Does Veeky Forums fish? I'm in Kansas and I've only ever caught catfish.
What are some good catfish recipes?
What are some of the best things you've made with fish that you've caught?
Does Veeky Forums fish? I'm in Kansas and I've only ever caught catfish.
What are some good catfish recipes?
What are some of the best things you've made with fish that you've caught?
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Fish is ugly
Disgusting creatures, much more like alien, seem to violate
Isn't there like a stigma against catfish? They are bottom-feeders after all.
Any whitefish recipe works well for them. Hard to beat the standard dredge in cornmeal and pan fry in lard. But if you get enough of it from trotlines like I do, that gets old. But any recipe using halibut, cod, pollock, flounder, trout, seabass, etc. works well. I've never liked the farm raised because it doesn't have nearly the depth of flavor of wild caught.
That's a bit of a myth. They do scavenge, but they are major predators. The best bait for a trotline or limbline is a live crawfish, goldfish or panfish.
There was, but now we realize top feeders bioaccumulate all sorts of shit and bottom feeders like sardines, anchovies, and catfish have started to come in vogue.
4 catfish filets
2 cups milk, or buttermilk
1 cup flour
1 cup corn meal
2 eggs
1 tbs chili powder
1 tbs cayenne (or to taste)
1/2 tbs salt (as needed)
1/2 tbs cumin
1/2 tbs black pepper
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
Place filets in plastic zip loc bag and add milk / buttermilk and allow to rest in fridge overnight.
The next day, pull them out of the fridge, get a flour station ready, beat the eggs to make an egg wash, and mix the spices and cornmeal together.
Take a filet out of the bag and dredge it in flour, than dredge it in the egg wash, and finish it by dredging it in the corn meal. Cook by either deep frying, shallow frying, or roasting in the oven.
Serve with corn bread and slaw.
I grew up in Florida and went fishing for to five times a week as a kid. We only ever kept enough for a meal, never stockpiled, and never took above the limit or outside of the legal size slot. Red Drum and Snook are my absolute favorite species, with Speckled Trout being my least favorite. Salt water fish are better than fresh water, in my opinion.
It was common to pan cook the fish, or bread or with panko and fry it.
We caught this fat bastard on a bluegill the size of my hand. 57lbs. Five year old primate for scale.
Used to go when I was a kid. That was before the world got insanely crowded and fishing stocks got so badly depleted.
One of the best meals you can have is fresh-caught walleye.
Were you a kid in the 1830s? We stock gamefish in virtually every large body of water in this country now. I know people who go and just rip fuckall huge catfish right out of their homes while they sleep with their fucking hands. They just reach in there and grab the fuckers like they owe money.
Dude, if you can't catch fish you're just doing it wrong.
Is that the kid from Gummo?
Stuffed him with a mix of breadcrumbs, roasted garlic, anchovies & parsley puree
Wrapped it in prosciutto & seared it up then finished in the oven
Served it with risotto & sauteed wild mushrooms
Washington-fag here, i like to fish, but i don't get a chance to go very often.
I always batter and fry catfish.
That thing is a beast, how much meat did you get off him
I don't know. I don't eat them that big. If I want fish to fry I go after channel cats. We gave that one to a friend.
Here's something we caught literally the very next day in early the same spot.
It's a paddlefish. We let him go because he's endangered.
Is it really this easy?
Try /out/ you might get better responses. Theres almost always a fishing general
Where are you fishing buddy?
Hopefully not on the kaw. The catfish out of that river are shit for eating
As far as recipes, just cut em into chunks and bread and fry. EzPz snack.
You should go down to missouri and try out snagging. Spoonbill put up a good fight and taste pretty good. It's fun pulling those fuckers up.
Most of our saltwater catfish are inedible.
However, flounder, speckled seatrout, and redfish are plentiful here. I like them blackened.
My favorite is to catch ground mullet and kipper them.
You can eat gafftop cats but they're hard to bone.
This is pretty much how I do it, I usually put a bit of oregano on after the eggwash part though.
git dem white meat cats in the fryer if ya noodle 'em out of the crik
damn fine meal I tell ya what