The majority didn't vote for your emperor. Fortunately, the majority of citizens are concerned enough about corporations feeding us toxins, poisons and unnecessary chemicals that it hurts their ability to worship Mammon, so they change for the better. You can't stop the growing tide of people from demanding unadulterated food just because the electoral college elected a corporate sycophant.
Nothing I like better than seeing a backwards fuck like OP pissed. Burn in hell fag
ahh! its the scary GMO boogeyman! we're all gonna die only redneck fucking white male christfag Drumpf supporters support delicious and healthier foods
Being anti gmo and anti meat-pumped-full-of-drugs isn't remotely the same thing. GMOs are fine. Hormone and drug addled meat is not.
That said enjoy your replies.
You dumb duck, antimicrobial resistance is a huge fucking issue, and its worth it. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". I'm a conservative republican, and my background in medicine lead me to believe that antibiotics in our meat will eventually generate multidrug resistant bugs like its normal
Doesn't matter. KFC fell the fuck off years ago and likely will never recover. They'll never ger my business, anyhow
Enjoy the future MDR-TB pandemic OP. I know you're all fucked because you're all pasty faced nu-males afraid to look at dirt and have no immune systems - hell, you may as well be AIDS patients for how fucked you're all going to be once it hits. Enjoy dying painfully!
this. don't be a fucking purist lolbertarian.
Are you afraid you'll die without your dose of antibiotics filled chicken?
You are still Allowed to ingest unnecessary antibiotics on your own if you like. Most of us aren't fucking retarded like you OP so deal with it or better yet kill yourself.
hello monsanto shill
I'm libertarian leaning and I think cutting down on anti-biotics in food is a good idea.
lol they still use growth hormones in 3rd world country chicken
Way to get BTFO
Looks like you need to head back to your echo chamber /pol/
I'm sorry, but who runs this country again? Yeah, us. Shut the fuck up, shill.
False flag bait OP do not post in this thread
You are rather misinformed if you believe that GMO = Antibiotics.
Using antibiotics in farm meat, especially at the rate we do now will create a superbug, we have very few super-antibiotics left, a lot of them lost their power because of overusage on farm animals. Others lose their effect because idiots ask for antibiotics for everything, even the common cold, and when they get it they don't finish the pack, leaving few, now potentially resistance bacteria.
We need to be fucking careful with antibiotics or one day we'll have a super bug that might wipe out humanity, this has nothing to do with left or right in politics. (Also I'm Pro GMO, it's just fucking science).
Yep definitely a /pol/ fag
>we do now will create a superbug, we have very few super-antibiotics left
Good. Maybe it will kill off all the bubble boy liberals?
think real hard who eats KFC
you can do it
Niggers, this is some Faggot that comes here and posts stuff like this, it's bait. People complimented it when it first came out.
>lol they still use growth hormones in 3rd world country chicken
Do Americans really do this (still)?
First world countries gave up hormones in chicken growth years ago
What are you doing America
No, growth Hormone is not used in american chicken. This is in fact illegal in America.
I don't understand why Antibiotics is bad. Why don't they want the chickens to be healthier?
Admittedly the only way they could actually make the chickens healthier is if they were free range and not packed into a fucking indoor football field to roll in their own shit and corpses.
Nothing special. Just allowing the benevolent corporations to poison our food in the manner that makes them the most profit.
>I don't understand why Antibiotics is bad. Why don't they want the chickens to be healthier?
drink bleach, agribusiness shill
this has got to be bait
no it genuinely didn't occur to me superbugs could carry over even though I was aware of over taking antibiotics to be a problem in humans leading to more resistant bacteria.
Now that I understand this, it makes far more sense, and antibiotic control is definitely needed
Chicken should still be free range.
even if antibiotics in animals didn't create superbugs that could infect humans, wouldn't it be bad enough to create superbugs that then decimate the livestock itself?