Well Veeky Forums?
Well Veeky Forums?
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nice fucking artifacts shithead
I want them all
Fuck it I'm going vegan.
None, girls suck.
i can make better food at home, now i get why some men become gay
>fuck thisssssss, I'm going for one of Big Al'sssss burgersssssss...
Ronda is the only one that dosnt look it got scooped out of a bucket so Ronda
If this is how they eat then they are probably lardasses and I would choose none.
Sounds like the only house I'd be welcome at.
Thanks, but I'd rather go to Elizabeth's house for dinner.
>this fucking cancer again
Whichever one puts out the best.
Next question.
who here /jpeg/
Ronda's fo sho, but wut the fuck with Felecia plate
I'll have whatever Tamika is eating
and then I'll have a generous helping of her ripe cherry pussy.
Ronda: 0
Felicia: 1, 2, 3
Tamika: 4, 5, 6
Rebecca: 7, 8, 9
Dubs gets them all.
>implying I associate with nigger ladies or people who post low quality .jpegs
>in school was in the black area
>no other whites pretty much
>all of my class was niggers and black people
>they bullied me for being white, called me 'Toast dipped in Water' because that is what whites like
>used to do a thing where they'd give me a sheet of paper with random statements about Mayonnaise and make me read the 'MayoNews'
>one day they invited me to one of their homes for dinner
>was actually excited a good chance to befriend my schoolmates
>went to the house
>the mother was cooking delicious smelling chicken with mac and cheese
>really excited to eat it
>mother brings the food out
>gives me a different plate with plain chicken and a jar of open mayo
>'Your friends told me you like this stuff, and I always make guests welcome!'
>feel bad to tell her it is bullying so I thank her
>dip my chicken in the mayo and eat it
>don't even like mayo
>they bully me for the next few years even more
None, I stay home
What could possibly go wrong here
When the image resolution is so shit you can barely make out a chicken wing after 5 seconds of looking, you should probably find a better image.
can i pick none?
those all look disgusting
If you didn't pussy out and say you like normal food it all could've ended differently friend
tamika is objectively the best, i'll leave you plebes to squabble over the other 3
rebecca pls
fucking christ, that quality of the picture. that fucking jpg degradation
I can't even see what the fuck this is
Fuck you OP
Jesus fuck that makes me vomit
Its one of those ironic nigger memes where they purposely make things ignorant and shitty like when they misspell bon apetit with a picture of something disgusting
I hate this fat fuck so fucking much
>used to do a thing where they'd give me a sheet of paper with random statements about Mayonnaise and make me read the 'MayoNews'
They're still black. They lose in the long run
wew lad, someone is giving niggers a lot of credit
I can't tell what any of them are making.
>>gives me a different plate with plain chicken and a jar of open mayo
>>'Your friends told me you like this stuff, and I always make guests welcome!'
Wtf is that placenta looking shit he pulled out of that jar?
Tamika's got AIDS tho
You fucked up
>invited to eat dinner with a friend and their family
>we'll be having food from their native culture
>they pull out take out boxes
Is this a joke?
>used to do a thing where they'd give me a sheet of paper with random statements about Mayonnaise and make me read the 'MayoNews'
That is hilarious, true or not.
>stay around niggers
You did this to yourself user.
What exactly is he trying to make here?
Exacly. Eat this shit and if you complain no sex for 6 months. I would rather kick that fat dumb bitch out, no sex anyway so what is she good for? Apparently not cooking.
The lime cutting/squeezing is what bothers me the most
>4 different take out boxes
i'm staying at home and cooking for myself
anyone's good except rebecca
I think I'll stay home and chug straight vegetable oil. I'll still get diarrhoea but won't have to endure the interminable mindless gibbering.
>ywn have Ja/ck/ cook you dinner before your young born again wife sucks your cock
thanks for reminding me
I'll eat at home, fuck that shit
'Soul food' mac and cheese is disgusting compared to what can be achieved using real ingredients and some actual work in preparation.
>I hate black people but I won't say it outright
You white 20-somethings have issues.
My number one issue would be my functioning taste buds, followed shortly by a craving for carbs and that's not hyperinflated by obesity and type II diabetes.
>carbs and
this gave my eyes a headache
how do you even compress an image to look this shit
actually i'm a nigger
Non-americlap here, what's the difference?
soulfood macncheese's father left when he was young
>used to do a thing where they'd give me a sheet of paper with random statements about Mayonnaise and make me read the 'MayoNews'
top lel
>punches the egg
>may I have a salad instead?
Also Ronda. How many blacks do you know that cook lobster and shrimp scampi?
Ronda looks pretty good.
>in school was in the black area
>no other whites pretty much
Straight-up child abuse.
top left: steak, shrimp, lobster, mac and cheese, fucked up baked potato
top right: buffalo chicken wings, fucked up baked potato. shrimp on something. shrimp on something
bottom left: chili cheese fries and barbecue wings
bottom right: chili cheese fries with avocado and sour cream
am I guessing this right?
Sry shaquanda im still not fucking wiht monkeys
>in school in white and asian only area
>average household income was 80k at the time now its somewhere in 100k range
>darkest kid in my class was that one kid from Ecuador
>peaceful school life
they're evolving
Now that's waayyyy too much credit
you'd be surprised
Probably because from what I've seen they've been regressing
>>used to do a thing where they'd give me a sheet of paper with random statements about Mayonnaise and make me read the 'MayoNews'
Tamika knows what's good.
Eatin at Uma's
I don't plan on gaining weight, so I think I'll pass
why would I need to go to someone else's house just to eat delivery food?
I choose none of the 4; everything looks disgusting when the pictures look like they're taken on a potato.
Europoor detected
Anything but Ronda.
Here we gooooo
For me it's Rona, the best takeout meal.
Playing hardball here user
Trips goes vegan, hoping for trips tbqh
Apparently these roasties "cook" food in the exact same containers and plasticware as kebab shops and restaurants. Really jogs the noggin.
lmao nice
top jej
Why are they all in take-out boxes?