We guess where others come from

Post a pic with food known mostly in your state

I'll start

The state I currently live in or the state I'm originally from?

that pizza just gave me an attack of trypophobia and I don't even have trypophobia






I too am Ioweigan.



Very very close

Oops messed up, didn't know Iowa was the corn state. I'm from NJ

Obviously Rhode Island.


Rhode Island



That's ohio. That pizza is dayton style

Iowa has been number 1 in corn production for decades.
Just ahead of Illinois.

We're also number 1 in eggs and pork, beating out Ohio and Illinois/minnesota/north Carolina combined, by a very wide margin.
Illinois just barely beats us in soy beans, but we've been number one not so long ago.

We're #7 in cattle (approx. 40million head)
And all the way down at #12 in dairy these days.

Not that any of it means a whole lot.


4 million*
Don't know where that extra zero cane from.

wuf that looks DANK

>#1 in black berries

They grow all over the place, it's pretty nice, unless they're infesting your lawn, or it's your job to cut them back from sidewalks. In the right season you can usually just find somewhere nearby to walk and pick a bunch to make pie/crisp/cobbler/eat as is.


Sounds nice.

I can't help but think of all the ways I'd use them.

Iowa is 6 times the land area, so it's not really a fair fight, from an agricultural perspective.


Best food

hello Louisiana

It's Danatos, which is even grosser than buckeyes somehow. Pig-disgusting.



Fuck off europleb.


I know these aren't only here but it's all we really got.



I had thought the pic on the right were proper chestnuts, not buckeyes (or horse chestnuts).

Fuck off commonwealth peasant.

>whoopie pies
I'm so fucking glad I left Massoftwoshits.

Not Whoopie pies

Indiana and it's stupid af


are you dumb? Norwegian-Americans are a thing, you know there is towns in America that fly the Norwegian flag alongside the star and stripes, right?