Is music superior to literature in terms of artistic merit?

Is music superior to literature in terms of artistic merit?

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Why do you keep posting these bait threads to get people to argue over mediums?


i'm not baiting

>Is music superior to literature in terms of artistic merit?
>posts the most mediocre p4k-core artist

"Music, Harry, is the greatest magic of them all." - Rich Wagner


you just plagiarized my post wtf


It's called "memeing" kid, get used to it.

Music is the lowest form of art. It requires nothing from the audience other than the auditory sense and in the modern age is more concerned with visual aesthetic then actual musical theory. Literature requires the reader to at the very least be literate and this requires education, the reader must possess a form of discipline in order to appreciate the art.

you just plagiarized my post wtf


Since when did ease of access have anything to do with the quality of the art at hand?
This is the faux elitist answer

no not at all. anyone can pick up a guitar and learn to play. try picking up a pencil and learning to write lmao. shit is fucking hard fuck

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File: annie clark and the st. v(...).jpg (192 KB, 1080x1350)
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Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:29:47 No.8896940▶ Is music superior to literature in terms of artistic merit?
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:32:05 No.8896956▶Why do you keep posting these bait threads to get people to argue over mediums?
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:32:55 No.8896964▶
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:33:30 No.8896970▶
i'm not baiting
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:34:56 No.8896979▶
>Is music superior to literature in terms of artistic merit?
>posts the most mediocre p4k-core artist
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:38:25 No.8896996▶
"Music, Harry, is the greatest magic of them all." - Rich Wagner
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:40:08 No.8897005▶>>
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:43:21 No.8897018▶ you just plagiarized my post wtf

Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:44:40 No.8897023▶
It's called "memeing" kid, get used to it.
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:44:41 No.8897025▶ (OP)
Music is the lowest form of art. It requires nothing from the audience other than the auditory sense and in the modern age is more concerned with visual aesthetic then actual musical theory. Literature requires the reader to at the very least be literate and this requires education, the reader must possess a form of discipline in order to appreciate the art.
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:45:40 No.8897030 ▶
vyou just plagiarized my post wtf

reportedyou just plagiarized my post wtf

reportedyou just plagiarized my post wtf

reported reported

and i was "memeing" too f a m
i didn't really report the thread :)

>best of literature
>lifechanging experience and a look inside the minds of geniuses

>best of music
>bunch of hipsters produce incoherent sounds while mumbling something about feels and society


The quality of the art itself is irrelevant since the vast majority of art across all forms is mediocre. Ease of access determines the availability of mediocrity making music overall the lowest form of art, this is not to say that music itself is bad because quite clearly it is not, however it is fundamentally inferior to literature, written language being something that only arises from developed civilisation while music arises in all cultures because it only requires the auditory sense and basic human functioning.

100%bait 100%bait 100%bait >8897038889703088970050


Music is very fleeting, and can only effect the listener in the present, while the music is being played. Literature effects the reader long after having finished a given work.

Music is great and all, but ultimately pales in comparison to literature.

The only artistic form which can compete with Literature in both technicality and emotive impact is Architecture.

I'd say novelty t-shirts are.
What do you think of that?

>>great b8
>>great b8
>>great b8
>>great b8 >>great b8 >>great b8 >>great b8
>>great b8
>>great b8
>>great b8 >>great b8 >>great b8 >>great b8
>>great b8
>>great b8
is a fag is a fag is a fag

>The quality of the art itself is irrelevant
not when we're talking about artistic MERIT, and not whether one is superior to the other fundamentally.

Thus, the autistic posts made by an assblasted brainlet made the thread to be deleted so the OP had to post it again and again forever.

Keep crying, brainlet.

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>>great b8 # #
>>great b8 # #
>>great b8 # #
# >>great b8 #
# >>great b8 #
# >>great b8 #
# # >>great b8
# # >>great b8
# # >>great b8
# >>great b8 #
# >>great b8 #
# >>great b8 #
>>great b8 # #
>>great b8 # #
>>great b8 # #
(OP) # is a fag (OP) #
(OP) # is a fag (OP) #
(OP) # is a fag (OP) #

Define merit

>A million copies sold, I heard.

“Oh, more,” he says, apologetically. “Millions. Which is wonderful, but also a little bit terrifying.”

>Not that Green is unused to being in seven figures. The YouTube channel where he and his brother, Hank, post their video blogs has nearly 2m subscribers. On Twitter, he is one of the most followed novelists in the English language with over 2m followers, just ahead of his friend Neil Gaiman.

