I got one of these for free today.
What can i do with it? Did i get memed?
I got one of these for free today
Other urls found in this thread:
first tell me what it is
A hat
It's for steaming your gonads
it's a fingerbox
It's a bun steamer for making bakpao (Chinese bread dumplings)
it's a bamboo steamer. you can steam random shit like a pleb or you can make some good chinese food. it up to you.
steamed spared rib w/ black bean sauce and steamed egg custard is a good combo w/ rice.
Isn't that the thing that Jiro uses to waft his rice for hours so stupid goys will pay $80 per serving for it?
it's for washing blue jeans
>get for free
>get memed
choose one?
>steamed meat
but i dont know what to do with it
make meat buns
steam your dumps what are you a fool??
Man, that was HARD.
another retarded chink kitchen tool
Not OP, but that's pretty much all I use mine for. What else is there that I can make? Preferably without needing a fuckton of fancy Chinese ingredients that are hard to get.
You could do pierogis. Serve that up with some sour cream, paprika seasoning and a dollop of your favorite hot sauce.
t. amerilard
For some reason these things always bothered me cause I have this weird notion that the process of using them is too inefficient, even though that's completely dumb.
Muh digits
>tfw I only know what that is because of videya
Dynasty Warriors/Shin Sangokumusou has a health power up that is meat buns in a bamboo steamer
fuck I wish I had bought one of those, I just tried making frozen bao in the microwave and they turned out trash
Go pick up each grain of rice one at a time with your chopsticks faggot. No wonder each of your meals is customary to last 2 hours
heh... you think you can cross blades with me... kid?
5 piece weed grinder ?
It's a meme, my partner has one. It sits in the back of the cabinet collecting dust with the quesadilla maker.
>quesadilla maker
Happy cinco de mayo
the bamboo ones are pretty annoying
my mum has one and it's a bit of a pain to put together if you've just steamed something with it because it's hot and it only fits together one way. It also started to fall apart after the first use. Every time it's used a bit of bamboo falls off
I got my girlfriend a metal one and it's infinitely better
>my partner
This shit has gotten so confusing. "my partner" used to mean a gay couple and now straight couples are saying "my partner" too. You have to tread on eggshells these days.
>quesadilla maker
are you on the spectrum
gay and/or hipster
>bamboo steamers are one off shit
I agree. Why not just get this? I mean who the fuck loads up multilayer steaming food, which is the only difference, that takes the same amount of time to cook? It's a gimmick to sucker hipsters who think because they're using bamboo somehow it's more authentic.
Steam potatoes and make gnocchi
chamber pot
I always answer with "What business are you guys in?" Fuck people who do this shit, do not let them get away with it.
It actually doesn't need to be bamboo but I'll tell you why and listen closely.
You put the protein in the top, why you ask? Because the fat drips down in flavors the second layer which is the vegetables. Then the remainder of fat and the sweat from the vegetables hits the last level, the rice, which is now flavored by boty the vegetables and meat
any questions?
Most people ask for directions on ck because they're desperately lonely.
Why do you care enough to post this?
Veeky Forums detected
>place an unsalted and unspiced chicken breast on the top layer
>place unsalted broccoli on the second layer
>place cauliflower under brocolli
>at the bottom, place potatoes
>enjoy with your favorite metabolic steroid smoothie
I like it for fish
Parchment paper on the bottom so the fish doesnt fall through.
Put in some whitefish or salmon, some bom choy or asparagus, add potatoes or corn on the cob.
Boil some broth in a pot thats big enough to fit the baskets & steam til fully cooked
I like a veggie broth with some coconut milk, basil, mint, cilantro & some red pepper flakes personally
throw some sweet potatoes in there for a bit. you'll have some pretty good treats.
>Did i get memed?
Boy, I sure wasn't ready for 2017 to be like this
I get what you are saying, but I must ask: Who the fuck steams meat?
