ITT: things that instantly identify someone as a pretentious Asshat.
"Ugh, slow cookers are for fucking plebs, but sous-vide is awwww right"
ITT: things that instantly identify someone as a pretentious Asshat.
"Ugh, slow cookers are for fucking plebs, but sous-vide is awwww right"
"I'm a pescetarian".
"I'm lactose-intolerant, gluten-intolerant, seafood allergic and can't have anything with yeast in it".
"Veganism is the only way to live in harmony with the planet".
"i post on Veeky Forums"
"Pretentious" is just what flyovers call people more intelligent and cultured than them.
Wow, in/ck/eption.
Correct, that's exactly the sort of thing pretentious autofellators say, well spotted.
I post McChicken threads on /seekay/
Degreasing pizza
Deep dish vs normal pizza
Craft beer is automatically better than any other beer
Bacon, sriracha, cloud eggs
Everything you said is a meme, not necessarily pretentious.
Wait, what? How is bacon a meme?
>Oh, I'm really cultured, I've eaten stuff from XYZ countries
>call some fag pretentious
>he gets so butthurt he posts about it to this day
I know it's you, faggot.
"Guinness really does taste better at the brewery".
No it doesn't you faggot, one, you've never been to Ireland, and two, Guinness is fucking shit no matter where you get it or who brews it.
>Degreasing pizza
Literally only Ulalilia does that, you've been double-reverse-meme'd.
My father is a pescatarian. I don't see the big deal with complaining about it. A lot of Caribbean people are even though they don't outright say it
"Montrachet just doesn't get better than the '69".
"Shaken, not stirred".
I wish it were true, but I showed my girlfriend the video and she said "my mum does that".
>being a pescetarian because that's what's around
>calling yourself a pescetarian as a badge of identity
I will fuck you with a rake made of cacti
"lol bacon makes everything awesome" has been a meme for years, it's slowly dying now tho
Pretentious is often overused but there are times that its use is completely justified. Snobbery is probably a better word though.
Gets mad when he hears someone say macaroon instead of macaron.
Talking about craft beers at inappropriate occasions
"High end dining is about unique presentations and atmosphere, not flavor."