Chicken BDSM

I will be cooking chicken tonight. Feel free to follow along, friends.

We'll start by prepping our onion, peppers, and celery. A fine dice will suit our purposes just fine.

I own this book. It's cute for about 5 pages.

Next we'll get our sausages ready. I like to remove the condoms.

And then we'll start our veg and sausages browning a bit.

While that's browning a bit we'll address our friend, the humble, submissive chicken.

This is a blue board user!

I was very gentle. She gracefully gave me all her bones.

A little Cajun seasoning, bit of salt...



Next we'll mix our cooled pork sausage and veg mix with an egg, some bread crumbs, and a bit of tarragon.

And apply the stuffing liberally to our spicy little bird, which is just quivering in anticipation.

Now tie that bird up. I like to use a simple surgeons knot at the ankles with a simple overhand hitch down the bird as a truss. Don't worry. She liked it.

Now suspend our bird for roasting.


Into the oven she goes. 450 for the first 15 minutes. Then 375.

While she roasts, we'll use this time to make a side. I'm going with simple steamed broccoli.

Something about broccoli makes me want a spanking as well

w-what did you put in its... it's... hole?

I have a feeling everything makes you horny.

Oh you're good

That's a thermal probe. It works with the ge profile convection oven I have.

Babe's been roasting for about an hour at 375. Internal temp currently 140.

fucking finish already

Internal temp 155. Gotta let it rest for 15. While that happens, pan sauce!


So nice. Its like mini thanksgiving in the spring.

And that is why you don't bake chicken in a medium oven

and WHAT is why?
it looks fucking delish

>white skin on roasted chicken
If it's not brown then it's like rubber bands.
Meat shouldn't go in medium ovens.
either brown that shit in a hot oven or low in slow in a low oven.



But, it is browned?

Let me guess 2/10 would not bang?

>white = brown.

Can't help you, champ.

In fairness to the op, the meat is better tasting when you don't burn the shit out of the skin. You can do the Keller thing where you blast it at like 500 for 15 minutes and then immediately drop it to 400, but it's much juicier to just do the skin like op's bird. The skin is gross that way of course, but skin is not so great for your health anyway. And if your meat needs skin to taste good, the meat wasn't good. The meat should taste amazing on its own and you're compromising that by focusing on getting a perfectly brown even beautiful skin.

BTW anyone who doubts me is invited to visit singapore and try the hainanese chicken

Skin is a gelatinous mess (though some claim to like it), but the flesh is like a food from a higher dimension

It was delicious and I have left overs! Woot!

looks really nice, OP! thanks for the thread!


Fuck me, I forgot about "Woot!" thanks user I'm bringing that back into my vocabulary.

what kind of sausages did you use? sweet italian?

It was mild Italian sausage.

I'm gonna try it next time with a dirty rice or andouille jambalaya stuffing.

This actually does turn me on.

oh op, you done goofed.

you are wrong, but it isnt straightforward. you have to cheat with salt and baking soda to keep the chicken moist and for that you have to let it rest overnight.

>you have to cheat with salt and baking soda to keep the chicken moist and for that you have to let it rest overnight.
dafuq? no

Jelly samefagging this hard is just really fucking pathetic.

Hainanese chicken rice (steamed) is on a whole different level from underdone skin. A pleb like you wouldn't understand.

>but the flesh is like a food from a higher dimension

The flesh of looks like its from a higher dimension.

It's spelled "wala," newfag.
Other then that, please keep posting in this quality thread

Dude, I invented whalla back in the day. Calm down.

And.. it's definitely, in all cases, at the very least, spelled with two L's. The pronunciation would be all fucked up with a single L.

this thread gave me the coolest erection, thanks OP

It's actually "voila". But I otherwise concur.


Number of posters before this post? 17.

Number of posters after this post? 17.

Just saiyan.

Try baste it with some lemon juice if you want the skin to get more brown and crispy

I had heard butter was where its at. If I use lemon, what does that do to the dripping and my delicious pan sauce?

>poaching is steaming
never post again kthx

I've always wanted to try it but never found a good place to get it. I should probably try making it. Seems delicious