What does MSG in its purest form taste like?
Can I sprinkle it on my food like salt to make it taste better?
What does MSG in its purest form taste like?
Can I sprinkle it on my food like salt to make it taste better?
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doesnt taste like much by itself. it needs to bond to other flavors before it tastes like anything.
yes. it is commonly used in soups and chilis as opposed to salt
Putting it simply it pretty much tastes like salt. It is more savory, and I notice a lick of pure msg is more mouth-watering than an equivalent lick of salt. I would not sprinkle it uncooked on food, although I've seen Chinese dishes with msg on it like this. It tastes better when you cook with it to fully develop the flavor.
It's also a great meat tenderizer. Sprinkle it on your meat before you marinate it. It'll be nice and tender on the grill.
>Pic unrelated
You can replace half your salt with MSG
In it's purest form? The tears of cooks who don't know how, or worse yet are too lazy, to properly build flavor through technique and judicious use of ingredients. A bit more bitter than normal tears, though, because they feel the assburn of their incompetence.
it tastes like delicious
I add it to everything. There's basically no point of even making fried chicken if it's not in your breading
If you don't want to impart flavors of glutamate rich ingredients into your dish, there is nothing wrong with using msg. You cannot tell the difference if used properly. "Crutch ingredients" in general are signs of a bad chef.
MSG molecule is identical to its naturally occurring form.
>properly build flavor
I find it tastes more like the tears of pretentious cooks who look down on others using simple seasoning they like at home, I find these tears slightly sweet and savory
>tentacles on a stick
Tastes like diabetes. MSG triples your insulin level by 300%.
So tomatoes cause diabetes?
>an aminoacid
Why do so many white people lie about msg's effects?
Shit makes my pozole 10x better.
it tastes like pure savoriness
some people say it tastes bitter by itself, but not in my experience. and yes you can sprinkle it on food, doesn't need cooking.
id say it tastes soapy. i purchased some but i never ended up using it outside of just trying it
Beef, salt and vomit.
No, it makes your food taste fucking terrible.
I'd liken it to the taste of an unseasoned pork chop that's been slow cooked. If you mix it 1:3 with salt then you get a seasoning that's analogous to salt but only requires a third as much.
They taste like how those small black ants smell like when crushed.
That is to say, not overwhelming but certainly not pleasant.
I find that this flavour is imparted in any dish I use MSG on if it doesn't have any meat/fat too.
My family is chinese, full of doctors and engineers but they're all terrified of MSG and complain about getting headaches. It's not only white people who fall for stupid shit like this.
>those small black ants smell like when crushed
wtf u goddamn chink
>triples ... by like 300%
Nice meme
Nice broscience
By itself it tastes like meat-salt. It's not as salty as salt because it's 1/3 sodium by weight (and in fact if you substitute part or all of your salt intake with equivalent weight MSG you'd be better off in the long run).
I like it on popcorn.
Good for Veeky Forums then
Thats because they eat rabies dog and drink gutter oil you n00nfag
I've eaten small black ants before actually, and they taste nothing like MSG, they're pretty sour, taste a bit like elderberries
MSG tastes like chicken broth with soy sauce to me
It tastes like poison because it IS poison. Ya dumb idiots
Salty meat. It's in the name: monosodium glutamate.
if you throw some straight in your mouth I would describe the taste as "thick" it doesn't really have a conventional flavor that your sense of smell detects
that's why it goes so well on everything because it makes food taste richer
tastes like chicken stock
like seaweed
It tastes like a very subtle mustard taste mixed with a slightly less subtle metallic taste like pennies. Not my cup of tea. Every time i ate it i would get headaches.. That cant be healthy. I have no idea why all these people kept trying to reinforce that it wasnt unhealthy. If you ate one teaspoon it would kill you. Its not as natural a more wholesome foods and minerals, thats so obvious.
It's literally sodium with an amino acid.
I can never understand why people think there's something artificial or unhealthy about MSG. Sure, it's got salt in it. But so do you.
>Its not as natural a
it is basically a substance produced by your body user
you make yourself get psychogenic headaches because you were already the type of person to think these thoughts.
>If you ate one teaspoon it would kill you
MSG is super salt. It makes other food taste great but the problem with it is that it has a long half-life so eating over the span of a day will make it build up in your body and cause the headache/chestpain side effects.
Can you guys please stop saying "savory". The correct term is UMAMI.
Shut up faggot.
This. Once again, it's an amino acid with sodium.
You are literally made of both of these things.
Protein is made of amino acids.
If you take a piece of meat and digest it, the protein becomes amino acids, including glutamate.
This stuff is about as artificial as water.
Hydrogen dioxide can kill you!
That's what someone said about MSG earlier. A teaspoon, if I recall.
he didn't say msg tastes like black ants
Pretty salty. Like /pol/
Bunch of intellectual lightweights in here.
I find it gives me gross burps so i stopped using it
don't use msg it contains free glutamic acid which is an excitotoxin that will delete your brain cells
try Mrs Dash it's basically seasoned salt spiked with msg
My friend did a study on it at Pitzer. The studies that say it is safe use Aspartame as a control substance and vice versa. Any study that says it's harmless is lying to you based on a false premise.
They are eating utensils, you can eat afterwards. Sometimes using chopsticks is just too much of a bother, so you just use nature as your engineer and tentacle that shit up.
It being bad is literally made up by competitors of asian restaurants in the 90s
They were all jelly as to why the kung pao chicken and moo shoo pork tasted so good. They found out most resturants use MSG or soy sauce which naturally contains glutamates so they spread the lie its bad and causes headaches. USA has always been cronically dehydrated and the asian food did contain a ton of salt so it would further dehydrate the people causing headaches
MSG is the same effect on the body as salt and meat. It becomes sodium and glutamate. Same retards who go around saying GMO is bad and organic is the shit when it actually uses more pesticides per yield
TL;DR if you cant beat em lie about em
By itself it actually tastes kind of bitter and metallic. Doesn't do that in anything I add it to though.
Maybe that's just how my mouth tastes.
What is it with chinks and not giving a fuck about animals.
Protip: potassium chloride salt substitute is the superior seasoning and it's actually good for you.
I'd rather eat bananas.
my mom ate at chinese once and got perminant mingrane's dont eat msg its vary bad for you
>not natural
As others have said, you produce it naturally in your own body, plus it naturally occurs in celery, seaweed, tomatoes, avocados, beef, shrimp, anchovies and plenty of others.
so by 9 times?
Probably will.
Trips of truth right here. If you eat a lot of any kind of salt, be it MSG or plain sodium chloride, you're going to feel awful and get dehydrated, period.
It amazes me how people can talk at length about the evils of MSG while they can't stop reaching for the shaker every single meal. Moderation in all things, kids.