I'm Lovin' It

I'm hungry. Gonna drive to McDonalds and order my favourite!

>Towering 100% beef Big Mac
>Crispy french fries
>Ice Cold refreshing Coca Cola

What are you getting from McDonalds tonight?

Quarter Pounder with Cheese over here my dude. And a diet coke obviously xd

Directions to the nearest Wendys.


Sometimes I miss my job in the kitchen at McDonald's but then I remember the stress from getting slammed and coming up covered from collar to toe in grease.

At least I'll always have it as a backup job if ever needed to be.

And the kitchen was always fun if there were no girls or niggers in high school who liked to "roast" every second. But it was pretty chill, especially on closing nights. It's bittersweet




Post your elementary school pictures faggot.


Get rekt faggot, he is a total Chad.

Implying it's not obvious you're the only other person posting in this thread. Get a life retard.

hahaha, its funny because now you're mad and wrong. Kill yourself virgin faggot.

lmaoooooooooooo me too pham those twitter posts are straight fire and really communicate with my generation

wendy's is straight lit! 100 100 100


Wendys is the white mans fast food choice.
McCuckholds, as you've demonstrated by typing like the typical faceberg-slobbing urban youf, is a corporation past its prime and attempting to hold onto any marketshare it can so it aims for negros.
When they decided not to capitalize their logo or bother spelling it correctly because they thought it would come off as "elitist" somehow I decided to never give them my business.

one of everything

The loltyler1 special. The I ly order GUARENTEED to make you more of an alpha male.

>DBL Q lb w/o onions
>med fry
>2 McChicken
>2apple pies

I love the big mac sandwich

For me its the 20 piece nuggets and the subsequent indigestion

One double cheeseburger, no pickle. 2 spicy chicken wraps. A small fry. Large iced coffee. And one McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.