I've invited my sister and her Chad boyfriend over for dinner tomorrow. What should i cook for these ungrateful assholes?
Help Veeky Forums
A dead rat and a box of razor blades.
Macaroni and cheese...throw a couple hot dogs in there if you want to impress them...
>I've invited my sister and her Chad boyfriend over for dinner tomorrow
Why though?
Order a Crave Case from White Castle and laugh all night about the farts you all share together
>I've invited...these ungrateful assholes [over for dinner, what should i cook]?
Your fucking head. Just turn on the broiler and stock your head in.
Put a chicken in the oven and just burn the fucker. Refuse to take it out. When they say something, keep telling them "5 more minutes."
I think it's funny how Veeky Forums uses Chad as an insult.
My bosses name is Chad and he's the nicest guy ever but I still laugh a bit at because of his name and how autists on Veeky Forums use it.
a bullet
It's /r9k/ and /v/ crossboarding. Just berate them and ignore.
This is quality advice
Cause i fucking hate him but want to look like the better person.
It's just a waspy yuppy name
Could have easily been Brent, or Trent, or Gabe, or any other faggoty name you'd expect to be a blonde bully in an 80s movie who wears Lacoste and hangs out at a country club
Please improve your own life
How about lawrence?
Eh, I could be wrong but Lawrence doesn't seem like a stereotypically "yuppie" name to me, more like just an old fashioned name that's been forgoton, like Clancy or Eugene
Put a bomb in it.
Do not invite Smash Adams.
SPAM sammiches on onion rolls. Side of cold veg-all served straight out the can. Get em loaded first.
Who's got time to make lasagna AND a bomb?
When they arrive, just go to your room and go to bed. No dinner. Ignore them and go to sleep.
My dog came in to check in me
I laughing like a hysterical maniac for two mins. Good work
Getting loaded is going to be necessary to keep up pleasantries
A decent meal. Then enjoy their company. Buy some weights, lift them. Then read a book called how to win friends and influence. Broaden your horizons and develop meaningful relationships. Spend money wisely and advance your career opportunity as much as you can. Then when you are retired early surrounded by people that love you tell Chad hes a bitch, if hes still with your sister then.
>I've invited[...] ungrateful assholes
I guess you're a fucking idiot, huh?
>Could have easily been Brent, or Trent, or Gabe, or any other faggoty name you'd expect to be a blonde bully in an 80s movie who wears Lacoste and hangs out at a country club
I grew up in the eighties, and you have no idea how right you are. I knew a good dozen or so guys named Trent, Brent, Chad, Steven, Chase, and some more unusual yuppie names like Winston, Forrest, and Springer.
I do not believe his name is Chad
Bacon wrapped hot dogs
Well at least there was one good Springer to come out of the 80s
my gf did this once... Was she trying to tell me she hated me? (we are no longer together)
That's an Arabian name.
ayo dis nigga hilurious
good point
Rape her in front of chad.
The only Chad I know is actually a fairly friendly, but he's a proper Chad. I'm certain he's told someone to just be themselves at some point, too.
My mom did this throughout my entire childhood....
It's the only way to assert your dominance OP
shoot both of them and then shoot yourself. put the gun in your mouth and aim for the spinal base. instant death.
Just make some Pasta carbonara. It's easy to make but their retarded normalfags so they'll just think "WOAH user,you made this yourself???"
Bonus points: use dry pasta but say you made it yourself by hand,they're too retarded to notice a difference.
Shu tup
please do this OP.
but if you want to actually serve food, id say cook something normal like chicken breasts and some green beans or some shit, but the ONLY available drink that isnt tap water are 32oz beers.
Casually in a conversation when they come over, offer them a beer and hand them a 32oz if they say yes. Dont comment on it unless they say "im driving" or something, keep saying its all you have. Then at dinner, put two fresh 32oz High Lifes in front of them and crack them open.
>He doesn't keep a case of bombs in his root cellar
Stay pleb
Just do some steak, it's an impressive dish when done right.
For vegetables, make a garden salad with vinagrette, also some mashed potato but properly with butter, milk, salt and pepper.
Sleepytime chicken
you're sucha cuck
They'll probably think worse of you if the food is shit.
This speaks to me.
Bring out a large serving plate in front of them, fart on it and say, "Bone apple tea!"
Brownies /k/ style
Only faggots and sailors are named Lawrence.
Make some great food, but put your semen in it. Then you can smile and nod as they compliment your cumfood.
>it's been 2 days
How'd it go, OP?
Kek Rocky mountain oysters
/k/um brownies hah