Tfw restaurants no longer take temp orders on meat

>tfw restaurants no longer take temp orders on meat.

"Do you like it a little pink or not"

How about go fuck yourself and I'm leaving you shit hole establishment.

I think that's just for burgers, although o haven't ordered a steak in a while

i have literally never heard of this

I've only heard this on burgers

It's because if you let them choose they'll ask for "rare" on a burger because they're idiots, and then they have to explain that they cant do that, and it wastes everybodys time.

It's becoming a thing. Just wait. You heard it here first folks.

>tfw restaurants no longer take temp orders on meat.
maybe you should go to non-shitty restaurants anymore. i`ve never had that problem, never.

I had a restaurant ask me how I wanted my turkey burger about a year ago. I told them rare just to see if they would and that's how I got it.

protip: you look like an idiot

the waiter thought you were a simpleton and presented your options as such. there isn't a single establishment in the U.S. that asks for pinkness over wellness as a standard practice.

If its fresh ground then it's not a concern. But also, gross.

>tfw a restaurant asks you how you want your grilled salmon cooked
>tfw qt3.14 waitress asks you how you want your grilled chicken temped out of habit


>there isn't a single establishment in the U.S. that asks for pinkness over wellness as a standard practice.
Reeeeed Robin! (Yum!)

i honestly don't believe this. i'll go to red robin tomorrow and report back with how enthusiastically they asked me for WELLNESS

It was a faux diner in the middle of a shopping mall. There's no way it was fresh ground.

I ordered a rare tuna steak before, it was delectable

the place I grill for still has you specify. some dude orders rare burgers, shits gross but whatever it's your money. it's on the grill only 4 mins

Been to a few that ask for wellness. Most of the ones near where I live ask for Some pink or No Pink.

I've been to a few other places that use the same metric but for the life of me I cant remember their names.

>>"Do you like it a little pink or not"

She asked me the same thing.

then they probably don't know the liabilities that come from serving undercooked meat

I used to not be able to temp order any kind of burger back in the day, in the last 5 or 6 years almost every place asks me how I'd like my burger, so it's been getting better, are they reverting back to fully cooking burgers only again?

Applebee's made it a common practice. Also I'm strikingly handsome.