Can we have a McDonald's thread?

Can we have a McDonald's thread?

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For me, it's the McChicken


>tfw no spicy McChicken
>tfw girlfriend is a prissy faggot who gets all high and mighty about fast food yet eats like shit anyways
>i just want to enjoy a DQP so I have to do it when she's not around
I want to die.

Christ, what a cuck!

>letting your gf control your diet
wew lad

Wendy's Spicy Siracha Chicken, it's for me. But really though this was amazing, different ingredients and bread and the chicken was more juicy they should have kept it.

Right there with ya. I end up at shitty fondue places spending 100 bucks when I can basically get the same nutrition from a Mcdouble and a 6 piece which is all I want. WOMEN.

They never keep the best items on the menu for long, it's like they want to go out of business.


Chicken selects with sour cream is fucking glorious

either this or the double quarter pounder

I only get either egg mcmuffins or Mcnuggets. All day breakfast has been a godsend to me.

best food invented by man

For me its been always the big mac

I dont care who you're mcstuffin, NEVER eat a mcmuffin

Eat the sausage mcmuffin with folded egg and cheese

To tell me to not eat the pure deliciousness that is the Egg McMuffin... you may as well tell me to not breathe.

>haven't eaten mcdonald's in nearly 6 years
>STILL remember the taste

She never said I can't eat there. Just that she doesn't want to. There have been several times I went to McD's and she went to Tom's next door. Win/win homie.

OP's pic just motivated me to walk my ass down to the nearest McDonald's and get something. Can't decide between McDouble 'n nuggies or Double Quarter Pounder combo.

Only reason why i go to Mickey D's is for the nugg's. Sweet n sour sauce please.

First you said you have to do it when she's not around. Now you're saying you guys split up to get food and then come back. Your story is lookin' real shaky son

>Haven't eaten McDonald's in 2 months
>Still remember the nausea and acid reflux
>Still remember the regret while eating, could have spent that money better

Gotta stay strong, it's not healthy to even eat one thing from there.

If Macdonalds BTFOs your system that bad you're probably just fucked up. I mean, the food is sugary salty shit, but so is a lot of other stuff

>tfw they ran the spicy mcchicken here for a month, then stopped

I dont even like their burgers but I occasionally get the cravings for a quarter pounder.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Just go for the superior Jalapeno Mcchicken

Sad fat fuck who made this didnt account for the disgusting stench that woke her up. And eating her nuggets

I like this one, the Crispy Onion Barbecue.

>Sweet n sour
How about you funnel shit down your fucking throat, you'd obviously like the taste

What are you talking about? The entire point of the comic is that he's a social failure. Pointing out that he's pathetic is redundant.

about to go get McDonalds. dubs decides what I get. nothing over $15 cad
