What are some good fat loss meals?
I need some flavour
no fitcel broccoli and rice
What are some good fat loss meals?
Just watch your calories retard. Any vegetables in any amount and meat + grains with moderation. What's so hard about it? Faggot.
Also you could fucking Google it instead of shitposting
simple, let yourself be hungry you piece of shit. when you finally do eat anything will taste fine
anything without sugar
>What are some good fat loss meals?
Any meal you want. Just reduce your portion size.
literally eat less than 1500 cals a day and work a pretty active job, still gaining weight, but nice 'i have good genetics' post buddy
I wonder if the guy in the picture is dead.
let me guess, you're a manlet and don't count snacks and drinks towards your total calories
that or you completely fucked up your calory counting
No, it must be his "bad genetics".
I'm a fucking slob and every few months have to count my calories to stay in shape but it always work to the extreme exacts.
How fucking hard could it be to weigh things before you prepare them? Or you could just weigh the whole batch of freshly made food, look how much of shit you used, portion it, do some elementary-school math and voilĂ !
You deserve your weight you piece of shit.
>smokes name brand cigarettes
>drinks generic soda
Fucking why...
what the fuck kind of cigarettes aren't name brand? where you just buy the tobbaco and roll it yourself?
tastes better, is cheaper and healthier than normal cigs, and you can customize them to perfectly fit your needs
Smaller portions of meals you like.
Just watch your calorie intake and get it down to 1.2k-1.5k cal/day if you want to lose a bit quick.
Working out is also essential, mix cardio and weights. Start at 1-2x a week and move up to 3-4. Couchto5k is a good starter if you were stationary like me.
I've lost 45ish lbs in the past 7-8months by cutting out bullshit, drinking lotsa water, and exercise.
I also go vegan/veg for 1/4 of my meals. IDk if that matters, but I did it for the lols.
Down to 224 from ~265, 6'4" ama.
This. Eat healthy food in portions that amount to around 1,500 cals or a bit less, and you'll lose weight. And you can "cheat" every 10-14 days too, and eat whatever you want for 1 meal. It's really easy, and you're retarded if you can't do it.
>not snus
>not anus
Ex-smoker; ex-dip, amerifag tbqh
Just quit at this point.
if you learn how to use spices well, broccoli and rice can be different and delicious every day. stop assuming that because someone tells you a food is good for you that you have to eat it plain with no seasoning
Exercise you fuckin fatass
>I want all of the cancerous properties of nicotine, but in my mouth!
Drink about 1.5L of kombucha per day, it will raise your metabolism. You can basically keep whatever diet you want under 3500 calories per day and still drop a few lbs per week.
If it starts making you burn TOO many calories, cut back to about 1L.
>Drink about 1.5L of kombucha per day, it will raise your metabolism.
this is what retards actually believe
Stay mad, I lost 100lbs in eight months.
>The laws of thermodynamics don't apply to me
Enjoy your dialysis.
I honestly dont get amerifats.
Broccoli and rice is lovely. alot of plain dishes are nice to eat, thai green dishes are one of my favourite, with alot of spring onion and veg.
It feels good to eat. My body is like fuck yes give me this after a long day. i dont get how or why they are so repulsed by genuinely good food
Read OP's post again