Post the worst food/drinks they served at your school
I'll start
We had blue colored milk and it was called Birthday surprise Milk or some shit
It tasted like melted cupcakes
Post the worst food/drinks they served at your school
I'll start
We had blue colored milk and it was called Birthday surprise Milk or some shit
It tasted like melted cupcakes
Overcooked spaghetti.
I heard there was a pretty bad shooting at your school. Sorry for your loss.
only in america
Anyone else had those weird tacos at their school that came in plastic?
i wouldnt know because i hid in the bathroom at lunchtime
my schools didn't have food
our parent's packed our lunches because they love us
Cold lunch every day is a sad life
Buy Buy Local.Fresh.
We got a burrito in plastic bag and they were the shit
It beats the slop they served in the cafeteria line.
Fish sandwiches.
I thought I was the only one who did this.
>be obese kid
>nothing tastes bad
It's a popular American high school movie cliche
Do you niggers even realize the horror that was, and still is Finnish school food?
It may be free, but it tastes fucking disgusting.
Take example A:
Meat stew.
The stew itself: Almost clear liquid with chives and possibly fucking oregano and other unknown plants chopped in there.
The meat: small pieces of tough, ambiguous meat that doesn't taste like meat or nevertheless, food.
The entirety tastes like somebody who only drank water and ate spices vomited into a dish and put cooked rat anuses on top of it.
The drinks are a choice of milk, water or piimä.
Also this bread.
It was the only thing that sustained me all throughout elementary school along with porridge and fish sticks.
>this bread
thats a graham cracker
the "pizza" which was a 1.5 inch thick slab of dough with a bit of toppings on top
Those burger patties that are covered in those circles of God-knows-what. Is it fat? Why were there so many circles of fat on the patties?
Nope. You've clearly never had that before. It does have a crispy texture like a graham cracker, but it's not sweet in the slightest. It's a fiber bomb; very common in Scandinavia & nearby parts of Europe.
Wow finland is a shithole
Nothing like a yummy cafeteria burger
It was in fact tasteless. There was usually nothing to put on it except even more light, unsalted margarine. Cheese or cucumber slices were luxury shit.
And lord in heaven, when we had ham slices and rice porridge the last day before Christmas vacation, it was the feast of a lifetime.
Everybody fucking loved it.
I know.
People still think it's good that we have free school food though.
It shouldn't even be considered food.
That's actually why most people sneaked into nearby stores in highschool.
In elementary school that shit was impossible. The teachers had fucking hawk-eyes. Every time somebody took one step beyond the limits of the school yard, a teacher in a yellow reflective vest fucking sprinted after them and caught them. It was like a small-factor concentration camp of sorts.
I had friends but sometimes I couldn't be bothered with anyone so would just hide away somewhere.
Back in my Elementary School days we'd sometimes have pizza for lunch. This was before Michelle "Can't Get Obese If They Won't Eat" Obama's time.
The schools would have food distributors and of the bigger contractors had a line of small rounded pizzas that came sealed in tough plastic bags. The idea was to grab the frozen pizzas and warm them with the plastic still on them to retain moisture.
The pizza dough could range from stuff to doughy, the sauce was sweet as hell, and the "cheese" tastes of chemicals but it tasted so damn good to my child self.
That looks like a moon-rock m8.
Literally a fucking silithid nest straight out of World of Warcraft.
Those things are great though, I used to eat them all the time as a kid. I don't get how people hate them.
>I had friends but sometimes I couldn't be bothered
what you need to do is get the fuck off my board and never consider coming back
This. They're great with butter.
Honour is what makes a man, not friends, worry not brother for so long as we die believing is Christ and do what our God commands of us, nothing else matters.
fuck yeah
once i found one of those plastic wrapped burritos in the middle of the football field, i took it up to the cafeteria, microwaved it and ate it
shit was delicious
wtf nigga buttermilk (piimä) is absolutely disgusting
how can you even drink that
lmao i always thought those were rat anuses
>Buy Buy
I wish they'd learn how the written English language works.
Luckily the schools I were in never had disgraceful food or anything that was noteworthy bad. They had this awesome chicken curry though... Which wasn't much of a curry because no spice but all the elements of one. I miss it.
Still better than America
Michelle Obama
Ruined school lunches.
And she was fat herself.
That fat nigger bitch, never in her life ate the shit she imposed on millions of kids.
Fuck Michelle Obama.
I love crispbread. Send yours and I'll send you all our Wonderbread.
I get this shit half price discount at my local Safeway. The big supermarkets love the trendy imports but nobody ever buys them so I snatch them up when they end up on the discount shelf. .
