What have companies done that made you a loyal customer for life?
What have companies done that made you a loyal customer for life?
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Chick-fil-A was the only company who had the balls to stick to their views on gay marriage. Even though they caught a lot of flack they didn't back down.
Yeah it took some cojones to tell their existing customer base of fast food eating Southern Baptists that god hates fags, who could have imagined the reaction? Now all those orthorexic elitists from up north will NEVER come down to Georgia to devour a cheap sandwich, how will Chick Fil A even survive?
What the fuck is that image
Dumb New Yorkers line up or Chick-Fil-A.
But they'll line up for anything.
Made a good product that isn't overpriced
Man, Yankees are retarded.
i like cedar phoenicia because they use actual normal ingredients in stuff like rose water and tahini instead of chemical slurry so i tend to buy their stuff over other brands
>What have companies done that made you a loyal customer for life?
made a product that I like
I see why secessionists still exist in your country, you are a smarmy condescending cunt and never forget that everyone visits the south because that's the only place in the USA with culture.
>everyone visits the south because that's the only place in the USA with culture.
This isn't true.
this is correct opinion.
Got invited to a brooklynn beer/ streetfood pairing party hosted by Garrett Oliver, happy to talk beer and boyvdoes he know his food. top bloke got some decent merch and he never wanted a penny. Don't always get the Brooklyn beers I like here but I won't hear a bad word said against Garrett
The south and New England then.
>everyone visits the south because that's the only place in the USA with culture
This is what southerners ACTUALLY believe
Denzel Washington makes beer now?
Southern culture is just rural culture with some manufactured dixie crap.
Actual Southern culture died in the civil war and reconstruction.
Why yes indeedy that's right Mr sir he done been gone making that beer for a good long while now yes indeedy
Holy shit the absolute delusion, you cant possibly be a real person hahahahahaha
>make miniature plane out of mentos
>fly at coke zero towers
Do tourists really come here?
I'm not an American
Nothing, because brand loyalty is retarded.
Funnily enough, rural areas are where you find the culture of a nation so your post is moot
So you're trying to argue about something you don't know.
>rural areas are where you find the culture of a nation so your post is moot
It doesn't change my post in anyway.
If oxycodone, simmering white rage, and mult-generational incest are "culture" then I'm happy to be a cultureless city person
>rural areas are where you find the culture of a nation
Funnily enough, rural people in every culture are exactly the same. Sure, some practise a different form of voodoo stick worshipping, but their attitudes are interchangeble. You could pick up a white trash southern rural specimen, plop them down in rural Siberia, Italy, France or Afghanistan, and they would feel right at home with the viewpoints of the residents.
how is this not disrespectful?
t. euro who gets all his information from /pol/ and has never met someone who lives in the south or ever visited the south in the summer... or fall... or winter... or spring...
That is just as true respectively as wrong with urban folk, though.
Nothing. Every company I ever worked for or patronized was a cold-blooded, bottom-line-minded snake. The nice people get pushed out of business, just like they get pushed out of the way socially and in every other human endeavor.
We'll, it mostly is disresepctful because if they had used Diet Coke 12 packs it would have given off a better, iconic aesthetic by more closely resembling the twin towers. But they decided to fuck it up and it looks like two wanna Sear's towers.
Nothing. I'm not loyal to any corporations. They don't really do shit for me, other than have shit I need to buy. I go where my money can buy the best quality affordable. Period.
You're no southerner. Do you know how I can tell?
Now try again in intelligible english, retard.
A Chick Fil A opened near me lately, but sadly it is an express, so they don't have a full menu.
You seem upset.
Makes sense which is too good for this thread
Fuck off retard
Yes to Atlanta. The best southern city.
Fuck off not an argument
>What is new Orleans
>What is Miami
>What is nothern Georgia
>What is Nashville
Etc etc etc
Yes and it's true, what do you have, New York and some flyover states?
>someone makes a legitimate thread
>two people hurf durf and single handedly convert it into regionalist shitposting
>customer base of fast food eating Southern Baptists
you fucking got something against southern babtists?
fuck off, euroshit catholic cocksucker
>the south because that's the only place in the USA with culture.
Atlanta pride parade, 2014.
>euroshit hates religious freedom
>hate freedom of speech
Lul no guns.
>Yes to Atlanta
Why would foreigners waste their trip coming here.
>southern culture
> visiting atlanta
It would be a real education for europoors.
I really don't think any foreigners could understand how degenerate, shitty, violent, & entitled 'Merican niggers are.
Atlanta is fine...
>Yes to Atlanta. The best southern city.
I'd argue Nashville or N'Orleans over N'glanta. Hell, Savannah is nicer than N'glanta.
New Orleans is a degenerate sinkhole, that smells like fish.
