I'll wash my hands when I'm in a public place, but at home I just can't be assed to give a fuck.
i hope no one eats at golden corral anymore.
Your ass is actually relatively clean and less germy than other stuff youll be handling in your daytoday. So unless you dont wipe properly, all you reslly need is a rinse and a thorough dry. Pissing is the same, dont touch your dick or piss all over your hands and your fine.
When you begin cooking or prep work youre gonna wash your hands anyway, or should at least, so thats not a factor.
As long as you remember to keep clean before handling food youre fine. Touching your keyboard, doorknob, phone, etc, is literally more dirty than to rub your hands all over your ass cheeks before touching other things.
Kys your anal freakazoid
FYI, Urine is completely sterile so there is zero chance of "contamination" even if you did piss all over your hand
Feces is mostly harmless too unless the person who shat it out was carrying an infectious disease.
t. reddit scientist
People always say that because it sounds truthy and therefore it should be repeated, but it isn't true
Don't pee on your hands dumbass.
Damn. I did not know that. With that said, I looked into it and the research seems to be fairly inconclusive. The study they cite only found bacteria in 70% of the urine samples.
I promise you saw nothing compared to people eating and drinking on production lines of a fertilizer factory (yes in USA)
I wash my hands all the time and constantly when I'm cooking. It's basic sanitation. Hot water and soap are good things. USE THEM.
Absolutely fucking BTFO.
Building a healthy immune system has nothing to do with eating literal human feces because you / the people around you are disgusting sack of shit.
There's no reason to wash your hands after pissing unless you piss on your hands. Your penis is one of the cleanest parts of your body
I stick my fingers and tongue in my girlfriend's asscheeks all the time, no issues. Sometimes I wonder how germaphobes can have a sexy health life, but then I remember the germaphobes I've met and stay away from the robot boards.
I lived in china and the health standards were pretty bad
My favorite was a guy butchering chickens on the sidewalk behind his restaurant on top of a dirty piece of cardboard and 2 feet from a dumpster
>family gonna eat
>they wash hands
>take out trash or pet dog before they sit
>b-but i just washed my hands