Favorite places to eat in California?
In-N-Out claimed
Favorite places to eat in California?
In-N-Out claimed
shart yourself back to
no you
In n out is pretty based
california is famed for their raisins.
tsujita annex in santa monica
Curry House
Didn't know Veeky Forums was such an exclusive world, sorry next time I'll make a shitty thread about big macs.
Any suggestions for the LA/Long Beach area?
el cotixan
visiting California is just a big fat pretentious disappointment
pretty much how your parents feel about you is how it feels to visit california
Where in Cali? Its a big state.
Also, get ready for a big let down. California is shit.
LA/Long beach is where I'll likely be visiting, but I'll be staying arounz Downey since that's where my friend lives.
Ate at a number of good places there. As much as I hate the politics of the state, there's good grub.
I was visiting Fresno last week and went to pic related.
Pretty fuckin good I must say.
Central valley sucks a major dick though. Couldn't wait to leave.
Casual? Chain? Upscale?
Bah, I'll just go chain, since that's easiest.
>Coffee: Dutch Bros.
>Sandwiches: Beach Hut Deli
>Burgers: Squeeze Inn (it's a local chain, but still a chain)
>Middle of the night Mexican drive-thru: Carolina's for a carne asada burrito and a large horchata
>Doughnuts: Winchell's
Can't really pick a chain asian place, since all the asian places I go are either just locals or have 2 or 3 locations. Hell, I'll throw Burma Superstar in there, even though there's only 3 locations.
If your in Downey, the Porto's is good there
Can confirm - Porto's is excellent.
t. the last gringo in 90242
>going to Fresno
Best Pastrami sandwiches in LA?
I've hit Langer's, Lenny's, Wexler's, and Factor's so far, about to try Canter's tomorrow.
Langer's wins easy.
The hat
Also when your are there order some onion rings
>tfw live in central valley
>tfw live in notfresno
i-its fine
hit up that Weinerschnitzel dawg
Johnny Pastrami.
LA/Long Beach is not one area that you can just wander and find the shit you want. LA is so big it can fit 4-5 other major US cities into its borders, and Long Beach is an entirely separate city just south of LA. LA is best described as about a dozen small specialized urban concentrations with areas of sprawl between each. LA is a great city and you can find pretty much anything there, but you have to fucking plan what you want to do, where you want to be, and execute that plan. It's not a "step out and figure things as we go" kind of town like New York or Chicago.
Favorite place is this taco stand on w ave 26. 1 dollar street tacos, and become a regular or speak spanish and they pile on more meat. Favorite one is Cabeza, don't like asada as much, but cabeza is so fatty, juicy and tender. You can also ask for a free potato(s) that they braise the meat with. Shit's ace.
Also love getting hainan chicken from SGV.
See The chili cheese fries are great, too. Make sure you get tomato and pickle on it.
>in-n-out claimed
what's even the fucking point then
In what may just be the shittiest city in California, there was this tiny tiny amazing restaurant I went to in Modesto. The Harvest Moon had a wonderful burger/salad combo that makes that place worth going to. Also it is the only place where I have ever gotten good sweet potato fries.
God damnit, I love this meme. One of the funnier ones in awhile.
Fuck, dude. Childhood Christmases. The greatest shit.
Does anyone know any smaller, slower restaurants or cafes in the central valley where it's possible to just bring a book and relax for a few hours?
I have a lot of free time on my hands this summer and I'd like to try new places, but LA is so dense that it's difficult to know what's worth looking for - let alone differentiating between pretentious, overpriced places and the rest.
when did stephen colbert join DEVO?
This meme makes me want to shoot myself in the fucking head but everyone else on this website seems to think it's the funniest thing in the world. Maybe I've finally outgrown Veeky Forums and can stop coming here, thank god.
I'm literally retarded I meant LA area, not central valley.
Dutch Bros is complete shit.
California has no original food culture. Fuck outta here with your tritip. Outside the bay and Socal there is literally zero restaurants worth eating at. Immigrants are the only reason that there is anything worth eating here. Take me to Chicago or the south any fucking day. Pic related....you cheesy left coast groovy scum.
Considering it was made by literal children (age 14-16) from r/the_donald and then spammed repeatedly across multiple boards because the mods wouldn't immediately shut it down you're right to be upset.
There's a seafood place in Long Beach called Big Catch, amazing mojitos and great food. Also there's a sushi restaurant called Octopus, get the monkfish liver. They also have cocktails by the pitcher.
Maybe you just can't separate your political bias from a joke.
Got the pastrami reuben from Canter's, wasn't very impressed desu. Texture was chewier than any other I've had before, more like corned beef than pastrami.
That is some god tier ramen for sure. Their tsukumen cold noodle ramen is fucking amazing. never thought I'd have Broth that borders on gravy due to its thickness.
