What are good books for a 15 years old / teen to read?

What are good books for a 15 years old / teen to read?
I'm just thinking for someone.

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The Greeks. Not memeing either. All you need is a solid basis of mythology and then you can jump straight in to some really cool stuff. It was around that age that I first read Sophocles and that's what really got me into literature.


Mark Rippetoe - Starting Strength

The teen in question is a female but she likes any book.

Just give them some patrician Veeky Forums, they are old enough for it.

You have to start 'em young

Is swann's way good for a 15 years old?

Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials trilogy
It's seemingly YA-ish with its fantasy setting and teenage characters, but is actually surprisingly deep. Gave me a lot of food for thought when I was a teen myself.
Norton Juster - Phantom Tollbooth
Concentrates on bizarre and fantastic (but also thought provoking) situations rather than plot. If she likes worldbuilding in fantasy novels,she should love this book, since it's superior in that regard to every other novel I know of.
Jeff Smith - Bone
A 9-tome comic. The story is a relatively simple fantasy adventure, but is nicely executed.
A collection of Greek myths could be nice as well. I read Schwab and enjoyed him, but there could be better collections. (Schwab is known for toning down the sexual elements.)

Nah. Proust is difficult to most adult readers, a 15 year old would probably give up after 10 pages.


beat me to it

I gave a 15 year old Lolita to read and she loves it when I call her Lolita now
If you're grooming her, give her Lolita

You are being too patronising, give the kids a challenge. I started reading Veeky Forums lit when I was 15, and boy was I ambitious. It was honestly because of the influence I had, and people talking about good Veeky Forums to me; I just had a little initiative, 'tis all.

A younger kid could, and has, read Proust.

If you want your kid to read good books, give them good books. They are not stupid dogs, just nudge them and talk about the book to them so they understand it.

>15 year old

only think needing grooming is probably that hairy old hag cunt of hers

Mein Kampf
Unibomber manifesto
Catcher in the Rye

She's far too old for grooming.


I'm convinced 90% of Veeky Forums are high-schoolers

Jules Verne is great for younger readers imo.

>pic related


Something whimsically insightful, i dont recommend fiction. Depends what they're into and if/how you want the books to be influential.
I'd say 19th century lit is good for making romantic thinkers.

stuff i read and enjoyed around that age:

catcher in the rye
franny & zooey
travels with charley

I liked dune when I was about that age. I think I was also starting to get into Shakespeare.

Underrated post

shakespeare (give them hamlet)
kerouac if they're an edgelord


This WILL be looked back on as one of the greatest literary achievements of the decade, perhaps longer.

cat in the hat
red fish blue fish

maybe some huckleberry finn

Im not even gay but that cover makes my loins sweat

But we're fresh out of John Lennons to shoot, that would be a waste of time

are thinking for 7 years old?

Every post-modernism philosophy author.

underage GTFO

I read Camus and Bukowski and enjoyed it