Pregnancy and wild game

I'm 21 weeks pregnant. I'm experinceing bad projectile diharea vomiting and pissing. I woke up around 5 with my stomach making awful noises. I am a extremely gassy, lots of cramps but I think its from the gas. I've already been to the bathroom 6 times . All I ate yesterday was 4 bowls of cereal, chicken strip meal from kfc, a can of raviolis and for dinner my husbands freeze dried smoked elk flank steaks(pic related). I felt the baby move after my second encounter with the bathroom. I guess all the noises woke him up. I'm worried the elk steak was bad , here is the pic of freezer bag

Probably the kfc


You might try asking somewhere that gives a fuck.

Take it to the vet.

Go see a doctor. We can't help you.

timestamp belly

Christ eat some vegetables.

Jfc your kids going to be born fat

My diet is not the problem here , I think the elk meat was rancid . This is a pic of the leftovers , I ate a little for breakfast and I can't stop leaking out of my ass .

Christ, why did your husband let the elk meat rot before he froze it? I've butchered elk, froze it and never once did it look like it had rotted like it does in your pic. I hope your food poisoning doesn't injure your fetus, numbskull. If it does, press charges against hubby for attempted murder.

>I can't stop leaking out of my ass .
And people in the Costco thread say breeders are not disgusting.

you're fine. Don't let these idiot liberals feed you lies about rancid meat. The body has mechanisms to deal with it. You would have vomited it up if it were actually a bacterial related issue. Just don't eat it again and you'll be fine

uh yeah you shouldn't eat stinky rancid meat

If you can keep food down I advise you to eat a 3-5 cloves of raw garlic (wash down with water) and a couple servings of greek yogurt (or other yogurt with active cultures) an hour or so after the garlic.

Garlic is a super powerful anti-bacterial anti-fungal that should help to kill the bad shit in your gut while minimally affecting the good shit. Yogurt with active cultures should be easy on your stomach and will encourage the good bacteria which should help your leaky ass problem.

>You would have vomited it up if it were actually a bacterial related issue
>I'm experinceing bad projectile diharea vomiting and pissing
RIP fetus :(

>4 bowls of cereal

Damn eat a veggie

pregnant women puke all the time

This. Every time after I eat kfc I wish I didn't.

Please have an abortion. If it's not legal where you are, just commit suicide and do the world a favor. If that's what you eat and you can't understand why you're shitting out your intestines, I'm scared to think that you will try and raise a child on that same level of food intake. Again, kill yourself.

>references butchering an elk he hunted
>Don't let these idiot liberals feed you lies about rancid meat


>RIP fetus :(
Dont feel bad user its just a cletus fetus

Did the babby was ok?

>I ate food and have the shits
The baby will be fine you fucking nutjob
You're probably gunna be a shit mother if you're already this panicked

You are having a girl, aren't you?

Would you rather she didn't give a fuck and ate and drank whatever? Too much concern may be a problem, but lack of it is ALWAYS a problem.

It's the bad norovirus that's going around.
I've had two kids and only ever experienced vomiting and some diarrhea.
The diarrhea was caused by a b12 and iron deficiency.

But from the sounds of it, you have norovirus.

why do people like this breed?

>All I ate

See a fucking doctor, by the way. Maybe replace all that garbage with some veggies and take some vitamins while you're at it.


>yellow elk steak
hoof rot, your husband is a dumbass

If it was ever an option before you may want to give up on your kid ever going to college now

Your diet is fucking disgusting you eat like a neckbeard gamer. Do you drink mountain dew as well?

Tits or GTFO roastie whore

No faggots allowed.

You have your own board, so use it, degenerate filth.

better make clips4sale vids of your preggo ass farting while you can this a fetish thread?

>Rancid meat is fine because liberals

Are you retarded?

tfw no preggo montana wifey. who will make me fuck her to induce labor since there are no doctors in this county

Is your husband having the same problems? You should still go to the doctor.
You could have a gallstone too. Apparently women develop them a lot during pregnancy. I had these problems when I was pregnant and I was diagnosed with one recently.

Stop preggoposting on a Finnish foodie forum, firstly. I'm not your gash doctor nor your crotch fruit picker.