This is a continuation of the continuation of the Vegan Food Thread.
Post your favorite vegan recipes and products here.
This is a continuation of the continuation of the Vegan Food Thread.
Post your favorite vegan recipes and products here.
I'm a big fan of cauliflower.
Not a vegan. But still, big fan of cauliflower.
Just had some Boca chick'n nuggets and they were very delicious.
What's your favorite vegan way to prepare cauliflower? One of these days I want to try this:
also this:
Mashed Cauliflower.
Head of cauliflower, boiled until soft. Drain it. Then into a food processor with margarine (or whatever a vegan version of that is if theres shit in it you dont want), garlic, and almond milk.
Blitz it until its fully blended but not so far as to make puree.
Has the general consistency of Mashed potatoes. Good with toppings if you like that. I eat it almost every night as my side.
If being vegan was a valid and healthy way to live, a baby wouldn't starve to death from being raised vegan.
Also, if you're vegan does that mean you don't believe in breastmilk?
I wanted to see if vegan mayo worked as well as real mayo for frying a grilled cheese sandwich. It does. (The cheese was also vegan.)
I used to babysit for a vegan family and all her incredibly healthy, happy, and bright children were raised vegan since conception. The vegan mothers who kill their children are the retarded ones who do things like only feed them carrots or something equivalently stupid. Also there are a ton of omnivorous women who unintentionally malnourish their children - way fucking more than vegans. Only reason child malnourishment has become a meme for vegans is because it's easy for people to stereotype when they have no knowledge on a subject. If you read the stories about the omnivorous mothers who were pressured to solely breast feed and ended up killing their babies by accident, you'd just be like, "oh wow that poor woman had no idea she was starving her baby, now she's spreading awareness, good on her." But if a vegan somehow starves their baby you want them locked up and demonize them.
Parents should be required to take a course on nutrition in my opinion, but that would be difficult to enforce.
And breastmilk from your own species is fine if there's consent, fuckwit.
Just Mayo is delicious.
Never heard of frying a grilled cheese sandwich. That sounds disgustingly unhealthy but really good at the same time. I think Daiya would be perfect for that because of the creaminess of it. IDK, I think it'd be perfect for fried foods.
It's just a pan-fry, not a deep-fry. You only use enough mayo to lightly coat each side of the sandwich. It sounds fat as hell, but it's not worse than just having a regular sandwich with the same amount of mayo.
I used Follow Your Heart provolone. It was beautiful.
What spices/ingredients do you people use for hummus? Besides the classic chickpeas, pepper, olive oil, cumin, tahina, garlic, salt, lemon and the occasional chili?
Would eat.
that's all you really need
I personally am not the biggest fan of hummus and I usually just buy pre-made hummus. But roasted red bell peppers. Also olives. Artichokes. Onions. Pine nuts. Parsley, etc.
Indian vegan food is tha bomb
>/pol/ is that way ->
>buffalo wings
Is it leftovers day or do you usually eat like this?
Why the fuck are you even vegan if you're gonna replicate every fucking meat dish there is?
Fuck veganism
Yeah because every vegan family feeds their kids nothing but soy milk and apple juice.
Fuck off, retard.
Except there are countless omnivorous mothers who have killed their children doing the same thing and all you guys do when you hear about that is feel sorry for the mother for being misguided.
Radical Christian retards are not representative of all vegans. There are countless happy, healthy, incredibly bright children who've been raised vegan since conception. They would have killed their baby regardless of if they were vegan or not, because they refused to treat a treatable infection.
You people are shamelessly brainless. The ADA approves vegan diets for all stages of life, and there's a shitload of evidence it's good for all stages of life, so long as you understand basic nutrition and don't refuse to take your children to the doctor when they're obviously ill.
What about all the omnivorous women that literally murder their children?
Or the omnivorous woman who left her child in a wal-mart parking lot garbage can?
>Or the omnivorous woman who left her child in a wal-mart parking lot garbage can?
Surely that action stemmed from her diet, like the one in .
