Home-made edible thread

Home-made edible thread

Post technique, dosages, and the like. I baked some pretty fire brownies the other day with wax and coconut oil, what have my fellow degenerates here been doing?

>inb4 dude weed

Fuck off, this is food.

In the last three days I've made meatloaf, mashed parsnip potatoes, asparagus,tzatziki, some frozen vegetables, 2 hotdogs and a ramen noodle.

weed has a savory, pesto-like taste, so whenever it's cooked into sweets I have to question the cook. Man that shit is nasty. Instead, melt summat butter into a pasta sauce and make a meal out of it.
These days I cook pot/olive oil in a crock pot and freeze the oil in pill capsules (they must be frozen or they'll melt).
If you insist on putting weed in sweets, at least make em as strong as possible so I don't have to eat an entire nasty brownie to get stoned.

DONT !!!!

I had a friend who boiled it in milk and made milk tea with it.

I'm usually repulsed by the thought of edibles but some Earl Grey with weed milk and a little honey sounds amazing.

I make weed milk regularly. I have to make a pleasant recipe. It's never very good.

I should elaborate, I don't really make "weed" milk. I boil the resin in my vape stem, and then strain the goop out of it

>boil milk

what a dumbfuck


i whole heartily agree

place near me used to sell weed milkshakes that everyone gushed over and they literally tasted like a milkshake that someone multed butter and oregano into and they tasted like pure shit

i was glad when they went under and everyone else was sad

IM lazy, I just make the poona butta and then cook stuff with that
lately ive done a pesto, which came out funky but not too bad
and then I usually just make etiher rice crispy treats or ginger snaps with the butter for sweets

this so much. cant fucking stand the "lmao DUDE pot brownies XDDDD". no, they taste like shit you mong.

Dude I'm so high hahahahaha. Fuck off fag.

I can't decipher some of this Hagrid-speak. How do you make a weed pesto to put over pasta?

>itt: children who dont appreciate the taste of fine cannabis

If your brownies come out tasting like shit youre doing it wrong

only children do drugs

But you're totally wrong.

>alcohol isn't a drug
Only white people people believe this

I can't smoke pot because I have randoms, but I do miss getting high. I've never done edibles. How's the high? Same as just smoking? Only other drug I've done was acid a couple times and of course alcohol.

It's a much stronger body high, it takes longer to get rolling, and it lasts waaaaay longer.

woahhh mann weeeed dude

A bullet

Duuuuuuude weeeeeeed

Fuck off nigger

like clockwork

For me (for me) it usually takes at least an hour to kick in, and when it does it hits hard and renders you incapable of basic tasks for a couple of hours. This all depends on your dosage, of course, I've started making mine with 500 mg each because my tolerance is so fucked.

Don't do it for a a few weeks and your tolerance will go down.




Any ways to infuse butter / coconut oil without a crockpot ? I got heaps of AVB but also have to work all day and can't leave something on a stove without supervision
Of course I have no friends/relatives so I cant have someone do it for me
Thanks in advance di/ck/heads

I made weed cheesecake once and it tasted fine. But I have always been fond of mixing it in pasta dishes. I would like to cook some into some meat for tacos, but I think my guts would explode because I wouldn't be able to stop myself.


I work in the treasury department for a very large corporation, and when I was drug tested upon applying I just used synthetic piss. They can never tell the difference.

I honestly never understood the point of drug testing people who are working shitty retail jobs or even braindead data entry shit. If someone wants to get fucked up to forget about how pointless their life is, that's their prerogative.

The best part of about this is middle management people like me never get tested and we attend manager's meetings tanked up or get tanked up at manager's meetings. But there is nothing we can do about it because drugs tests are often HR policy.

Just add the weed to some melted butter in a crockpot and cook fro 8 to 12 hours.

>without a crockpot

Well obviously you can't just leave your shit on all day so a crockpot is your only option. You can find a small one for like $5 at a thrift store.


My brother makes tremendous edibles that can get you stoned just by looking at them. He decarbs and grinds a little more than a half O of high quality bud, then adds it to a melted butter mixture in a pot on LOW temp. He stirs and let's the bud chill in the warm buttery mixture for about 3 hours. Strains the bud, freezes or uses the butter immediately. Boom. The key is the length of time and patience. Pack a bowl and kill some brewskis while you're making it.

