How do you have your coffee Veeky Forums?
How do you have your coffee Veeky Forums?
In a mug.
In a thermos
I don't like coffee.
Thankfully the coffee machine at work also dispenses hot chocolate.
I don't drink coffee very often, usually just as an after dinner drink or in the afternoon with a pastry. But when I do, I drink it black. The rest of the time, I'm a tea drinker.
I would drink tea but my kidneys fucking hate me.
Black coffee for me :(
I've got IBS, so I would shit blood if I drank coffee. Not that the flavor is very nice.
like my men
ground up in the freezer
Half Hot Chocolate
Half Coffee
Bit of Espresso
Pan, Hot
Olive Oil
Lotsa cream lotsa sugar
Freshly ground the morning of. Hot water, French press, stir and a 4 minute wait. Served black.
Like my women.
Fair Trade
Single shot
Heavy cream
Chocolate milk
Caramel Syrup
Whipped cream on top
pair with a 15-whole-ancient-grain raw, extra fiber, naturagirl (tm) muffin.
Like my women
With cumin
Cold and black like my heart.
As black as midnight on a moonless night
A little bit of whole milk is the patricians choice
Cheers. This is the only way
Medium rare.
Used to flavour tiramisu which I will enjoy with a cup of tea.
As black as my wife's tennis coach.
Cream and five sugars.
This pic makes me giddy. You know why.
Less than a month to coffee and pie time.
with bourbon and a creamer I make myself with half-and-half and malted milk
I enjoy it
rude i don't drink coffee
Dark roast
Double shot
Frothed milk
Vanilla nesquick
two cubes sugar
sprinkle cumin
grated parmigiano reggiano
cherry to top
I can only have completely black or over the top sweet, nothing in between. When I do it sweet it's either Bailey's NA or powdered horchata mix and a bit of half and half.
Instant coffee of course.
If it's well made coffee or a nice blend, I'll take it black.
If it's shit coffee or prepared by a moron, it gets turned into a sugary cream slurry, and nothing of value will be lost.
Green mountain breakfast blend k-cup with 1tbsp of original coffee m8 cream and 3 tsp of sugar
usually a bit of half and half but recently been drinking it black
Black and very bitter. Caffeine has no effect on me, so I just drink it for taste. But if I can't eat I'll drink 2/3 very strong coffee 1/3 milk to get some calories
With a spoonful of hot cocoa mix. There's a container of it at work and now I don't think I can go back to creamer.
Also I used to do this:
1 egg yolk, whisk with 1-2 tbsp sugar until almost white
brew cofee with spices, i.e. allspice, anis, cinnamon sticks, vanilla, nutmeg, etc
add 30-100ml of rum into coffe (it depended on my mood)
add yolk
10/10 found this recipe somewhere it was called "Swedish coffee"
but I gave up drinking (btw without alcohol it was still good) and don't like sweet coffee anymore
The only proper way black.