That's how you know it's cultured
>I really don't think any foreigners could understand how degenerate, shitty, violent, & entitled 'Merican niggers are.
typical southern niggers are an uniquely 'Merican embarrasment
There's certainly a lot of apocalypse-tier areas in N'Orleans, but it's loaded with history, has great food, and the nice parts are pretty unique.
>What is et cetera
Diversity or some shit
Fuck off
>typical southern niggers are an uniquely 'Merican embarrasment
Nah, the worst are the northern and coastal brands from places like Chiraq, Nigtroit, and L.A..
Most of the southern blacks are easy going by comparison.
>not Chicongo
>not Detriot
You forgot Shitcongo, chief.
>Fuck off
You really think Miami is southern culture lol?
It's a shit hole but better than the irrelevant shit in the North
If heroin, self-hating white guilt, and multi-generational homosexual degeneracy are "culture" then I'm happy to be a dumbass redneck.
>multi-generational homosexual degeneracy
Eat a dick, you fucking hoosier
>typical southern niggers are an uniquely 'Merican embarrasment
couldnt and shouldnt you say the same about whites from the south?
Being an east coast fag I get the privilege of having Sheetz and Wawa, very dedicated to both but I go to Sheetz more even though Wawa has better food.
As if those 2 aren't as deeply ingrained in white trash culture as the coastal cities. Rednecks just pretend they don't exist. And instead of white hatred you substitute hatred for anything non-white. The only difference is on the coasts you can find art, theatre, music and interesting food. You lose, once again Cletus.
Ive been on holiday to america twice, the first time I went all over. The second time I stayed only in the south, san diego, san antonio, austin etc. NYC and the east side fucking sucks and the west side of california, LA etc is so fucking overrated. Ive got better beaches like 5 mins from my house in australia and no fucking lame fuckheads everywhere.
If someone bought me tickets to america again i probably wouldnt go. Just not worth the time.
Mexico or canada id go in a heart beat.
By not being a fragile little american babby. Americlaps couldnt dismantle the two towers and get their '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''diet ((((SO HEALTH))))''''''''''''''''''''''' coke so they whined about being offended or some dumb american shit.
>implying I live in flyover country
>>make miniature plane out of mentos
>>fly at coke zero towers
>What have companies done that made you a loyal customer for life?
There is literally nothing a company can do that would make me a loyal customer for life. I'm just revenue to them, they'll change their policies when it's convenient or profitable to do so.
Being 'nice to customers' is a marketing decision to retrain market share, not a noble act.
Did you go to any national parks?
Dude, you've got some serious issues.
>hurr cities are bad
>durr rural is bad
do you fucktards ever get tired of this? god damm it's like every thread. everyone knows city people are better, can't we just accept the facts and move on?
You're mixing up smarm and snark
when chick fil a said they hate gays i was hooked.
anyone know what source?
I kind of want to see it in context
>I see why secessionists still exist in your country, you are a smarmy condescending cunt
>As if those 2 aren't as deeply ingrained in white trash culture as the coastal cities.
niggers are the gayest, nigga.
This is the most 'merica thing I've ever seen
>go to Lowe's Foods
>store manager comes over on the speaker
>"The fresh chicken is coming out onto the shelves, you know what time it is!"
>Wonder what time it could possibly be...chicken placement time?
>The Chicken Dance starts playing
>any employee not helping a customer shuffles to the produce aisle and start doing the Chicken Dance
>I stare in absolute horror at the complete humiliation of the store's employees
I wish I was making this shit up. I've never felt so bad for an employee in my life, it was humiliating. I actually complained to the management about it. Unsurprisingly they didn't give a fuck.
there is no food company that I am custama4lyfe
Sounds like you didn't even bother going anywhere actually cool.
This isn't culture, this is degeneracy
Bet their early morning pep talk goes something like this
"So remember my little wage slaves! If you're not busy you better do the chicken dance or consider yourselves out of a job!"
Stretch, I think.
I'm not a racist, I'm a realist. you can't even say gas the kikes race war now anymore, the political correctness has gotten totally out of control
For me it's Bepis
>Complaining about muricashilling in Walmart of all places
What exactly were you expecting, user?
But you just said it.
>w-whitey be fuckin' dey moms!
Your projection will do you no good here, DeShawniqua.
Leatherman multitools.
Bought a set of them on ebay. The more expensive waves were in rough shape. Sent them in to them. They fixed one of them. The other was an older wave and they just sent me a new one with a nice case.
Hassle free. All i did was fill out a support ticket and told them what was wrong with each item. Within 10 business days of sending i had them back.
>Only place with culture
It's also the place with the fattest American slobs, the highest concentration of Mexicans and Blacks, a drug problem, and complete retard manpussies that talk out their ass while sporting a faggot moustache.
Y'all can shoot yourselves in the head