Quila and the Dew, what's your poison?
Let's get lubed up boys
I have this disgusting shit, I rarely drink, but I'm all done with my classes for the semester, and got really good grades. That said I am trying to get obliterated, what should I mix with it? Or should I just take it down dry tonight?
Isn't the soda enough poison on it's own?
Cheap vodka and monster
7UP, lemon, add blue curacao if you want fancy puke
Was gonna do the first suggestion, so it looks like I'll be doing this. Thanks for the tip.
Mmm never tried pomegranate. Maybe an energy drink? Never can go wrong with cherry dr pepper or cherry coke as a mixer.
Congrats on classes btw, I just got done as well. Ready to celebrate!
straight rum or straight whisky
if you drink anything else you are underage
rum is pretty underage
gin is where it's at
I just do it plain with lime juice
If there a more nu-male move than caring how other people drink their liquor?
Green river and whatever cheap vodka I can find
Is there a copycat recipe for Zero Ultra I can make without all the energy shit?
Turns out it's a pretty good mixer with some gin, but it would be nice if it were just a bit healthier than what basically amounts to Four Loko.
holy fuck. i hope you're all college age and don't know any better because there's no other excuse.
even if you are broke as shit, you are simply mixing hideous things together like utter plebs.
if you have vodka, mix it with soda water or tonic. if you have tequila, mix it with juice. if you need the caffeine, that's when you do a rum and coke or a whiskey and coke.
guys it's not hard to drink something good. just don't be this retarded, please. this is like a cringe thread.
You seem like quite the master cocktail afficionado, but I bet even someone with such a refined and superior palate as yourself has yet to try pic related. Why don't you try it some time?
>master cocktail afficionado
i provided literally the most basic information on how adults drink. you're embarrassing yourself. go back to middle school.
Currently drinking this
nice try gatekeeping
not related to any previous conversations
but i mix random shit all the time. Most of the drinks you are talking about just aren't good and the people who pretend that they are, are just fuck heads.
Its 1923 anymore, you can get more than some 200 year old recipe ingredients.
At the end of the day if people like what theyre tasting who are you to tell them their taste buds are wrong or make it out like its nontraditional or some gay shit.
I like a good bloody mary but i make it with spiced v8 tomato juice so i dont have to carry all the spices or anything to make it nice.
Also like midori and mountain dew or fireball and vanilla coke. My fav is probably baron samedi and dry.
Drinking plain Smirnoff neat out of a tin cup.
Listening to Black Metal and browsing Veeky Forums.
Pretty comfy.
this is what i get for trying to help you out. well, i've learned my lesson.
I mix bourbon, ultra zero, and bitters. Surprisingly quite good, I call it the Power Sour.
>listening to black metal
Sorry to be so rude but how the fuck do you even consider that shit music?
Reminder that shitting on musical taste is the ultimate sign of a pleb.
tequila and corona
I have instant ice tea mix and gin. Apparently there was a mistake and a bunch of Bombay had to be recalled because it was 77% alcohol. Needless to say as soon as I found out I went straight to the liquor store and bought some. Don't think I got a lucky bottle :/
Russian Standard and Sangria Mountain Dew
Cheapest vodka possible with lemonade, or ice and water if I'm extra poor, 50/50
That's hilarious, some lucky al/ck/s must've had a nice surprise. I wonder if the store would've heard about it and just taken it off the shelves to send back. Should've asked them if they had it in the back. Did this just happen? I might go down and ask my store tomorrow.
I wouldn't drink mountain dew by itself
I'd down an entire bottle of moonshine before I touch dew
For me it's Misty and Coke.
There's literally NOTHING more refreshing than an ice cold Dew.
>i hope you're all college age
>and don't know any better
whats better that what all those people posted? I certainly hope it isn't some bitter "it's a refined taste" garbage
Dissarono and coke usually, taste like Dr Pepper
However it's getting sunny now and this is my life nectar when it does
Vodka and milk
diet coke and 99 xpresso (schnapps)
every other day until I black out
Captain morgans chasing with apple juice. Going to fire up the bbq and cook some burgs later
My buddy and his friend and a bunch of faggots. Bought some tequila a few weeks ago and they're all like
>Omg it's sooo strong! We mixed it with everything and we can't drink it!
>check label
>only 80 proof
>no stronger then the Captain or Jim they like to drink
>swig from the bottle
>have to chase it with beer to keep from puking
>tell the the problem isn't that it's strong, just that it tastes like shit
So tell me, Veeky Forums. What mixes well with tequila to make it not taste like dog piss?
Orange juice is my go-to. I really don't like vodka but I think the citrus in the orange juice makes it tolerable.
Caring how other people like their steak or chili.
>What mixes well with tequila to make it not taste like dog piss?
Citrus is the classic mixer for Tequila. Think about all the common drinks with it: Margaritas, Tequila sunrise, etc.
Mountain dew is (nominally, anyway) a citrus flavor so OPs combination is not that bad...
Is it okay to mix beer with coke? I just don't like the taste of beer. Or like beer and water?
I care heavily about steak, it's expensive. not an every day sort of "treat" if you're normal.
Okay you can enjoy ONE fucked up steak cooked too long. big fucking deal.
but you can cook it longer if you have shit taste.
It's the exact same argument you have with women over the tempreature of the building. You cannot take off more clothes to feel cool, but these bitches want to run the thermostat to feel warmer because they don't want to wear sweaters (which means they can't make the work day about themselves and their fashion bullshit)
you can't take back and overcooked steak, but you can fix it.
Russian standard mixed with regular water, or just shots. On the rocks is fine too.
Honestly who in the fuck actually drinks beaner juice? It is filth. I will stick with Canadian beer, thank you very much.
how is moose piss any better than beaner juice
I can't drink that without shuddering are there any good mixers for it?
Vodka mixes with anything.
If you take a shot daily you'll get used to it. I like the shudder feeling sometimes.
Because it has no flavor except that of pure alcohol.
We have excellent microbreweries in Leafland. Also, Alexander Keith's is a great mainstream beer, I recommend that you try it.
Dilute it with SOME water and lime juice (from the little plastic squeeze lime) and then even chase that diluted shit. Tequila can be more horrid than cheap vodka like SKOL
For me it's the New Amsterdam gin and lime flavored tonic with a slice of lime, the thinking man's cocktail.
I just mix vodka with anything
>vodka with shitty Nescafé
>vodka with vanila yogurt
>vodka with chocolate milk
I try to keep it away from things I like to drink. iced tea, diet dr. pepper, water. mix it with shitty off brands or something you have once in a great while, like chek cola, sam's club sierra mist flavor, a monster energy drink.
The kind of person who would say quila instead of tequila is the kind of person who needs to return to reddit