What do I do to start writing a novel? What should I do in the way of planning? I have overall themes, setting...

What do I do to start writing a novel? What should I do in the way of planning? I have overall themes, setting, very rough summary of the plot, and some characters in my head but that's about it.

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Just do whatever works. Writing is hard, that's all you need to know.

Seconded. A well-regarded female novelist of the present day once said she needed to write a few "practice novels" before she got any good at it. So take a moment to think about that.

On the bright side, it isn't too hard for someone to pound out a first draft in 6-8 months even if he's working a full time job. My advice would be not to stress over the draft itself and just focus on getting it done, keeping in mind that the next one (and the next...) will be better. I know this board skews young but sacrificing a couple years to learn how to write is NOTHING in the grand scheme of life.

Unfortunately there isn't much advice anyone can give you because everyone does it differently. Some do outlines, some don't. Some revise as they go, some wait until a draft is finished. Figuring out what works for you is one of the hardest parts of the process.

I just put words on the page; anything that at least gets me off my ass and writing. Once I have that, everything else just tends to follow naturally, like a stream of knowledge, following the path of least resistance.

I'll write the intro for you. Feel free to finish it.


The negro beast turned his head, his skin glistening in the light like oil extracted from an Arabian well.

'I finna fine me some white pussay' remarked the grinning negro, eventually pursing his giant lips together as he contemplated pounding a paper white playmate on that mild February evening.

'an- you know how much I love me sum white pussay'

The negro's nu-male friend let out a delayed laughter that was faker than the 2016 news cycle.

'H-ha...I suppose you're going to get yourself, what I believe you refer to in the urban community as, a "Snowbunny", heh?'

The nu-male eagerly looked around the room at the other black people in attendance for some kind of approval or perhaps affirmation. He received no such thing.

'Das da fing, you Lisa Simpson-looking muhfugga. YOU are the snowbunny. Now bend down and be my Ivanka Trump, Ho'.


It's rough but it has potential.

But how to wake up next day and not feel disgusted by it and delete everything?

What you're describing is progress and should be commended. Often times you only write the good stuff after having written some shit that you had to throw away.

simply epic

self control and restraint? or maybe a small sense of self-worth?

Sometimes I cringe at my own writing. It's difficult to feel good about it.


Like he said, progress.

it's beautiful, man

I'm three years into mine and am still working on the underlying structure.After thousands of pages of notes and hard-to-parse ramblings, several first chapters, "philosophy sheets" behind every major event and how they tie together...

Just start writing. whatever comes to mind, write it down. Once you feel thoroughly disgusted at what you've written, tear it down and rewrite it with the aim of keeping the good parts, throwing away the bad, and consolidating it all. You will become obsessed. This is good.

It's a love story m8


you write it down on paper in incomprehensible penmanship

that way you can't understand what was written at a glance, avoiding the knee jerk reaction of disgust, at least for a moment

if you can't understand what you wrote at all then there's no problem. it was probably shit anyway.

wtf is that you cow?

They are prompt cards Brian Eno made whilst working on Bowie's Berlin albums (I think that's when they were first used, at least, he might have used them for Another Green World too). They were to help him when stuck in a rut musically, but they can apply to several art forms

It's not progress if you're just deleting everything without trying to make it work through edits.

Actually, sometimes you gain more by not trying to fix what is broken. You could also get new ideas by just writing some bullshit that you later throw away.

Of course if you have something workable you could probably make a few edits and work with it. The important thing is to keep writing.

Study Flaubert's drafts : that's the way to do it. Write, delete, select, write, shout your novel if you need to, write and live it

thx m80
This might just work.

>The negro's nu-male friend let out a delayed laughter that was faker than the 2016 news cycle.

Personally, I just make the story up as I go, but I'll have the starting and ending points in mind before I start

Also write porn as a way of warming up, the more cringe the better. I'm serious. This will stop you from being nervous about what your ideas and what you put on the page.

outline, then add some "meat" to the outline, then write the finished product section by section

I feel like I'm pretty good at plotting and given a set of scenarios I could easily string them together into a story; however, I fucking suck at everything else, including characterization and style.

Wat do?

Maybe team up with someone with vice versa strengths and weaknesses? Co-authoring works well for some.

Is there some sort of place where I can upload my shit for people to read and give me tips?

Im in the middle of writing my first book and have 5k words down so far for the prologue and first chapter. I want to see if my vocabulary is on the middle school level and if I should start learning synonyms.

Yeah, Veeky Forums.

Is it cool to use a thesaurus? Sometimes I'll know what I want to say in like a dumb way but not know the right word and then use a thesaurus, is that a crutch?

Post in a pastebin itt

Of course. Duh.

The critique thread, newfag.