Otherwise you'd be a retard.
I'm not 100% sure this is vegan, but it's vegetarian at the very least.
>killing your child by forcing your diet on it
>just stabbing it because why not I guess
one of those things is connected to diet, care to guess which?
Fuck I wish I could get those Chik'n strips in Canada.
They're fucking amazing.
No, they both have equal correlation.
Apple juice and soy milk is not a diet, it's lacking in everything. Just eating meat isn't a diet either, as you're lacking in major nutrients.
A vegan diet does require some amount of thought, so idiot parents that get their children killed through neglect are exactly the same.
There's nothing wrong with giving children a vegan diet from birth, but there's everything wrong with not giving children enough nutrients.
I'm not arguing whether or not it's more difficult to get those nutrients into the child through whichever kind of diet, only that it is possible, and people that cite these kinds of news stories as proof for a vegan diet being bad are lacking the capacity for basic cognitive thought.
It's a matter of the parent being an idiot, not a matter of the diet.
I quite like trader Joe's soy Italian sausage, and it doesn't have a bad texture either, like sausage but less stringy.
Reminder that these vegan threads are by a pathetic coalition of a dozen bored antifa thinking they're going to "take Veeky Forums back."
The unintentional hilarity is welcome.
sounds tasty
If only there was a vegan diet that provided solid food. Oh well, better go back to preparing my soy milk for dinner.
Is it actually vegan though? I thought it was just vegetarian. Could be wrong.
Take it back from what, all the normies that flooded in when people started using /b/ for activist bullshit?
I'm not even sure I know what antifa means...
And I have no intention of "taking Veeky Forums back". (Back to what???)
I hate SJWs... Which I define as people who pretend to care about issues for the image, the ones who don't care about real issues but will harass the fuck out of someone over non-issues, like if they use "faggot" as an insult.
I get SJWs calling me racist because I think people who eat dog are scum...And Asians eat dog. They're a plague on humanity, much like people who watch anime and make bacon jokes.
I didn't even need to look it up, but it means "anti-fascism," which of course is now used as an insult by /pol/tards since any right thinking human would oppose it. In the US, it would be opposing the established reign of corporations controlling our "representative government" and bending the citizens over while offering the morsel of "muh guns."
Vegans are queers, just kill yourselves you degenerate subhuman fucks. 100% of vegans like things in their ass. How many of you own vegan, gluten-free dildos to shove up your ass???
>They're a plague on humanity, much like people who watch anime and make bacon jokes.
>Watch anime.
How about fuck you and get off my Mongolian fingerpainting forum? Where the fuck do you think this website came from? And where the fuck do you think you are?
Also stir fry has always been a personal favorite of mine.
it's not my pic, you moran
Doomie' s big mac
Seriously you faggots have such a hard time committing to your fad diet that everything you make is a faux imitation of the very food you are childishly protesting. Pathetic.
>the very food you are childishly protesting
You make it sound like veganism is just an arbitrary decision to not eat meat.
What else would it be?
A divine revelation?
>tfw fell for the vegan meme
>bloody stool and have acid reflux
>been on a 20 day water fast cause everything else hurts
thx internet
Blame yourself for being a gullible fool, not the internet.
it was this faggot who got me
turns out im one of the few faggots who can't digest beans, flaxseeds and lentils
Look out for IBS symptoms if they fit you and FODMAP.
FODMAP is actually a way better "diet" or "general plan" than ketoshit or veganism.
FODMAP removes a lot of beneficial foods and shouldn't be used unless they have an actual problem.
>im allergic to eggs, omelettes are a meme!
t.person who hasn't experienced the pain
>FODMAP better than veganism
>FODMAP better than literally fucking anything
I've made meat dishes for a fructose-intolerant person and for a vegan. Turns out you can make a better chili without meat than you can without FUCKING ONION AND GARLIC.
Anybody know any place where I can buy seitan? Or do I need to make it myself?
