so how much food have you shitcanned this week so far Veeky Forums?
look at them.
so how much food have you shitcanned this week so far Veeky Forums?
look at them.
A dumptruck full of pasta. I hate bowties.
Jokes on them I don't eat. When will they realize westerners drink booze, smoke a few cigs and forget that food actually exists?
wtf i want to start throwing away more now
Why don't they eat dirt? its everywhere and has many minerals and vitamins
Chicken bones and some shiitake mushrooms that tasted terrible, not like the other ones I usually buy.
>live in desert
>have shit infrastructure
>food is scares
Literally nothing, I am poor.
what am i supposed to do, box up a bunch of leftover food and mail it to them so it spoils on the plane ride over?
Nope, you're supposed to give up your life savings to (((Casey Neiistat))). he'll appropriate the funds as needed.
How about stop letting African men get away with rape so there won't be as many starving African rape babies and stop enabling these rapists by sending them food.
Stop giving Africans foreign aid and there will be far fewer starving African kids in a few years
Oh my heart breaks for these poor innocent lambs! I'm gonna do something about it! Starting right now I'm going to care more!
*goes back to vidya gaymes*
>farmers in U.S. struggling to find people to pick their crops
>Africa full of people who would do anything for a bowl of food
this gives me an idea
If this same thread were made in /k/, some butthurt antifafag would already be crying about "nazis" of some shit.
>stop giving africans foreign aid
>parents start eating their children
I have no problems with this to be honest
What is their address? I will mail them my vegetable trimmings and meat scraps.
Feeding into an exploding African population is only feeding into disaster. Africa's population is exploding with nothing to show for it. Genetic pollution.
Don't be racist, let them die in squalor
I'll waste more food and think of them while doing it.