find a flaw
Find a flaw
Get a real fucking grill, Samantha
Your burgers look like soggy gray ass. Use some fucking proper binding and stop using a George Foreman you fag
its cast iron.
if i were making meatballs i may use a binder. but i prefer real hamburgers.
Its half cooked
Thats about as quality cast iron as a George Foreman. Emaciated, gray dog food. You don't know shit cuz
whats the white shit? did you put onions in it or something?
animal flesh
med rare dude
well this is solid cast iron.
george foreman is teflon coated aluminum
its fat. i ground the meat myself.
the only thing added was a hint of white pepper and salt.
>Shitty plateware
>Walmart table cloth
>dirty cutting board during cooking
>cooking shitty meat on an electric grill
It honestly would be a better thread if you said "find a positive"
What kind of beef did you grind? Like what is it, where is it from?
what tablecloth?
who said it was electric?
have no idea where it was from. it was shank. $2.69 a pound. i made a stock from the bones.
Let this thread be a lesson to you: never post on Veeky Forums.
why? my cooking is awesome
What kind of filth doesn't wipe off their cutting board when their done chopping? Also why are your onions all different thicknesses? Do you understand what consistency is?
I'm sure you think that that photo is proof that your cooking is "awesome," but you would be dead wrong.
why the fuck would i wipe off a board im not going to use again?
i used a very thin knife to cut the onions. the same knife i used to slice the croissants
whats wrong with it?
> shitty cheese
> artificial grill marks
> mostly grey exterior patty because you're using a grill pan for some reason
> no or little sauce
> appear to be eating it on a god damn croissant
> mushy - I mean, medium rare burgers
tillamook cheddar is pretty gud
its a cast iron griddle.
i didnt use any sauce this time because the croissants are rather rich by themselves.
a burger cooked more than med rare is pleb af.
How many dicks do you have up your ass at the moment?
you're a massive faggot
looks good OP, 8/10 would eat with a beer
I'm not going to pretend I know about a small town in Oregon but by shredding the cheese you've lessened the texture added by using a slice of cheese on a burger for presumably faster melting times.
Cast iron doesn't suddenly make it not stupid. You're losing a ton of maillard reaction for the aesthetic of grill marks.
> croissants for burgers
If I wanted tartare, I'd eat tartare. Medium and higher. Cooking a burger less does fuck all. If your mix is good it'll be juicy even at well done temperatures.
well i didnt have slices. only shredded.
i usually use the flat side of the griddle.
>Croissants as buns
>Pre-shredded cheese
>using a thermometer on hamburgers
Did you get inspired at your local LBGTAPINOXYZ rally to make this meal?
>If your mix is good it'll be juicy even at well done temperatures
you must be a terrible cook
the thermometer is for the grill, faggot.
>not testing to see if your burger is 476 degrees Fahrenheit
>Pressed burgers
how the fuck else do you flatten your burger?
this guy knows what's up.
e eso sopa de macaco?
you don't
eating meat is morally wrong
I see three flaws.
1. the knife point you used to slice onions is in the air
2. your espresso machine is about to put steam into your extension cord
3. the burgers are not the same size.
Is this a cry for help?
there is no espresso machine in that pic. its a kitchenaid mixer
each burger weighs the same
>find a flaw
Way too much red onions, sliced way too thick.
Cheap buns.
Uneven patties.
Electric griddle.
Meat blend looks pretty damn good, though. What is that, 70/30?
>well i didnt have slices. only shredded.
Then don't make cheeseburgers.
yes, and a pound of brick weighs the same as a pound of feather.
guarentee they're different sizes and shapes.
espresso machine...kitchenaid mixer...theres clutter on your counter.
Yo roll burgers in a plastic film and cut them you mongrel.
damn dude did you use a whole red onion for two burgers
Looks pretty good, would eat your pussy. Got any sauce on those boigahs?
Is Veeky Forums literally this retarded?
Like fucking seriously.
What stupid faggot braindead manchild can't eat the same fucking type of cheese if it's shredded instead of a slice? Looks like fucking cheddar to me, probably going to fucking taste like cheddar when it's shredded too.
Shredded cheese melts just as fucking well.
It doesn't melt as well, usually shredded cheese is coated with anti-clumping agents that prevent it from melting together easily.
>not shredding your cheese from the block
fuck you
He just said he didn't have slices only shredded. Meaning it's probably store-bought pre-shredded. Calm down and stop being a sperg if you can.
It's dispersed unevenly, the melting is uneven, it falls off, it looks bad, and it will start to sweat after taken off the heat. Sliced American is what you're supposed to use on burgers. Perfect balance and flavor every time.
>should grind the meat twice
>iron not hot enough
>poor ass grated cheese and I can't tell if you moronically grated it yourself or actually paid money for pregrated cheese either way you're an idiot
>a fucking croissant ???? what fucking planet ?
gb2 bed turbogimp
please refrain from felarca posting on Veeky Forums
they are croissants
its a cast iron fucking griddle. wtf does it matter if its on an electric burner or gas? i got it up to 475f
idk what the fat content was. it was shank.
there is no fucking espresso machine
nah. like half of a small one
tillamook melts fine. its real fucking cheese. a 5 pound bag is only $12
475 is not hot enough??
cool, its not an espresso machine.
you still left the knife pointed towards your face
the burgers aren't symmetrical
if you accidentally hit your kitchenaid mixer it'll rip a cord out of that socket.
generally unprepared is my analysis of this meal...your greatest flaw is a distracted mind. like...honestly...chop your onions evenly at least.
wtf does it matter where the knife was pointed?
the croissants arent symmetrical either. why are all you faggots so autistmo?
here. tear apart the stock i made from the bones
Pretty sad desu.
how is a half pound burger on a thin croissant sad?
I will literally never eat anything even remotely rare after I made Jack's aunt Myrna party cheese garbage shit and gave 6 people including me food poisoning, fuck that
Are you that mad max ogre who lives in a polish family's basement?
>how is a half pound burger on a thin croissant sad?
>Jack's aunt Myrna party cheese garbage shit and gave 6 people including me food poisoning
That's bullshit but I believe it
should have left them in cold salted water and put all that goey love into your burger faggot, also you will find ALOT of variation in them shitty laser thermometers get rid of it it's useless
its an infrared thermometer.
not a laser......