Hey question for you Veeky Forums. How much cheese is too much cheese?

Hey question for you Veeky Forums. How much cheese is too much cheese?

About tree fiddy.

I don't think there's such a thing. I can eat straight 100% cheese, so ratio wise there is no max

That is fair. I ask though because a lot of people here get angry when they see something covered in cheese. Though I was raised to think that cheese is great. So I'm curious what the general consensus on the acceptable cheese dish ratio is

Any at all. Cheese is fucking gross. All of it.

Depends on what cheese. A little Gouda goes a long way. Cheddar is easier to stomach in big quantities.

If we are talking melted cheese, then as long as you can see the other food then you're good to go

I'm lactose intolerant, but I can take pills for that.

I think a proper ratio is encapsulated in a Cuban sandwich. Just enough cheese to enhance the flavor while not being overwhelming. I think of it like a sprinkle of ptarmigan on a pasta dish, or a slice of cheddar on a hourderve.

It's fat in solid form, which isn't a deal for me because I'm a twink sized heterosexual man. But really any ingredient overdone can destroy a dish.

One atom.

>because a lot of people here get angry when they see something
That's more like it.

Theres a difference between eating cheese and accompanying something with cheese

The latter part i think being the thing that attracts flak
>why not just eat the cheese, fuck prepping bread or lettuce with it

You mean one mole.

Really the only two reasons to go easy on cheese are price and calories. Flavor-wise there's diminishing returns on cheese. People seem to have a "more is better" attitude about it, but really there's a point where the extra cheese isn't going to be making your meal any tastier.


I've eaten several meals where extra cheese has actually made the dish worse. I'm no cheese hater, but everything needs a ratio when it comes to cooking.

I dig your vibe.

Are you giving me the grammar nazi treatment?

OP here. Lookin at the responces on this thread, I guess my next question is what about cheese do people hate so much? Flavor and texture wise

The amount isn't the problem here, it just needs to be cooked more

There is no cheese in this picture.

Picture isn't fully related. Just an example of loads of cheese. Think it came from collegehumor on a food porn thing

Depends on what kind of cheese and what you're having it with.
Sure, I can eat straight cheese like this user But I would never eat the thing you posted because there's way too much cheese