To understand this phenomenon, you have to look at Green’s timing as well as his writing, and his success in appealing to a variety of audiences. TFIOS is ostensibly a young-adult (YA) novel, but with its snappy dialogue, tidy aphorisms, swooping love story and pulpy self-help vibe, it offers several genres for the price of one. The jacket blurb is not from another YA writer, but from Jodi Picoult, queen of the mass-market tearjerker, who calls the book “electric”.

>The main audience is teenagers, and at 36 the author is himself studiously adolescent, punctuating his long, articulate sentences with bursts of enthusiasm that are laced with sarcasm, defensive wit and appealing self-deprecation, just like his 16-year-old protagonists’. On his wall, a framed poster in the “Keep Calm and Carry On” style says “Keep Calm and DFTBA”. “It stands for Don’t Forget To Be Awesome,” he says. The charity he runs is called the Foundation To Decrease World Suck, with an annual fundraising effort called the Project For Awesome. You get the idea.

As a register, it is instantly and joyfully recognisable to his teen readers, who don’t need to be sheltered or patronised. TFIOS is a stark novel about ugly truths. “I tried really, really hard to strip all the sentiment out of it, and all the nostalgia. To be as honest and unblinking as possible.” Like the children in Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials”, Green’s heroes are put through a series of unbearable ordeals. Unlike Pullman, whose heroine has to eliminate an evil God, Green has created a conventional moral landscape. If there’s a fault in “The Fault in Our Stars”, it’s that it errs on the side of cute. In the 1970s, love meant never having to say you’re sorry. In 2014, we learn, “some infinities are bigger than other infinities”, “forever is an incorrect concept” and “you don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world. But you do have a say in who hurts you.”

>There is swearing, and a little sex, but the edge comes from the book’s smart banter, comic verbosity and one central fact: the protagonists, both in their mid-teens, are dying.

12/29/16(Thu)02:13:28 No.8897177
# # #
# # #
# # #
>>great b8 # #
>>great b8 # #
>>great b8 # #
# >>great b8 #
# >>great b8 #
# >>great b8 #
# # >>great b8
# # >>great b8
# # >>great b8
# >>great b8 #
# >>great b8 #
# >>great b8 #
>>great b8 # #
>>great b8 # #
>>great b8 # #
(OP) # is a fag (OP) #
(OP) # is a fag (OP) #
(OP) # is a fag (OP) #
12/29/16(Thu)02:17:20 No.8897194
>The quality of the art itself is irrelevant
not when we're talking about artistic MERIT, and not whether one is superior to the other fundamentally.
12/29/16(Thu)02:19:58 No.8897200
Thus, the autistic posts made by an assblasted brainlet made the thread to be deleted so the OP had to post it again and again forever.

Keep crying, brainlet.
12/29/16(Thu)02:20:08 No.8897201
# # # # # #
# # # # # #
# # # # # #
>>great b8 # # # #
>>great b8 # # # #
>>great b8 # # # #
# # >>great b8 # #
# # >>great b8 # #
# # >>great b8 # #
# # # # >>great b8
# # # # >>great b8
# # # # >>great b8
# # >>great b8 # #
# # >>great b8 # #
# # >>great b8 # #
>>great b8 # # # #
>>great b8 # # # #
>>great b8 # # # #

>A million copies sold, I heard.

“Oh, more,” he says, apologetically. “Millions. Which is wonderful, but also a little bit terrifying.”

>Not that Green is unused to being in seven figures. The YouTube channel where he and his brother, Hank, post their video blogs has nearly 2m subscribers. On Twitter, he is one of the most followed novelists in the English language with over 2m followers, just ahead of his friend Neil Gaiman.

To understand this phenomenon, you have to look at Green’s timing as well as his writing, and his success in appealing to a variety of audiences. TFIOS is ostensibly a young-adult (YA) novel, but with its snappy dialogue, tidy aphorisms, swooping love story and pulpy self-help vibe, it offers several genres for the price of one. The jacket blurb is not from another YA writer, but from Jodi Picoult, queen of the mass-market tearjerker, who calls the book “electric”.

>The main audience is teenagers, and at 36 the author is himself studiously adolescent, punctuating his long, articulate sentences with bursts of enthusiasm that are laced with sarcasm, defensive wit and appealing self-deprecation, just like his 16-year-old protagonists’. On his wall, a framed poster in the “Keep Calm and Carry On” style says “Keep Calm and DFTBA”. “It stands for Don’t Forget To Be Awesome,” he says. The charity he runs is called the Foundation To Decrease World Suck, with an annual fundraising effort called the Project For Awesome. You get the idea.