I use the crock pot method to make butter, simmer it for 8-10 hrs. Seems stronger than on a stove top to me. I make cookies with the weed butter, the best flavor combo I've found is mint and dark chocolate chips, goes really well with pot. I don't smoke or eat the edibles myself, except to test the flavor. Sends me down a bad thought spiral, but my cancer patient father and loves them and eats a cookie or two each day.

Sorry about your dad. I absolutely abhor weed culture and the people who make it their entire lives, but I don't think anyone can deny its pain relieving properties. Hope he pulls through.

>tfw just smoked from an apple
It's food so it counts tasted pretty good too

I planned on making brownies for a party I have coming up, gave my friend $60 bucks since they usually get good weed, they bought double (so they paid half), and they ended up smoking all of it within two days.

Now I'm probably going to have to buy shit weed from a local guy to make up for it. Shit sux.

I don't know who came up with the 8-12 hours meme, you can infuse oil in 2 hours if you don't have the time. It will be slightly less potent but still works. Add weed to coconut oil and some water, boil, strain.

If you don't mind your house stinking of weed you can decarb the weed in the oven first for an hour and then infuse into oil over another hour. This method gives better results (more efficient), look up weed decarbing guide for exact temperatures and timings.

I only use the finest weed and drink the finest craft beers. Come at me drumpfsters.

I used to do this, it's a pretty good starter pipe. Carrots are fun too

I've done it with bananas and peaches too and also oranges I do this when glass breaks apples seem to be the the most OP though

You eat 500mg at a time? What the fuck. Or do you mean your dish has a total of 500mg dispersed into it? I just started trying edibles and 10 fucks me up pretty hard.

Dude weed lmao


crock pot confirmed, the most time consuming bit then just becomes grinding up all the bud

I've done a half in a pound of coconut oil and a different batch in a pound of butter

I also had some water in the crock pot to better regulate the temp. You can separate this off by refrigerating it after straining it, the thc infused oil will solidify on top of the water. Definitely empty it out after this though or it will get gross.

Happy with results both times, would take a bit of the thc oil and mix it with regular oil to regulate the dosage of whatever we were cooking
You can also take the strained out flower and make a pesto.

exactly 1000 Veeky Forums posts before mine, my inability to read was prophesied

If he is going to be gone at work all day then it's going to steep for longer than 2 hours anyway mate

In all fairness it's kind of an awkward question because there is absolutely no way he can cook cannabutter without watching it unless he has a crockpot or wants to risk burning his house down.

I usually make weed and butter in the crockpot method, but I've done it stovetop too and didn't notice a huge difference in quality. Generally I go with 1 oz bud to 1 lb butter or 2 cups oil. I dose it to be about 1/2 g worth of bud per dose- so like if I make a batch of cookie dough with 1/2 lb butter then I make about 28 cookies from it.

I've used the butter to make caramel candies, which worked pretty well. One of my favorite experiments was chai ice cream, though I worry that this was a bit wasteful due to the lowish fat content of the cream. I heated the cream with ground bud and spices for about 90 minutes, then just put it in an ice cream maker. Used 5 g of bud for a small recipe (~3-4 cups) that got 3 people very high.

Carbing weed first is always much better, and if you can get some vaped bud I find it makes much nicer edibles (but use 1 g vaped bud/dose).

epic dude, weed, nice bro.

the trick is to put it in the butter. yum yum yum love weed. smoke it and eat it my dude. world peace everyone smoke weed.

I only have experience with legal edibles from Washington state, but it's a pretty intense body high that takes and hour or two to set in. I'm typically high for 4+ hours of really intense high with couch lock and then another hour or two coming down to a more relaxed high.

I like them for the high, but most of the edibles taste like whatever they are mixed with shitty weed.

>live in oregon
>grow two plants
>get a fuck ton of trim after harvest
>put all the trim and smaller buds in crockpot with 1 pound of coconut oil
>on low for many hours
>strain through french press with hot water
>let cool in fridge
>put into tupperware contain
>melts at low temp
>keep on counter for several days next to butter
>put on toast in morning for pain relief
>actually helping
>go to make my toast one morning
>cant find oil
>see cleaned tupperware container in dish strainer
>entire batch of oil was poured down sink

Why would anyone pour oil down the sink? That's just being a complete dip

If you're making sweet edibles, go for something mint flavored.

recreational cannabis consumption is degenerate

That's okay, the west is never going back to the 1950's and you have to accept that.

My step-dad is a stupid fuck.

>You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.


Weed is legal here amigo.