These fucking lunch hotdogs. Amazingly, this image I googled is from a school district about an hours drive from where I grew up. They didn't even taste like a shitty hotdog, they just...absorbed the flavor of things around them, sort of like tofu I guess. The problem was the texture. Something about their composition, or the way they were cooked (boiled in a pot...steamed somehow?) rendered them a profound rubberiness, such that you could easily bend one in two without the dog breaking. If dropped, they would bounce instead of rolling. We had them at least once a week.
Not that bad compared to some people, but I did go to a pretty rich school.
She wasn't the one that instituted the system of corporations that supply prison food be responsible for providing the same food to schools. That's when it really went to shit and you have your red state legislatures to thank for that.
We don't have school lunches around here. However, we've once had the Potato Lady comming across who did a day where she tought us potato-based dishes (we were in elementary school). We've had multiple stations, and which we were supposed to prepare potato-based dishes. She gave us a sheet with a recipe and we were supposed to cook it alone, she only came around to occasionally check if we chopped of our fingers and to taste. Well, our station was about making Bratkartoffeln. We prepared them, but as they were ready, she came around and tasted it. She said that it was good, but lacked salt, so she added salt. A shit ton of salt. Then she tasted it again and said tht it was good. We were supposed to eat it too, so we ate it. And it was salty. It was absurdly salty. I still can taste the salt from the potatoes and it happened a decade ago.
calm down there man
Vastly underrated post
I don't even know.
Once you've had nothing but that for about 4 years straight you'll get tired of them.
I love a good burger, what's that a picture of though?
That looks better than the burgers they served when I was in school honestly.
Calm down pal. You could have just packed a lunch. And at least you don't have to eat it anymore.
All the finns I've met have bragged about the school food. You guys are internationally recognized for it too.
This isn't /r9k/, bruh.
I think the fact that it was may 4 whent this was posted is the best part
You shut your damn whore mouth right now.
Piimä is delicious.
You eat a lot of rat anuses, user?
My man, I loved those
Yes, when i eat that same stew.
It was a metaphor of course, the meat tastes like shit.
Piimä is good with savory foods. With sweet foods it tastes like shite.
This. I live in a blue state and my kid's lunches are really good, and we have actual trained cooks making the lunches in the cafeteria kitchen. Your state can afford so much nicer things when you aren't givin all your taxes to rich people, reddies
Feels bad man. I can't wait until she runs and young people will vote against her specifically because of this. My school was the shit. We had 12 different lines with various shit in each. We had popcorn chicken, cheeseburgers, pizza, tendies, and all that shit. But one by one they just got replaced. Popcorn chicken got a new coating and it didn't have that crunch anymore. Burgers buns were never white again. Pizza portions became smaller (though I never ate them so I don't know how the taste was impacted) and the tendies were changed as well. Before that, the worst thing was probably spaghetti. Sometimes we had new things that the school never gave us before. Some were shitty, but I can't remember anything in detail.
The two best things were both Pizza. One was in middle school where we had stuff crust pizza, and the other was that square cut sausage breakfast pizza. I'll probably try to replicate it one day because it was seriously great.
>it's good because it's free!
I've eaten finn school food for 12 years and it's okay
Sometimes it's really good, sometimes it's ass, but I hate the mindset that you can't criticize it because we didn't have to directly pay for it
I also hate the fags who only go "wah it's always shit wish we were in america with hamburgers and shit"
I'd still take it over lunch boxes and having to buy food any day
and yes the meat stews were shit for the most part but that was like once a week max
Yeah, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's shit. However, there have been small periods when school food was worse, and sometimes unedible.
Also remember hunger day porridge?
It was just fucking gross sludge.
No, it's not taxing rich people proportionately more
That's just being greedy
I love "birthday cake flavored" shit. I'd prbably like this smurf jizz.
I grew up in flyover hick land, and my high school did not allow students to bring their own lunch. You either bought disgusting shit lunch from them or didn't eat. Shameful really.
That's outrageous. I cannot believe a group of parents didn't take action, even suing if necessary, to get that absurd rule eliminated.
so did I and i packed my lunch every day
Yeah, it was fucking stupid. I would bring granola bars or nuts or whatever, but it was impossible to bring anything that needed to be kept cold. If you got caught they would actually throw your shit away.
30% meat glue, 30% cartilage, 5% heme, 10% beans (?), 25% corn?
Back before obongo came in and made inner city school food surprisingly not shit, we would get cornbread with raw corn kernals in it, as well as the bread being completely liquid on the inside. For pizza we had pita bread, ketchup mixed with spaghetti sauce, with some american and mozzarella cheese on top. We would always get served milk, never water, and the food that people didnt eat got set at a table to be served the next day. That led to a lot of kid's milks being completely solid.