You can buy it at places like Whole Foods or health food stores, maybe Asian markets (actually no idea if it's an Asian thing though). Or but the wheat gluten itself instead.
The difference is that many of the vegan versions have better textures. I'm not even vegan and I prefer vegan burgers and breaded chicken for quick lunches
>Why the fuck are you even vegan if you're gonna replicate every fucking meat dish there is?
Some people switch to a vegan diet to correct health problems created by the standard diet and poor quality of meat.
Thanks to user who posted their tofu saag recipe last thread. Finally have results to show. Apologies to anyone who actually knows how to make saag, I just winged it but it tastes fucking good so here you are.
Coconut milk
Onions, +garlic if you have it
Tofu, I baked with chili and creole seasoning before adding in to get it tougher. Just overseason with whatever you have and you're good.
I recommend about 1 can milk to half/1 block tofu to 1 large bunch of greens.
Turmeric, approximately a fuckton
Ginger, just a little
Garlic powder, if you realize halfway through that you forgot to buy the garlic
Salt, or the saltiest seasoning blend you have if you can't find the fucking salt because you haven't cleaned in months.
Just a little paprika
Coriander if you have it, which I did not.
Serve with whatever grain you're trying to get rid of and try not to eat it all in one sitting.
Also getting yogurt starter tonight, so whoever recommended last thread that I make my own, you may get to see me fail at that soon enough.
Gardein is godly. I would pay them a fortune in both money and body parts just to keep doing what they do. Follow Your Heart is also godly. Everyone try their vegan egg if you haven't yet.
Cauliflower buffalo wings are great. A little finicky for how fast they get eaten, but I love them.
>It sounds
delicious as hell.
>Practical recipe
You got me though, maybe some lazy weekend.
I laughed. This thread bumps just about often enough to barely stay on the board, usually by trolls. If there are a DOZEN antifas running it then man, you all are great at keeping your mouths shut.
Now that's what I call a quality contribution.
user, I'm so jealous.
>Gardein is godly
Soy protein isolates. Highly estrogenic. This shit is almost as problematic as the meat it's replacing.
Beyond Meat uses pea protein isolates which is a much better alternative but they use vegetable oils, maltodextrin, and MSG in their ingredients.
Give me some sources to read if that's true. The last info I saw stated that soy protein could take estrogenic forms but didn't actually interact with the body in that way, just passed through like normal. As far as I know, the science says the estrogenic effects on the body are only anecdotal so far.
In any case, I don't eat gardein as a staple, more as a luxury every once in a while. All the pea protein stuff I've tried so far has been really great, it just seems harder to find than soy.
Maltodextrin now, too? Those health magazines are really running out of things to scare people with.
Soy raises IGF-1 3x more than cow's milk.
Maltodextrin's glycemic index is higher than sugar.
They don't have any sources that aren't from loons' blogs.
It's been shown that soy has no effect on hormones.
Dairy on the other hand, has been proven to have a real impact on estrogen levels. Dairy has real estrogen, soy has phytoestrogens.
Where did you read that soy raises IGF-1 more than cow's milk does? Because I've read the opposite. Are you sure you didn't skim read and got the two mixed up?
>It's been shown that soy has no effect on hormones.
>Dairy on the other hand, has been proven to have a real impact on estrogen levels. Dairy has real estrogen, soy has phytoestrogens.
>study was 10 years ago
>people still drink milk
Yeah I'm sure they were really on to something.
>Maltodextrin's glycemic index is higher than sugar.
It has less than 2% carbohydrates, there can't be all that much in it.
>Big business giving a fuck about the population's health
>Diabetes, heart related deaths, cancer the highest they've ever been
We're doing fiiiiiine.
someone give me a good recipe I should have for supper
something salty and savory/kumami
I made this for dinner. If you make it, too, we'll be dinner buddies.
Thanks for these.
Damn, the ones in that link look good.
Been vegan for almost 2 years.
Still have craving for meat and cheese ._.
:/ that sucks user, I'm sorry. Out of curiosity, did you give up animal foods all at once or slowly?
