Don't let dishes build up

Don't let dishes build up.

Yes sir

Nice double dubs btw Mr Vikernes


Why was he clean shaven in prison but looks all disheveled now that he's free?

I already don't, so.. OK.

what're you gonna do? stab me?

Don't let dishes build up.

For the benefit of everyone.

>what are you gonna do? burn down my house?

I had roommates who consistently let a mountain of dishes fester in the kitchen sink. I refused to clean up their mess in the kitchen, and I guess they didn't like me because "I didn't ever help around the apartment". Not cleaning up your mess jabroni

Live alone? Have two of each items at the very most.

>What are you gonna do?
>Rot in prison as Abbath from Immortal talks shit about you being an idiot that got himself locked up?

Don't fucking tell me what to do.

sort your dishes out

Fuck you Varg, I'll build what I want!


Fuck you, the roaches in my kitchen are my only friends. Do you want me to be alone for the rest of my life? Do you love to see people sad?

This 2bh
I won't let a white nigger who killed a man and is leeching off of welfare in a foreign country tell me what to do.

Paper plates

>not having a dishwasher

It was self defense. Fuck euronymous

>He dindu nuffin
>Vi tente på kirkene

>drive over to a guys house and stab him in the back of the head 30 times
>dude he fell on some glass lmao

>pile of ketchup on paper plate
>leave it and come back
>soggy ketchup is bleeding through the plate
>plate is sagging in that spot
>that ketchup smell permeates the room
I'd rather wash a million dishes than even risk that happening

>using your dishwasher to wash dishes

>He's only ever used nigger-tier paper plates

My dishwasher filed for divorce

white nigger

ive listened to the last rogan podcast he was on at least 3 times now

First, the people in your pic are not judgmental enough. They just look friendly and supportive. And secondly, I've literally always owned real dishes. Even living like a fucking animal in college I had some actual dishes in the cabinets. They cost next-to-nothing


You can't tell me what to do!