For me, it's mint chocolate chip. The best ice cream flavor

For me, it's mint chocolate chip. The best ice cream flavor.

Was this ever in question?

I eat Butter Pecan, for me, it speaks depths about my inner soul

I will also eat the hot fudge sundae with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge and chop nuts

I will also eat the banana split with no yellow topping, when I do this I pay tribute to Lickety Split because of her namesake

Variety is life when it comes to ice-cream. There's near endless possible variations. Why limit yourself to one?

That's true.

Daiquiri Ice from Baskin Robbins 31 flavors is the best. Shame they don't sell tubs of it

unironically this

Mint is a shit-tier flavor and should only ever exist in toothpaste or gum.

>he doesn't like mint chocolate chip


>have a bucket of this in the freezer
>never eat more than one scoop at a time
>no space for more

>cold peanut butter and chocolate gives me the worst diarrhea

>can't find confetti cake flavor Schwann man used to bring my parents

>Mint flavor
>Best anything

For toothpaste maybe.

For me It's blue moon since I can get better than some Edy's bullshit around here.

For me it's the Golden Gaytime.

I used to get bubblegum ice cream from Baskin Robbins. It came with little pieces of gum like Chiclets and for some reason I ate the gum too. Looking back I'm not sure that was intended.

I never understood the "gum in ice cream" meme
What the fuck am I supposed to do with it, suck it off and then stick it in my pocket? Chew it at the same time I eat and swallow the ice cream? It makes no sense, just use pieces of candy or something

>mint chocolate chip

Inedible. Horrible.

>lick ice cream away from gum
>suck gum into mouth
>push into cheeks like a squirrel with nuts
>finish ice cream
>chew gum
It's a good way to thin out the retard population.

For me, it's Superman ice cream. The best ice cream flavor.

the only ice cream I eat is the fat free no sugar added variety from walmart

Second ingredient is sorbitol, but, I actually don't have any problems with it, digestion wise. And it tastes like ice cream!

>using a picture of MCCI with green food dye while defending it
who hurt you?

Yeah that's what I did except I ate the gum after I was done with the ice cream

The green color makes it PERFECT


green tea is pretty god tier, which it was possible to get normally

mint chocolate chip is the goat, vanilla bean a close 2nd

It's mint chocolate, not your mother's hariy cunt.

My man

The only thing I hate about is getting my mouth all blue and feeling like a goddamn child

Lemon Custard. I know Baskin Robbins used to sell it, but I haven't seen it in years.

pistachio is the right answer

That's not a meme you millennial fuck

Yes it is, and you're a millennial too. Unless you're literally an old man, which you'd have to be to qualify as a Gen-Xer

A meme is any cultural idea that is spread you autist

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but everything else is garbage by comparison.

Tell me, what's it like to live with mediocrity?

Cookie dough is better

No, the best ice cream flavour would be banana chocolate chip.

It's okay to be ignorant, user.

you faggots are pathetic. get a real ice cream flavor and keep your shitty cookies out of it.

We used to have this ice cream flavor at my high school called "Dinosaur Crunch" it was blue and had crunchies in it. Tasted like nothing I had ever had before.

Looky looky miss cooky

>you will never EVER have Jelly Tip ice cream

Sounds like a sex toy desu

>In no timeline will non-New Zealanders ever (at any point in time) have goody goody gumdrops

>unless you live within the Realm of New Zealand you will never EVER EVER have Lewis Road Creamery Ice-Cream
Wow lads just end it???!! lmao

Mint chocolate chip is unironically the worst ice cream flavor.
It is overly sweet, tastes like toothpaste and mint x chocolate is a bad combination in anything except Thin Mints.

For me it is almost anything but mint. Turkey Hill makes a FANTASTIC Deep Dark Chocolate ice cream that is nearly black and very rich, but you can't find it all places. Oberweis makes a phenomenal Coconut Chocolate Almond. Breyer's Rocky Road is the king of Rocky Roads because it uses candied, chocolate-covered almonds instead of shit-tier peanuts. Talenti makes the best pistachio gelato out there.

In the midwest, we have a brand called Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream, I'm not sure if it sells outside of the midwest. They have just a handful of shops but they sell it at Kroger near me. They have a Goat Cheese with Red Cherries flavor I will be trying soon, and might also cave and buy the Gooey Butter Cake flavor as well even though they're $9 a pint.

Are you the girl I work with? She was just talking about this today.

ignoring the meme man that is the poster child of Americone Dream, this is the best ice cream

this right here, you fucking idiots

What if we had mint without the chocolate chip?

I have never seen this done.

it's peach. it was always peach

Almond brittle.
Simple, timeless and classy as fuck.

I tried the Ben&Jerry's shit that's started popping up in stores here. Overpriced and nauseating.

I legit hate it.
Maybe I've never had a good one .

not enough meme

>all these plebs itt
vanilla is the one true flavour

it's unironically pistaccio

For me, it's the overused meme phrasing. The best meme language.

This is far and away the best mint chip ice cream I have ever had.

Anyone here ever try the Quarterback Crunch? It's really good from what I recall. It's only served in September which is a shame since it's my favorite ice cream.

I cut dairy out of my diet because it was making my acne worse. My skin has cleared up a lot since doing it. But mint chocolate chip was also my favorite flavor before I did. If anyone knows of vegan ice cream that doesn't taste like shit, that would be great

sorbets don't have milk

>architecturally inspired

holy shit nice buzzwords

>what is mint tea

I wish they'd sell buckets of mixed flavours besides the basic ones.

It's not tea, for a start

Surprisingly it's the same price as Ben and jerrys

This x1000 holy shit

I haven't had ice cream in a year but in the depths of my fading memory I only remember this flavor as worth the saturated fat.

Had matcha ice cream once.

Normal ice cream can't even compete.

Mint tea is shit. Also, people who smoke menthol cigarettes have absolute shit taste.

I agree. I like red bean flavor too but it's even harder to find in America

>no cookie dough


become as gods

Yeah they sell Jenni's at my local Whole Foods. Their ice cream was on sale this week and I picked up a pint of brambleberry crisp and darkest chocolate. I wish they carried some of their weirder flavors.

>meme man
Stewart and Colbert are the only good things to come out of Comedy Central in its entire existence, you gay.


green tea GOAT


Mah nigga

for me, it's nogger choc. the best ice cream bar.

We get it in Australia you retard.

this or peanut butter cup ice cream are the shit

spend some time on /tv/ and then try to tell me he isn't a meme man

dr katz was pretty good

My fucking nigga

Someone older than me here. Now I don't feel so bad. Enjoy a nice fruitcake at Christmas time?

my dad refused to buy me this when i was younger. I had to get chocolate or vanilla. i think it's because he thought daiquiri ice was a gay flavor.

Your dad was a smart man.
Now you don't have to take cock up the ass as an adult.