Post a random food related picture

Post a random food related picture.

this is hilarious



dont mind me just procrastinating on studying for final tomorrow





What's the story behind this?



Someone put beans in a clock



ranch o' clock







8/10 for passive aggressiveness

Ahahahahaaha that's made me laugh. I literally picture this everytime I here yanks talk about buiscuts and gravy.


Study, user. What class?





is that food???

File name says so.

Bean clock burglars. They operated in Southern LA in the 1980s and were known to stuff all clocks in the homes they robbed with beans. They were never caught.

chinese history

Algebraic topology

>Chinese history
>play Romance of the Three Kingdoms on super nintendo
>wa la

>What shall we call our organization gents?
>I say we call it the "Beanie Babies"
>No, we'll call it the "Bean Team!"
>Let's call it the "Legume Troupe"
>Look boys the news is on!
>Tonight at 8: The "Bean Clock Burglars" strike again! Their motives, and the chilling story of robbery, Bush's baked beans and horror after this.

>wa la

the fuck is that supposed to me


Were they associated with The Wet Bandits from the Chicago area?

Found the newfag. lurk moar, faggot




What the fuck?? Why? Wouldn't the expiration date be measured in hours?




I made this, I
Scarlet Johansson



im easily amused but food plating satire is like 20% of the reason i scour this board. hilarious










Why would they do that
What a waste of food and plastic

That's why you get these little table things.

Listen to me, user. Do your work. Don't be like me. You wanna drop out and start working in a restaurant for 50 hours/week at minimum wage?




damn this must have been a bitch to arrange

>You wanna drop out and start working in a restaurant for 50 hours/week at minimum wage?

i'm actually going to graduate with honors AND THEN work at a restaurant for 50 hours/min wage.

Where is the Mayonnaise


Why is the purple guy standing like he's holding in the biggest shit

road thompson

>i'm actually going to graduate with honors AND THEN work at a restaurant for 50 hours/min wage.



>me taking off my pants


that's just reality.

if i'm lucky, i can make non-minimum wage.


that's not brioche


Would devour



it's for old and disabled people who have trouble peeling things themselves

I know man. I copied it from some thottie on instagram. I wanna be on her level.

Don't worry user. You'll figure it out.


are those rats?



gf says this looks shopped. any experts wanna weigh in?

>my goodness, just look at the time.jpg

what part do you think is shopped?

The girl on the right looks shopped in. Weird lighting and she looks too big.





r'ing that pic of the weird guys at a buffet table with various condiments in spray cleaner bottles
