This place is fucking awesome. I've never had so much fun with hot dogs

This place is fucking awesome. I've never had so much fun with hot dogs.

Will post rest of menu


What is this?

Better pic

It's a hot dog with p'apple on it duh

Where is this? Atlanta used to have HD1 with some pretty great hot dogs, but its gone

That looks awesome. You've found a good place, OP.

>I've never had so much fun with hot dogs

Nothing like a nice P'apple Dog to go with my P'apple and P'peroni 'go 'za

>twangy bbq sauce

thats it im fucking triggered

>that pic

fuck outta here with that

what is neon relish

i'm very interested

suk on this


>those prices

i'm pretty jelly, i'm in nyc and everything would be $2 more no question

Chicago dog should be first on that menu since thats what everyone orders there. At least theres no ketchup.

probably dill relish instead of bread and butter relish

Seems like it would have been a lot easier if they just let you pick your fucking topics. Honestly, that menu is beyond ridiculous.

I'm going to vomit.

>neon relish

#24 sounds decent

#30 is downright jack tier

And really the only other one that sounds okay is the greek one, most of them are full retard.

Not even any bacon wrapped dogs, pretty poor showing.

Bacon wrapping is the nigger of food.

I'm impressed that they have actual prices, normally "gourmet hotdogs" are like $5

What did you get? Post a pic.

I get shark attacks now

Non 'Murican here.
What's the most origonal dog lay out?

Most of those actually sound like good combinations
I'd probably go for the frito one

>Honestly, that menu is beyond ridiculous.
idk, man. If you're going to get silly with a theme menu hot dogs are a good choice, because so many weird regional variations already exist. If you make up a few of your own no one will really notice, and they could actually be good. I can get pic related near me, and I have to admit it's good in spite of being trashy as fuck.

Go back to /b/. This is a blue board.

The most fun you can have with a hot dog is with the "Tiger Homewrecker" at a place called "Somewhere in Augusta" in Augusta, Georgia.

It is a foot-long half pound Nathans dog that is split open and filled with string cheese. It is then wrapped in bacon and deep fried. It is then put in a butter toasted bun and covered with chili, onions, and Mexican-restaurant queso dip. Pic related.

>inb4 muh dick

Looks like a foot long pizza bagel

Beyond the stupid amount of cheese it's just a bacon chili dog, which is pretty good.


Nathans is shit

This is just retarded. With sandwiches you have different fillings and different bread. The menu should just be 'Go dog, chili dog, chili cheese dog, then a plain dog with a list of toppings, 99% of the rest of the shit there is just some random ingredients with a silly name.

I can't believe some people prefer pork hot dogs over 100% beef.

In the US it's hard to find good quality hot dogs that aren't all beef, but that doesn't hold true in other places. A good smoked pork hot dog like what you find in Denmark or Germany is awesome. Best hot dog I've ever had was in Copenhagen, and it was 100% pork.