Freshman year: sat with one friend
Sophomore year: sat with a group of people I only knew from middle school
Junior year: sat alone
Senior year: started going outside on the sidewalk to listen to music instead of going to lunch
Back in the 90s my cafeteria food typically consisted of this, both in grade school and high school (I attended from 1988-2000):
* Square Pizza, ultra thin crust (that was not crispy), with some kind of sausage that was almost powdery
* Mcdonalds McRib knockoff of some kind, the meat was fucking orange colored
* A Dollop of some kind of peanut butter stuff with honey in it I think.
* Chili
* Meatloaf, that tasted worse than the local homeless shelter's meatloaf
* Various vegetables, usually corn, typical canned quality
* Dry Cornbread
* Baloney Sandwich with a slice of American Cheese on it
* Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich (I discarded these)
* Chicken and Dumplings (I discarded this, watery).
* Chicken Noodle Soup
Cant think of many other options but those were the ones that most came to memory. Im a pizza guy so I love pizza in most of its forms/dorms. The square pizza was pretty much same or one step lower than a totinos party pizza, but id still kill it honest
Interesting, as just about everything served in my school was pretty great desu. Except maybe liver hamburgers.
The chinese food that they served. It was so salty and mushy it was inedible.
Something about that square pizza, I swear to god, it was addictive. So horrible, but I longed for the days they served that.
tiny cube pepperoni > crumbled 'sausage'
>shitty jail-tier food served by aging butch lesbians
Rehab the state paid for me to go to:
>kitchen fully staffed by decent cooks
>not spectacular but still Outback-tier food
>three meals a day made to order
>snack pantry accessible at any time we weren't busy with classes or counseling
B-b-but muh education.
>hey sycophant, take a note: let's hand out another award for teacher of the year so everyone thinks I support education as a top priority in funding. The natives are getting restless.
who drinks milk with a hot dog
Those kitchen niggers cooked a shoggoth!
Ever since the milk industry paid off the schools with their "got milk" campaign you drink milk with every meal.
Milk, or pay 1.50 for water every day.
Amen, user. Eventually they won't even have to put on a facade.
I bought these in Germany on vacation and they were so bad I tried to bring some back to the USA to prank people with, but the airport made me throw them away. It's for my own good.
Wasa is so good.
our lunches were good. except when they announced over the intercom it was vegetable medley day, then people went owww and be depressed all day.
When I was a kid, I went to a smaller Catholic school (less than 400 students) that originally did not serve lunches. The school ended up getting food service eventually, and since it was a small building, everything had to be prepared offsite and delivered. Besides the fact that the food would be lukewarm if you had one of the later lunch periods, the catering company or whatever the school had a contract with would sometimes fuck up really badly, so that the lunch would be stuff like frankfurters between 2 slices of whole wheat bread.
I remember my shithead friends and I would just make disgusting creations with parts of the lunch, like mixing coffee milk, Italian dressing, and apple juice together or some shit. It was all fun and games until you were the "volunteer" who had to take out the trash bags to the dumpster. The school got the cheapest trash bags available, and they were guaranteed to rip apart on the poor bastard who had to take them out (they tended to rip most when they were being put in the dumpster, so whoever was throwing them out would be covered in a stew of milk, capri sun, and whatever condiments were on the lunches).
Picture in your mind, a grilled cheese sandwich so hard... it becomes a hockey puck.
>historical revisionism
School food was trash during Bush, Clinton and Other Bush. There was nothing to ruin.
The meat is processed so finely that, when cooking, the fat and meat clump together and bubble up. It's actually a very similar texture to the bread in the bun, it just looks ten times more gross because it's meat not bread.
No, you're the normie if you can't understand not wanting to deal with people. Shits like you cause video games to have waifu sidekicks, making them unplayable for introverts who already have enough of people fawning over them in real life.
well, given milk was free with the meal and more or less forced on you, every fucking child in my elementary school. If you got chocolate or strawberry milk it was frankly a blessing, have you ever had plain milk with a fucking barely meat hot dog
my school's food was fucking dope
i guess the michelle obama shit just never hit us because for the 3 years we ate in the cafeteria, it was always great
Out school didn't allow you to go out to get food from a fast food place or buy anything from the vending machines because it was "competition with the cafeteria."
My School stopped carrying whole milk as a regular option by my second or third year. You could spend a dollar and purchase a pint of whole milk, but by my third or fourth year, the pints became 2% like the cartons. It was bad, but what was worse is my retarded friend at the time apparently didn't understand the difference between whole chocolate milk and 2% so every, and I mean EVERY fucking day he'd bitch about how "the milk changed, man" and how "even the big milk isn't good anymore. True Moo just sucks" no, faggot, it's 2%. Stop acting like this is an injustice. (it was a minor injustice, but he was the only one who probably cried himself to sleep over it.)
It looks like a processed blue waffle burger
poo in the loo