For me, it's the McMacaron

For me, it's the McMacaron

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How do these compare to pretty patties?

I was in a local French bakery last Saturday looking at cakes for Mother's Day, and the sheer amount of fuckwads who came in and pointed at the macarons and asked for "macaroons" nearly drove me to an angry outburst. I fucking hate people.

macarons are fucking shit

no one actually likes them, it's just for fags to fawn over like this fag

I never said I liked macarons, you stupid fuckwit, I said people's mispronunciation drove me fucking nuts. I was there buying a goddamn cake. READING COMPREHENSION, son.


>Sweet, not savoury
>Crispy and chewy, not just tender chewy
>French af

What's next, semen milkshakes?
French tie bow fries?

>It's spelled McCaroons



Is a macaroon a sandwich?

Sick reference bro

holy shit how autistic

>confusing autism with education

Well, I see the trailer park school kids are here today.

>trivia is education

Please explain how you think language pronunciation falls under "trivia". You do realize there's a whole department in uni devoted to linguistics, right?

You're a fucking cock for referring to everything as autism.
Go fuck yourself, from autistic kid to normie.

>get btfo by autistic kid
>have to an hero

Do what you have to do, you fucking retard.

It's not pronunciation. They macaroons and macarons are two different things.

So knowing the difference between a italian and french pastry is fucking trivial to anyone but a home ec teacher.

Never once used the word autism in a post.

Welcome to the anonymous image boards newfriend

Ooh, get a load of Noam Chomsky here!

>new friend
>12.1 years here

Mcfucking kill yourself.

It's language and pronunciation AND knowing the difference between a macaron and a macaroon. Plenty of people know macarons are French, and they STILL call them macaroons. It's not trivial, it's being EDUCATED. Sorry you're behind the curve, but that's not anyone's fault but your own.

t. home ec teacher


>It's not trivial, it's being EDUCATED

Nope. Just an educated adult, instead of a fucking moron like you. You can't think of anything better to say than to try and insult me by calling me a home education teacher? Pathetic.

>home education teacher
What did he mean by this?

>home education

He meant to say "pretty cool dude."

He meant home schooled teacher.

>macaroon: italian cookie made from almond flour and egg whites
>macaron: french cooking made from almond flour and egg whites.

>not trivial

Shut the fuck up

"To be pedantic the correct name is a Macaron (mah-kah-ron) The word originates back again to the Italian roots, for maccherone or macaroni. In France they are known only as Macarons, it is outside France where the confusion has come in. In the UK, macarons are also called macaroons.
Both are widely accepted but to call them a macaroon is not correct. A macaroon is a small cake made with egg white and coconut and was one of the first cakes children often will make and so remain a favorite today."

if you dont speak french either wtf do you care, youre all pronouncing it wrong regardless

>Both are widely accepted

Stopped reading there. You just BTFO'd yourself.

>he didn't read the image

CONTEXT, child.

>Both are widely accepted but to call them a macaroon is not correct.

Just like how calling you a donkey-licking ball-gobbler with VD may be widely accepted, but may not be correct. (Although, I have a feeling it is correct).

But macron and macaroon are both french.

Literally no one cares. This little autistic fact-checking of yours is between you, the Italians, and the French. Usually when I buy pastries, I'm in far too good of a mood to sperg over what is and is not "correct."

You mean a gâteau? I sure hope you didn't say cake.

>everything I don't like is autism

When the fuck are we going to get moderation here?

But it literally is austism. macarons and macaroons can be used interchangeably.


Ffs retard, it's "moderación"

You are fucking retarded.

Home ec stands for home economics kiddo. But keep crowing about your EDUCATION.

>look up macaroon
>article states "in france it's known as a macaron"

waaaahhhh you're retarded, wikipedia is wrong REEEEEEEEEEEE.

time for meds kid.

"macaroon" is not french

>wikipedia is wrong

Yes, it fucking is you asstard.


Well you should know since it's the only class you managed to pass, and live in your mom's basement. I was too busy taking AP and college credit classes to worry about Home Ec.

Those Macs look like shit, the foot is huge and there is barely any filling. Also, contrast your colors a bit, jesus.


Okay, back to the spergfest.

It's Jewish.

Also gross.

You're just being a weird, prescriptivist butthole. And when you are made a fool of, instead of leaving, as it'd stand to reason one should on an anonymous website where they have been outmaneuvered or proven wrong in conversation, you stay and double down. Every time.

What drives you? What drives people like you around Veeky Forums? What is it about this place that makes people into the most rabid of ideologues for the most stupid, worthless things to fight for, for their most insignificant of opinions? There is no shame in just going, because nobody will recognize you. You are anonymous. Why do you continue to engage?

How old is this? I remember this on YTMND ages ago...

>Is a macaroon a sandwich?

I think it's a scrambled egg sandwich, that the French dye in weird colors for some reason.


Happy now faggot?

Like being on this shit site for 12 years is something to be proud of.

What, and you still don't understand how it works? You still labor under the delusion that every post on this website that isn't yours is the same person? You're fucking retarded, dude. That's not something to be proud of.

Bang bang

>doesn't understand the difference between macaroons and macarons

What are you talking about those shits are delicious! They are a ripoff at most places but they are tasty as a butthole


What the fuck even is a macroon?