Is he still alive

Is he still alive

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sadly it was confirmed that he died

No he's not.

wtf am i looking @

who is "he"?

Not as horrible as I was expecting actually. I thought from the pick that it was some sort of marinaded grasshopper.

What the absolute fuck is that?

You rang?


Timestamp, fag.

At work. Here's a screen of the album resulting from that night. Check the screencaps, I'm sure I didn't post every image.

What the fuck is going on there?

Normally I'd post my death grips mug as proof but it's at home.

Look buddy I get it, but thats crazy, just smoke heroin like a normal person.

No u

Never do this agajn

Sequel when?

absolutely harram

are those green turds

My autistic friend and I are in and out of town for a while. Look for maybe 2nd week of June

Why do you link to anothe image board on an image board? Just post the picture

What the fuck
Because the file is fuckhuge and there's a size limit on Veeky Forums dumbfuck

You have to go