Lucky Boy Breakfast Burritos in Pasadena are awesome.
Yakis in Burbank and Montrose are fucking awesome for their bulldogs and Yakko cheese burgers.
Tacos Las Estrella in pasadena are also bomb as heck.
Try Golden Basket in Santa Ana, worth the drive. Awesome cheeseburgers.
Also if you manage to make it all the way out to Glendora.
Holy fuck go to Donut Man. It's strawberry season right now. Fresh strawberry stuffed donuts.
>make political joke
>"you must be biased to not enjoy it"
true. they dont even have coffee, really
Gtfo away fro LA or long beach go to seal beach or Huntington beach there is a big difference in 14 miles long beach is shit and i man shit when you have orange county which is awesome better food and less niggers and jews
The joke is that the cnn ice cream story has absolutely nothing to do with politics, and is just something people could use to get angry about a person they already hate. Recognizing that silliness is why its funny.
Orange county is a joke kys. All beaners and white trash
Find yourself some dirty looking Mexican place and get yourself some carne asada fries.
I literally live in Orange County and I can tell you like only 5% of the county looks like this.
(The guy you were responding to is wrong, tho, it's mostly white middle class and a ton of chinks)
I can honestly say that I've never seen someone shill a county before.
i actually live in orange county. only 5% looks nice? you're just a butthurt falseflagging flyover who has never left his opiate addicted town
go feed your cows and take your chickens out of the coop
I am literally sitting in Fullerton right now.
I've lived in Cypress and Buena Park for my entire life.
(inb4 well duh your perception is screwed you live in Shitter Park)
Sacramento has so much good Mexican food. There's also a town about 15 minutes north called Woodland with really good Mexican food and a teriyaki place with the best beef and noodles I've ever had.
dog bless :----DDDDD
Why is everyone talking about the flyover parts of California?
This is like talking about New York and everyone starts babbling about Binghamton and Ossining and shit
Cactus Cooler
If ya'll niggas in Socal haven't tried it, take a trip to El Taco in Downey. Best taquitos.
Donutman donuts taste weird. They have a slight off flavor to me. Id rather have a regular donut from an asian run shop.
The Chocolate Peanut Butter donut from Stan's Donuts in Westwood is over hyped.
Ole Mole. Several in long beach, one over in pedro and I think one in torrence.
What even brings you to such a place?
This and Daikokuya
neat, i believe you because of those photos, obviously all of orange county is just like that
i live here and it doesn't suck that much
hollywood is extremely overrated though
No shit you fucking faggot. Do you like eating acorns like the Miwoks?
Lombardi's Deli
Leave them alone, it's all they have.
Come on man, we got an arbys and meth. What more do you want?
Can confirm. Also if your life went to hell and you are in modesto for an extended period, the twisted pig bar and grill is comfy af.
Navy vet from SD checking in.
Mi Tierra. Best Mexican food I ever had hands down.
Slaters 50/50 if you wanna go full bacon hipster.
You sound upset, friend. Get something delicious out of a food truck made by brown people and cheer up.
what faggy state do you live in that would cause you to be so butt blasted
If you're ever in Chico, skip In-N-Out(it's garbage) and try the Burger Hut.
Or Celestino's pizza.
why would anyone ever be in chico
but user, we both know you can't afford to live here.
[spoiler]you probably live in santa ana[/spoiler]
>unironically eating at big catch
octopus is good cheap sushi though, and that all you can drink saki for 15 dollars is a great deal
Where in central valley? Assyrians all around me here in turlock
They buy their beans for 2c/lb according to a distributor I know.
It's pretty much the #1 coffee kiosk in OR. Never liked it, but every vapid cunt in my life has one in their hand every morning. I was treated to one of their popular sugary concoctions once, I took one sip and had to give it back. So fucking sweet, it wasn't even coffee, like vaguely coffee flavored cream and syrup. Everyone here just sucks it down and buys a tshirt.
Their workers are so annoyingly chipper too, by policy.
Fuck that place.
>live in the comfy town of Ladera
How can poorfags even compete?
This. I live within walking distance of El Taco and eat there about once a week.
Joe's Cafe up in Gardena/Northridge
Wurstküche in Venice
Yea this guy is right. Talk about Fresno, Barstow, Coalinga, Lodi, Eureaka and shit all you want. There's nothing there. There's alot of valuable food stuff going on up in the Napa winery area, the Bay Area is a huge hotspot for good food, and So Cal has more than it's share of interesting food.
Thank you cactus cooler of being the ultimate chaser of my collage years. I will always remember what you taste like after pounding a shot of floorcleaner vodka.
For the record when did Asians become donut masters?
Pic related, most famous donut shop in my city. Run by a sweet old Chinese woman. Slightly racist bit sweet.
Not living close to taco trucks is a life not worth living.