I want to lose weight, but I can never get full.
What is my problem?
I want to lose weight, but I can never get full.
What is my problem?
Having access to food.
eat more fats
eat more filler like rice, potatoes
You fat bro.
Eat more veggies. Learn that it's okay to be a little hungry all the time. Drink more water
eat more healthy fats and protein. eggs and avocados are pretty based.
You have to want to lose more weight than you want to be full.
just prepare or buy a small portion and then quit fucking eating until the next meal you worthless shit
Do keto
>Learn that it's okay to be a little hungry all the time
Stop eating until you feel full, just plate a reasonable portion of food and eat that.
Initially, you'll need to plate smaller portions to lose weight, after you get to a healthy weight, you can go back to adult portions.
Drink water
You ate so much your stomach stretched to have a bigger capacity than it should. Deal with being hungry and eat the right amount of calories until it shrinks back to a normal size.
>I want to lose weight, but I can never get full.
>What is my problem?
not understanding that it's ok to feel hungry and not having self control.
>but I can never get full.
Thin people are thin because they are used to being hungry.
You're fat because you're always stuffing your face trying to stay full.
fuck you im an american..go big or go home! YOLO
FRIGG off Randy
>Showing that tiny steak.
Size is relative, fatass.
Stay fat.
stop using food as a cure for boredom
occupy your mind and body
>mayo with your fries
you bring shame to senpai-uh-ri
The less you eat, the smaller your stomach will get, which means you'll feel full sooner.
You need to have some g'damn discipline and quit shoving food in your fat face.
Drink water throughout the day flavored with a slice of lemon or lime. That'll help until you can finally develop some discipline.
frick off we aint got no cheeseburgers for you randy
Same problem. I just chug like a gallon of water a day & lots of exercise in order to eat like a fat fuck but not being one. Also muh bulk.
>I want to lose weight, but I can never get full.
>What is my problem?
abstain from all fat
eat bean dishes and whole wheat bread. avoid rice and pasta.
Bruh that's nothing
You're a fatty fat fat fat
drink a lot of water before every meal and with the meal, it'll fill you up.
also track calories and learn to hate yrself
Damn dude, you chug a whole gallon? That's metal as fuck.
Your stomach is stretched, give it some rest. That means no big meals, no drinking beer or soda. Eat maximum one loaf of bread and some topping (or anything else but equivalent in size). Then wait at least 40-50min before eating anything else. Also do not drink more than one glass of water or tea. Do not drink any soda it releases gases and pumps your stomach. After few weeks you will feel difference, you will not need large meal to feel full.
Next step is doing fasting, you extend periods of not eating teetwen small meals. Stretch that time as much as you want.
Alternative to that is stomach surgery which is much worse than feling hungry.
its cause you are eating too much carbs, wrong food will do that to you, read this article if has some good insight
This!! Use smaller plates too. And skip breakfest.
Refined carbs and processed foods.
I've gained 12kg of muscle in the last year and a half while losing 7% bodyfat. I did it by doing a couple small changes in diet-
1. Stop drinking calories. There's no reason to other than smoothies to take away hunger once you get really low bodyfat, but until then just don't.
2. Cut out almost all processed foods. The exception is things like yogurt and cheese but the general rule is If you can make it yourself, don't buy it pre-made.
3. Eat more veg. This is the biggest thing and the easiest to do because you're actively trying to eat MORE volume. It just so happens that you're eating less calories in the process. Leafy greens, celery, asparagus, cucumber etc are all pretty much negligible calories and you can eat them all day if you want. Over time your tastebuds and gut bacteria will shift and you will enjoy veg more than you do now but learning to cook properly is also important.
4. Low carb for cheat mode. I used to piss all over keto (and still do because the hype and bullshit is everywhere) but low carb diets work and work well- carbs increase water retention and inflammation but more importantly increase appetite skewed towards refined foods in particular. Cut carbs down by eating more leafy veg and less processed foods and everything gets easier and easier.
5. Working out is great and strength training in particular makes your TDEE skyrocket and everything easier. But this is just a bonus and diet is the main thing- you can't out-train a shitty diet after all.
That's it. God speed fatties.
Eat less sugar and starches
Take probiotics
Eat slowly
Fast intermittently (tl;dr: skip breakfast)
Drink water all the time
But then you'll be peeing all the time.
Yes...and? So what?
That sounds really annoying. Going 2-3 times is already annoying.
user if I drink lots of water and have little food will it shrink my stomach still?
Eat much more slowly- chew your food well, pause in between bites, enjoy the taste, and eat just using the tip of your fork. It takes time for your body to get the message that food is inside you and to stop producing hunger hormones and start releasing satiated hormones. Eat much much slower and that will help you feel fuller.
You dont exercise.
This isn't a brilliant source itself but it explains what's going on regarding hunger hormones and satiation well. sciencemag.org
You lack willpower and for some reason you think you need to eat until you're full. You're a fat fuck, of course you're not going to feel full on a diet meant for you to lose weight.
>can't get full
You are never supposed to feel full you fat fucking fagget. You just eat until you aren't hungry anymore. That's why your fat.
>I want to drink less alcohol but I can never get blackout drunk now, what's my problem?
>only 2 posts recommending to eat more vegetables
eat more vegetables
you can never eat too many
(potatoes don't count)
Lack of nutrients. Get a product like Green Vibrance and take it every day. Your appetite will be curbed by the nutrition and your skin will look amazing. Pricey though.
You can eat as much as you want as long as it's all leafy green shit
Or just take a multivitamin.
Not as good. Your body has a difficult time absorbing the nutrients from those. Having taken both the green drink has a much more noticeable effect.
Is this one of those pyramid scheme "health foods" sold by soccer moms?
Why'd they give the monkey a butt plug?
take a sweet potato
stabby stab stab
nuke it
bonus points for adding some nutritional yeast on top
Fuck off randy, you cheeseburger eatin' mafakkah