No, seriously, I have never eaten steamed meat and don't know any dishes that use it, could you give usd an example?
You are not alone, user. This nightmarish hellscape has only begun too...
Fucking cancer everywhere these days. Its not even contained to Veeky Forums anymore. Its basically everyone at this point.
>Fucking cancer everywhere these days. Its not even contained to Veeky Forums anymore. Its basically everyone at this point.
What did you expect? That is what cancer does: it spreads.
I steam salmon from time to time, I also don't like the taste of salmon too much. Shrimp or any shellfish are pretty good steamed.
It's turning into some kind of near-future common English vernacular at this point. It's the sort of thing you'd read in dialog in a sci-fi novel from the 80s.
To me at least, it has volume and less hastle than a conventional steamer. Say I'm doing pork and shrimp shu mai, when i do this I'm usually making it with friends and there will be 5-6 people together waiting to be fed. I can stack one of these with 50 or so dumplings and still have room. Then it takes about 20 minutes or so giving me time to finnish the soup. Really though there isn't an upper limit for how many of these that can be stacked when they're well made, which makes them handy in restaurants.
make steamed hams like they do in Albany
t. memed shitlords
kek. One of the first things I did when I came to Veeky Forums was look at the FAQ's where they have a very clear definition of "meme." I would issue a challenge to anyone to come up with a definition for it based on the current usage in 3 days worth of browsing Veeky Forums. You cannot. It has no meaning whatsoever.
It seems like it gets used as both a noun and a verb where "meme" means anything or its associated pattern (image macro, distorted rand paul, etc.) which is then spread by others online. Then the verb "to meme" means to spread, or create with the intention of spreading, a meme. Then the reflexive form "to be memed" means to be taken on the wave of a meme's spreading, like being the but of the meme's joke.
It's getting really complex.
literally, you get memed
I thought if there is a Wikipedia article about it, it's a meme.
Learn to make mantou. It's literally the easiest bread recipe and your steamer will make the end results much better than mine (I have to use a fucking pot and sometimes they come out all soggy like).
Or maybe user wanted to keep their gender as well as sexual orientation neutral?
Easy mode:
Go to a local international grocery and peruse the freezer section for frozen buns and dumplings that look delicious. I'm very partial to red bean paste buns and BBQ pork buns, lotus seed paste is also good, so is taro root. For dumplings I get pork and black mushroom or pork, shrimp, and chives. Put 1-2 cabbage leaves on each level of your bamboo steamer like a liner, put the buns or dumplings in, and put your bamboo steamer over a pot of boiling water until they're sticky outside and hot inside. You can also steam green beans or other veggies in one of these.
Hard mode:
Learn how to cook Cantonese food.
You mean Skinnerburgers.
What do you reckon would happen if I took a poo in one of these and steamrd it?
What's a fingerbox?
Steam some goddamn pork Baozi and enjoy life.
Something you do to a girl you really like.
you need to go there as well
essential 90's kids toy
wrong. denim is supposed to be boiled
Fuck off roastie
Make your own Pork Sui Mai or other chinese dumplings, or just use it to steam bok choy or gai lan or w/e. youtu.be
Steamed buns.. sounds pervy.
this is a good plan b..
Use either baking parchment or cabbage leaves to line it so that stuff doesn't stick to the slats. You can also oil it.
They're good for steaming Chinese stuff like buns and dumplings. You can also do stuff like fish in them too.
I mostly used mine for steaming frozen dumplings that I bought at the asian grocery store.
Steam bread. If the meat is in raw dough when you steam the bread, you get bao, aka the best thing on the dim sum shop when it's cold out. Otherwise, steam hotdog bun, just like New York
If it's 2chink4u you can use it to cook tamales lmao
steam fish would be great
I used to love my fingerbox, got this in my grandfathers will as he knew how much I enjoyed mine. It's worth a fortune.
I like to fill the entire thing with dumplings. You can steam all the dumplings for a dinner party in one go.
Make puto.