According to this video, South Korean pizza is unhealthier than pizza from the U.S! How dare they make something less healthy than what we make! America need to take back our legacy! Order all your pizzas with extra grease Americans!
According to this video, South Korean pizza is unhealthier than pizza from the U.S! How dare they make something less healthy than what we make! America need to take back our legacy! Order all your pizzas with extra grease Americans!
Do koreans really do this?
>listening to korean babes smack their lips
that's my fetish
>x tries y food videos
highly cancerous
Do any of the koreas have their OWN culture at all?
Before japan annexed them, they would just steal japanese/chinese culture and after they were split, n korea took all their culture from the soviet union and s korea took theirs from the US.
The whole kpop fag boy thing was taken from early 2000s japanese visual kei bands where everyone was in drag
This. Seems like advertising
/int/ shitposter
Somehow I think there must have been a misunderstanding during the translation process. The only way you would describe Detriot-style pizza as healthy, would be in the same way that pic related would be described as healthy.
Is this Methonium's work?
Nice guess. It's actually from [Fukumaaya] Overrunner (Megamori!)
Awesome, thanks user!
Scoring bbw hentai on Veeky Forums whodathunkit?
Actually pickles and pizza sounds D A N K
Considering how greasy detriot, chicago, and even some NY-variants can be the acid of fermented pickles would make sense to cut through as a side dish to refresh the palate between slices. Not sure about the kimchi though, it's such an acquired taste.
Yeah exactly. I never would have thought to try it but it does sound good. Not sure about B&B pickles like they were saying though. Regular dill would be better.
no. seoul is like one big american shopping mall. soulless shithole.
They arr rook the same
Does Japan have their OWN culture at all?
Before America nuked Japan and put them on a leash, they would just steal Sino/Korean culture. Tea ceremony, Origami, rock gardens, basically all of Traditional architecture, Zen, art, poetry, clothing, et cetera that people think are Japanese all have Chinese/Korean origins.
While China and Korea fought off European influence to the bitter end, when White men forced Japan to open their borders, Japan shamelessly spread their ass cheeks wide open and said "yes daddy" because China and Korea made fun of these island barbarians and they had no friends. And with new European technology they rape China and Korea and pretend they are the best warriors when they were better just because modernized a few decades earlier.
They get on an unrealistic power trip and fuck up with America,and then they become Amerca's whore and now they just make cringe moeshit and make porn for fat yellow fever pricks on Veeky Forums.
Japan looks like an interesting country, I want to go there but it's a bit expensive.
But China lost its sovereignty and even ceded physical territory to Europeans and later the Japanese. So they kinda did a bad job of fending off foreign influence. Japan's approach sure seemed to work a lot better.
The point is at least China and Korea tried. Japan just said "yes daddy" and became UK/America's Far East puppet nation.
But that didn't really happen until after WW2. In the meantime, they had an empire. I don't see how opening up trade and adopting new technologies is tantamount to subjection. And China tried to modernize, they just didn't do it as quickly.
Pearl harbour must've taken a little bit of effort.
Don't you know that the Meiji restoration was backed by the British Empire?
Again, I just don't see how learning from outsiders = being their bitch. Japan never lost territory or autonomy. There's a clear distinction between cultural and technological influence, and direct political control. Both are types of "foreign influence," but one type is clearly more desirable.
>japs have their own culture
baka gaijin
Meiji restoration was a political coup. Britain needed a base of operations in the Far East (staging point for spread all over East Asia). Britain saw that Tokugawa was too isolationist so it sponsored the war that saw its end.
After that Japan only waged wars that favored Britain. Boxer rebellion, Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars.
Later on Japan thought it was invincible (after fighting technologically inferior Chinks and pathetically-prepeared and logistically-tired Russians) and they bit the hands of their master in WW2 when they got too greedy. Basically they are fools.
So nice and pale
kek this
almost all famous japanese architecture, artwork, and crafts are from china and korea. they even kidnapped artisans to make pottery and shit because they couldn't produce anything nice themselves.
Jesus fuck. 'Go 'za looks even grosser on video than in pictures.
Their fried chicken is also superior to the American kind
nice story
I've gotten to the point where I can (usually) pick out the korean girls from chinese and japanese on the street simply by how pale their skin is and how red their lipstick is.
me on the left
Japanese culture is being a bunch of pedophiles watching anime with depictions of sexualized 10 year olds
I want to eat pizza with the one in the blue and then fuck her raw in the ass.