Why do you drink this shit?

Why do you drink this shit?

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I don't.

You know what's too corrosive to put in a can even with special liner to prevent corrosion?

your stomach acid.

You know what damages your esophagus and mouth whenever it's not in your specially lined stomach? Stomach acid

god i hate puking

it always comes out through my nose and hurts like hell

Where's the source?
14% isn't a very high number.
Energy drinks are shit anyways.

>no citation
I'll be assuming it's talking about the concentrate used to dilute into actual drinkable liquids, which you're not supposed to fucking drink, in the same way that you're not supposed to eat a pound of tablesalt.


I already know the modern aluminum can is a brilliant design.

I drank two cans of coke per day every single day from 12-21. Then I started drinking and smoking weed and I realized I didn't want to have too many bad habits so I stopped drinking sodas. I immediately lost 20 pounds, got in the best shape of my life and was hit by a boost of energy, all while still smoking weed and drinking beer everyday. I haven't had a soda in like 4 years now.

It's amazing how bad those things are for you and how ubiquitous they are in American life, but also around the world.


I don't. I dont even drink soda.
I do have a soft spot for juice though, as sugary as it is.

>I do have a soft spot for juice
>I do have a soft spot

It is called your fat folds

try harder next time

The same reason i drink liquid i can run my suv on. Ethanol for you fags who are wondering.

t. Huehuehue

>throw up
>keep feeling it in my nose and nothing i do can get rid of it
why did you have to remind me

seriously bro you gotta stop

>What is chemistry

Tastes good and gives me energy. Coffee is the least refreshing beverage on earth. Hot or iced.

>mushrooms are 50% carcinogens by mass, why are you eating it?
This is you, this is how you sound.