As a register, it is instantly and joyfully recognisable to his teen readers, who don’t need to be sheltered or patronised. TFIOS is a stark novel about ugly truths. “I tried really, really hard to strip all the sentiment out of it, and all the nostalgia. To be as honest and unblinking as possible.” Like the children in Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials”, Green’s heroes are put through a series of unbearable ordeals. Unlike Pullman, whose heroine has to eliminate an evil God, Green has created a conventional moral landscape. If there’s a fault in “The Fault in Our Stars”, it’s that it errs on the side of cute. In the 1970s, love meant never having to say you’re sorry. In 2014, we learn, “some infinities are bigger than other infinities”, “forever is an incorrect concept” and “you don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world. But you do have a say in who hurts you.”

>There is swearing, and a little sex, but the edge comes from the book’s smart banter, comic verbosity and one central fact: the protagonists, both in their mid-teens, are dying.

Are you this much of a brainlet you want me to define a single meaning noun?

There is no artistic merit in music.

12/28/16(Wed)19:29:47 No.8896940
192 KB
192 KB JPG
Is music superior to literature in terms of artistic merit?
12/28/16(Wed)19:32:05 No.8896956
Why do you keep posting these bait threads to get people to argue over mediums?
# #
12/28/16(Wed)19:32:55 No.8896964
12/28/16(Wed)19:33:30 No.8896970
i'm not baiting
# #
12/28/16(Wed)19:34:56 No.8896979
>Is music superior to literature in terms of artistic merit?
>posts the most mediocre p4k-core artist
12/28/16(Wed)19:38:25 No.8896996
(OP) #
"Music, Harry, is the greatest magic of them all." - Rich Wagner
12/28/16(Wed)19:40:08 No.8897005
# # #
12/28/16(Wed)19:43:21 No.8897018
you just plagiarized my post wtf

# # # # #
12/28/16(Wed)19:44:40 No.8897023
It's called "memeing" kid, get used to it.
12/28/16(Wed)19:44:41 No.8897025
(OP) #
Music is the lowest form of art. It requires nothing from the audience other than the auditory sense and in the modern age is more concerned with visual aesthetic then actual musical theory. Literature requires the reader to at the very least be literate and this requires education, the reader must possess a form of discipline in order to appreciate the art.


If by "artistic merit" you mean "requires less thought", then yes.


Yet 99% of people in the western world can write a coherent story, while about 5% could write a coherent song on guitar.

Both are skills that one must learn, and both are extremely difficult to master (impossible even for all but those born with the gift).

Music is the video games of literature

Yap (means "yes")

>repeat three chords on a guitar for 4 min over some funny way talking about how "war is bad / system its corrut -_-'!!! XD!!"
>get novel prize
>develop a new form writting that express the way of conscious mind work
>combine multiple languages creating a unique piece
>nobody gives a fat

No, but it is higher in monetary reward or we are so led to believe.

Lurk more dude.

Literature teaches us to be human.
Music puts us in contact with the ineffable.
Neither is better than the other.

no books are for nerds


I don't think so

No, lyrical music is an extension of poetry. Many transcendentalists and other pre-romanticism poets wrote with the idea of their poems being almost sung when recited.

>Shitposts on Veeky Forums

>Veeky Forums
>does not shitpost on /mu/

Well I think it's clear who wins in terms of not being F*gging rudefigs

Veeky Forums is the epitome of a self-contained board.

James Joyce thought so

No wonder we were the spawn of /r9k/.

>reposting the same old thread with the exact same phrasing of the same old question

How about figuring this out for yourself since you're so fucking curious, mate?

Poetry is the best of both worlds

But does the brevity really make it worse? You can remember a piece of music the same way you remember a novel or poem or short story

This is a dumb post

I'm not even going to bother explaining why

i posted this again because Veeky Forums Corporation deleted it by accident, thinking it was off-topic

Take back that filthy lie!

pls be my gf

Sometimes. But St Vincent is fucking garbage.

The best music combines the strengths of both poetry and music. Examples: Sappho, Thomas Campion, The Velvet Underground. Lyric poetry ideally should be sung to music but poets in the current year seem to forget that.

I thought I was Veeky Forums's auntie.

Didn't you leave?

At least twice

I come and go as I please.

What, I left a year ago from this fall. Making the occasional stop in. Mostly mia in 2016. Been busy. Now just spending a little leisure time here. Hi.