Today I teach you the diller, authentic Mecxican , tiller cheese and medium heat
Few squirt
Olive loaf
Fold and flip
Cut and top with your choice
And enjoy... It's just so...Cheesey , hide your princess!
I do love a diller
you disgusting, subhuman waste—please leave
>doesn't like a good loaf diller
plebian taste tbqh
watcha squirtin'?
2x desktop.ini = 2x pleasure
Scary thread
Oh, just a little of this. Heh!
>And enjoy... It's just so...Cheesey , hide your princess!
/mlp/ please go
Hey what's mlp got to do with this
>putting Franks in the fridge
u wat
That shit is no even close to be "authentic mexican"
Baloney and American cheese make it taste better
>Olive loaf
Holy shit, people actually eat this?
Dear God, you again. Dude stop avatarfagging with that fucking doll
8/10 you got me