>tfw caved in one weekend
kidney beans with nutri yeast
try it
vegans r gay and dumb
>Crown Shakur
That little shit was doomed since conception
I want you lot to be aware of why someone would be hesitant to join a community so self righteous and supercilious. I rarely call myself vegan anymore, not due to negative connotations associated with the life style, but because the people involved will ostracize you for any reason whatsoever.
The other day for example, my sister was in town for a bit and she's the furthest thing from vegan I've ever known. I have no strict rules in my house about meat consumption like others I know, "if you eat with me you eat vegan" or whatever, but she's well aware of my feelings on supporting animal consumerism and their various industries. Towards the end of her stay apparently her cravings get the best of her and she buys a pizza while I'm out to stave off her "cheese addiction". Long story short she leaves and a couple days later my vegan girlfriend of 2 months, now ex, finds the half eaten pizza in my fridge that I had no idea existed until that very moment. I tell her numerous times I don't know how that fucking pizza got there but she doesn't believe me. Now she's saying I betrayed her and the animals, screaming at me cow statistics "20,000 die. every. single. DAY, DANIEL." how I don't respect mothers, how I support rape culture, what if she was the cow, etc.
After she leaves I eat that fucking pizza so fast. I felt like garbage but it was worth it because fuck you all and your moral fucking indignation. You realize that unless you were vegan since birth you contributed more to animal suffering than some fat fuck who was born lactose intolerant right? You realize eating a pizza that would go to waste is better for the environment and the animals than buying avocados and soy milk every fucking week, right? Seriously fuck you and every other vegan who watched a couple youtubers and thinks they know how to save the fucking world. You don't know shit and you couldn't save shit if you were vegan fucking superman. Fuck off.
Calm down Daniel.
>what if she was the cow
did you tell her she was?
dammit daniel
nice pic, what vegan documentary is he from?
I would never call myself a vegan or vegetarian, though my diet doesn't consist of much meat. Most recipes that don't try to replicate meat are fucking wonderful.
>Accused of supporting rape culture
The fuck?
>I tell her numerous times I don't know how that fucking pizza got there but she doesn't believe me.
fukin vegans lmaooo
How do you think cows make milk? They need to be pregnant. Farmers won't wait on bulls to fuck them whenever they want, they forcefully inseminate the cows with uncomfortable long tubes. I've even seen farmers take a bucket of steer jizz, dunk their fist in it and stick their hand in the cow's cooch. His girlfriend might be a bit over emotional but her concerns were coming from a good place.
You're obnoxious and it's obvious you're not a real vegan. Nice try though.
Here's the difference between people like you and vegans:
You insult people over trivial bullshit like other people caring about something you don't care about.
They insult people over destroying what it is they care about.
The key point of this is you're completely self-centered, which is why right now you're trying to insult the entire vegan movement just because your girlfriend had a problem with the product of tortured animals being in her fucking fridge (you should consider yourself lucky she didn't dump your narcissistic ass). And why you're not trying to help anyone or anything, but are just venting about something that is a non-issue because you're personally offended.
What would you guys bring to a vegan potluck? Brunch time vegan potluck. Could be breakfast food, could be lunch food. Could be snacks. Could be some sort of sweet but I prefer something more savory.
Bring two bags of cape cod jalapeƱo chips. I would worship you.
I am sorry to say I don't enjoy spicy food. I'd have to bring tissues. My nose runs like crazy after eating spicy food. They do sound tasty though.
You dodged a bullet. You don't want to date any woman who thinks eating leftover pizza is supporting rape culture. I don't care how crazy devoted to veganism you are, that shit is irrational.
Pretty sure the whole thing was a fake story written by a meat eater... Either way the dude is way more obnoxious than his supposed girlfriend.
>Pretty sure the whole thing was a fake story written by a meat eater
We have a vegan right here on this board who was gagging out of open windows because she could smell the trace milk ingredients in a vegetarian faux meat product. There's no amount of hysterical vegan overreaction that's unbelievable, really.