

>he's genetically inferior

Well that pretty much covers it. Next thread please.


>niggers posting on Veeky Forums

>eats meme leaves
>is white
pick one


>star anise

Your loss

This and turmeric really jimmies my johnnies when used with a heavy hand.

I can't say I hate either, but if its overpowering it ruins the whole thing for me.


Just eat toothpaste faggot

Baby palates detected

tell me your green and ill determine if its shit


cilantro tastes super bitter, like soap.
i guess its an acquired taste???
i personally like it though

shit genes detected

normally coriander refers to the seed where I'm from. Coriander is good, but I have the disposition to dislike cilantro leaves.

the cilantro gene meme is just perpetuated by the cilantro industry to trick nazis into buying their soapy nigger parsley

Cilantro doesn't taste like soap to me, but it still tastes bad. I'll tolerate it in a dish but it doesn't improve anything.


Non-whites detected

I'm genuinely interested as a person who tastes cilantro as soap, what does it actually taste like? Is it soapy in the least, is it spicey? or what

It tastes literally like plain old bar soap. Just bitter and without anything to make it enjoyable.

Tastes like soap. I was fed foods with lots of cilantro from a very young age so now I just like the taste of soap.
I didn't realize this until I was 17 and drank some water from a pitcher with dish soap in it.


>Anybody who likes things I don't is a nigger
Don't mind me, I'm just enjoying this homemade salsa with plenty of cilantro and a nice tall glass of milk

It has a very pronounced sort of...tang? Not sour though. Very citrus-y, like lime in spice form kind of.

Amazing in a tomato, lime, chilli, red union and olive oil salad.

I don't know how much this actually holds up. I'm an older white guy from the Northeast who didn't taste cilantro until I was in my teens. Both my parents hate it cause it tastes like soap to them. When I first tried it I thought the same thing. Then I realized it was likely to be in cuisines I wanted to enjoy (Mexican, SEA, Indian), so I just started eating it. After a few months it stopped tasting like soap. Now I love the stuff. There may be a genetic predisposition to find the taste of cilantro stronger than some other folks do, but the soap thing is psychological, and not that hard to get over.

Yep same here. Grew up in Texas surrounded by it so I just acquired the taste. One of my favorite herbs now

>cilantro tasting like soap psychosomatic

I have a theory that people who think it tastes like soap are repressing a memory where in their formative years they were eating a dinner with cilantro and said a "bad" word and the parent grabbed them and washed their mouth out with soap. They now associate cilantro with soap. I suspect they would be helped by regressive psychoanalysis.

Nah, my mother was too much of a hippy to do that shit to me, also she hates cilantro, as do my brothers.

I have a different theory: people who didn't grow up eating it don't have a reference point for the taste, and if you're one of those folks who finds that taste particularly strong you associate it with the only thing it seems like to you, which is soap. And it's hard to enjoy a meal when your brain is screaming, "Don't eat that! It's fucking soap!," at you. But you can get over that.

I think that must be it, I like it but I can totally taste the soapy overtone in it.