

Why do certain companies not actually know how to make their drinks not taste like spicey piss? Generic Monster tastes legitimately bad, so does generic Rockstar. Nos is bad.

It's only the fruit flavored ones that taste semi-decent. Why can't they get their shit together?

try this OP and you'll thank me

pitbull>redbull>everything else

tastes and feels like drinking a battery

red bull has literally zero potency

esp. because they put it in little 8oz containers that give you the same amount of liquid as a small syringe

>Nos is bad.

Wat. I've never met someone who didn't like NOS.

>little 8oz containers that give you the same amount of liquid as a small syringe

You must be a big guy.

>literally have to have an extra addition to hold your Red Bull because the can's so small

>crying about the taste of your energy drinks not being sweet and fruity enough

Wow what a shocker, coming from a bunch of faggots who can't just drink coffee

For you.

>drinking black coffee because you saw it in a movie and it sounded cool

>unable to drink coffee because it's not made of carbonated high fructose corn syrup

Do you guys like nos? I've been drinking at least 1 a day for the past year now I fucking love it.

you should probably go a week without it my dude

Most variety of Mountain Dew Kickstart are actual pretty good. And I hate energy drinks.
It's basically sparkling juice with caffeine.
The small ones are like 45-70 cal and the big ones are like 90-100.

I can't drink coffee to feel more awake, I've somehow mutated and it seems to have the literal opposite effect. Probably dehydrating me.

They taste like that because most of the ingredients needed to make it an energy drink taste like ass.

come to the poorfagville

Drinking 1-2 a day for 3 years to combat that depression TM fatigue

Only energy drink that rates good. Original is best. Red is good but too sweet. Also has more caffeine than most others.

No Fear was better but it's gone forever from my life

I think it's the taurine that makes all energy drinks taste like ass.

>drink 2-3 energy drinks a day never have problems
>try adderall once in end up in the er

now any stimulant drives me crazy.
this was my fav. hope i can come back to it one day

>Drinking things that have many more negative effects and less caffeine than a diet soda

Have fun with cancer and ulcers.

>less caffein than a diet soda

Objectively fake news, user