Makes food cheaper

>Makes food cheaper.
>Lowers the environmental impact of agriculture.
>Makes farmers more productive
>Safer and more precise than previous methods of plant breeding.
>Can save threatened crops from extinction.
>Can save lives and improve health, particularly in impoverished areas

Now tell me; why are you against GMO?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Fucking corn in the picture.

That's a laugh.

Creating DRM plants that can't propagate seed to create another generation could have disastrous implications in a SHTF near-extinction event like a supervolcano or another carrington event or a meteorite strike

>why are you against GMO?
I'm not and anybody who unironically is against GMOs is mentally handicapped.

The only legitimate issue I have with GMOs is the whole "monsanto suing people because some seeds blew over into their crops" followed by the sticky issue of "okay we'll make them sterile, but now you have to keep buying our seeds".

This. How the fuck do we get plants when airborne GMO pollen infects our crops and makes them sterile?

>sterile crops
>airborne GMO pollen
Are you sure you know how plants work?

Gen 1 is not sterile. It creates pollen, and all plants that take the pollen produce sterile seeds.

There is currently a weed that has developed resistance to roundup. Furthermore, the residual byproducts of the manufacturing process of roundup have been shown to be carcinogenic. This was identified not because the inert ingredients are listed (that's not required do to lobbying efforts) but because they were reverse engineered and tested by individual scientists.

The problem with gmo is that it's dna is property of a company. Sometimes people's crop gets contaminated and suddenly they're growing something thats subject to litigation.
That and a lot of gmo is made simply to resist herbicide and insecticides. You don't need to kill MOST weeds and insects. Infact, the healthiest crops are made in fields that are as natural as can be.

i'm not against gmo but i'm against the way certain companies are profiting from them and using them to exploit farmers

also this
and this but by all means develop high yield, high tolerance crops that can grow in worse conditions with less water or ph

I like bees and don't like gmos being patented

>The problem with gmo is that it's dna is property of a company. Sometimes people's crop gets contaminated and suddenly they're growing something thats subject to litigation.

Name one time this situation has happened.

>don't like gmos being patented

Its a companies IP, if you don't like it, don't use it, just buy the normal non-GMO shit

that's the issue

plants don't care who owns them and will literally just do whatever the fuck they want


This is due to farmers replanting seeds they bought and broke the use contract or in the case of Bowman, decided to knowingly use IP without seeking rights to use, then collecting/storing seeds from known IP and reusing them

heaven forbid farmers farm!

You goddamn well know that isn't the issue, and I would state that as the supreme court voted unanimously against his bullshit, I would suggest that individuals who understand IP would agree with me

Dude, google; gmo cross pollination lawsuit.

>100,000 Indian farmers kill themselves due to monsanto

sounds fine

I'm not.

Again, I haven't found one source where Monsanto sued over a simple cross contamination. Each time farmers were sued in conjunction with CC, it was due to storing and reusing seeds which were known to be protected under IP conventions

that's exactly the issue

people are rightly wary of corporations having ip rights to life sustaining dna

legal in this case does not imply right

what is the chance of that happening

Life, eruhh, finds a way

How would you feel about DNA patents being abolished and the state taking over GMO production?

>the intercept

>i don't like gmo being patented
>companies shouldn't have a right to protect their R&D
communists please exit this thread, exit this board and exit your life

>patent an organism
>organism does organism shit like reproduce and evolve
>reeeeee violation of toc

kys dumb weeb

GMO is undeniably good, the only bad thing about it is that most companies involved in it are absolute scum.
Anyone who is against GMO itself is a fucking retard.

Poppa, is it really true? Can we really get the pajeet to do this?

Most people who are against things like this feel comfortable in their current situation, and get scared at anything that could change it. They'll say "we don't need vaccines because nobody I care about has this disease", "we don't need GMO food because I can easily get enough to eat right now, and don't know anyone who is starving", etc.

>be Monsanto
>produce super-cool sterile seed and sell it
>seed spreads to farmers who don't pay for it
>what thieving faggots, they got to pay
>farmers find a way to prevent spreading
>destroy those faggots lives

>sterile seed
>seed spreads
isn't that contradictory?

Yes. Just ignore the tinfoilers

moving the goalposts, still isnt a cross pollination lawsuit

From St. Louis Post Dispatch, 9/20/16:

"In 2011, the company paid $750 million to settle lawsuits that claimed a strain of its genetically modified rice had tainted other crops; Bayer said that it had acted responsibly in handling the biotech rice but wanted to resolve the litigation so it could move forward."

Plant geneticist here. No it wont. We've got enough seed stored, we're fine. It definitely fucks with neighboring yields, potentially, but its not a disaster.

These are real problems.

GMOs are good. Companies are bad.

I'm not educated enough to have a strong opinion one way or the other

And neither are the vast majority of people in the world, when you think about it, but they still do it anyway.

>I'm not educated enough

Yeah, it's a good thing we don't have a tool at our fingertips that contains a repository of information and directions to get even more detail about a subject.

>Bro just educate yourself
>Just gobble up what the pro and anti-gmo shills shit out on the internet

yeah, nah my lad

Because it has CHEMICALS!

If you consume GMO grown corn, it will save your live when lost in the wilderness, imagine just breaking off an ear of corn that's sprouting out the side of your head, survival solved