How old were you when you realised eggs were vegan?

How old were you when you realised eggs were vegan?

>men give consent by erection/ejaculating
>chicken gives consent by laying the eggs
>they were going to lay unfertilised eggs anyway and do nothing with them if you don't eat them

Well, Veeky Forums¿

Considering you are defining a few very imprtant words in ways that I do not, I don't think we have enough common ground to debate this.

I'm not vegan but even if all that is true they probably have problems still with how the eggs are gathered IE from chickens raised in hellholes

I'm not sure why erections are involved in this and it's making me uncomfortable

>some chickens are treated poorly therefore eggs are not vegan

Wow not an argument

Even if that was true, they don't consent to have their beaks clipped, being locked in a cage, etc.

Some vegans will start eating eggs if they get pet chickens though, instead of just letting it rot or throwing it away.

OP said chickens give consent by laying eggs, so it was a valid response.

eggs are vegan. but then fags started throwing around le cholesterol meme

chickens do not give consent to you consuming their eggs unlike men who give consent to you swallowing
chickens will actually eat their own unfertilized eggs so when you eat them you are taking away their food source

>poorly kept chickens laying eggs are somehow not still giving consent

Uh yeah ok sweetie, please actually attempt to form an argument this time :)

that's not true. foxes eat them when they prey on chicken clutch. you are taking away the food source of the fox.

But the chickens would rather eat grain and I'd rather eat eggs, the trade is mutual. MB

>tfw feel good for half a second being called sweetie

oh user..

I've kept chickens in the past and had a similar discussion with a fet vegans. One went something like this:

>are vegans allowed to keep pets, then?
I prefer the term 'animal companion,' but some vegans do, yes, and some don't.
>is there some kind of restriction on what kind of animal?
I personally wouldn't keep an animal that is an obligate carnivore because I don't want to enable the meat industry to produce for my animal companions.
>okay, so what about chickens?
I guess that'd be fine.
>well, no matter what you do, most breeds of chicken will lay about 3-4 eggs per week, right? and without a cockerel around, the eggs can never be fertilised. and without a warm, dark corner, the hen will never go broody, which is what it's called when she instinctively collects eggs and sits on them. basically, she'll shit out about 180 eggs in a year and not give half a fuck that she's doing it. so if you had a hen as an animal companion and you therefore know she's not abused, that she's well taken care of and that she's happy and doesn't care about her eggs since she's leaving them out to rot, would you collect and eat the eggs?
>would you donate the eggs to hungry people?
It's symbolic of violence towards chickens.
>you not eating the eggs nor donating them to someone who would eat them is indicative that you value symbolism over helping people so doesn't that run counter productive to the entire premise of veganism being about compassion for all living things?

At that point, the vegan flipped out and called me an asshole.

Other vegans agreed that they'd eat eggs if they were certain that the conditions I presented held true. Yet others said they'd donate the eggs but not eat them themselves. And several more reacted the way the vegan in my story did.

The way I'd see it, logically, it'd be okay to eat them or donate them but as veganism tends to avoid logic opting instead for muh feelings, you'll find a variety of opinions on the subject

>but as veganism tends to avoid logic opting instead for muh feelings
Yeah this is too bad, because they think they're doing the right thing but I've seen so many people saying they were turned off from even trying to be vegetarian because of extreme vegans and them saying "vegetarians are just as bad, if you're not vegan you're useless".

Anyway, I'm hoping cultured meat gets into stores soon and some famous people make it "cool" instead of having people be afraid of it. That would help animals more, I think.

I'm not vegan or even vegetarian, but I don't eat much meat or fish or eggs anyway due to cultural reasons. In a week, I might eat about 400g or so. I know many people eat that much meat in just one day, so to them, I might as well be vegetarian, but I'm not and never plan to be. However, if lab-meat could reproduce the taste, texture and nutrition of meat without the slaughter and do so at a competitive price point, I'd give strong consideration to switching over.
I've tried bugs and I just don't like them, so that's not an option for me.

I do want to work on cutting out/limiting dairy but I see 0 reasons to cut out eggs if they come from a good source. There are a lot of small farms out there with happy chickens and unless you live in a large city there's no excuse why you shouldn't go and support the farmers who do take good care of their animals.
Honey is another thing that drives me insane, bee keeping is so critical to keeping bee populations alive and healthy, and are always left with enough honey to survive. Vegans go apeshit demonizing Bee keepers

Sorry OP eggs aint vegan since anything that comes from an animal isn't, that includes things like wool. It's retarded but still, eggs aint vegan.

Depends on what you consider to be a lot of dairy, but I might not be eating much of that, either. I have a glass of milkcoffee with breakfast and eat maybe 25g of cheese or so daily. Occasionally, yoghurt or ice cream or something, but they're a bit uncommon for me.
I don't know if that's a lot of dairy.

As for bees/honey, when I had my chickens still, I had way more eggs than I knew what to do with. I traded a dozen with a beekeeper down the road once for some honey. He explained lots of things about keeping bees that I never knew. For example, did you know farms rent bees? Look it up. It's a thing.
So even vegetables aren't likely to be vegan by the strictest viewpoints because they're polinated using melissodic slave labour.

Most ignorant post itt and that includes shitposts like OP


vegans don't eat any animal by products. butter, eggs, milk, fat, eggs, cheese, meat ofc. or wear things that are made of animals, i.e. leather, fur, wool, etc.

your whole set up argument is flawed, OP. vegetarians do eat eggs though, no harm done.

I eat a fair bit of cheese and eggs but a lot of people still think that's weird because of how much meat they eat. I think cultured meat will probably be a replacement for low quality processed food at first, replacing burgers and nuggets. After a while you'll probably have stuff that's higher quality than "real" meat, since it'd be easier to get perfect marbling and fat content.

I'm not into the bug thing either, it doesn't stop living things being killed for food. It mostly seems like a fad.

vegan means no animal products, eggs are an animal product, soooo


>Even if that was true, they don't consent to have their beaks clipped, being locked in a cage, etc.

Sourcing your food shouldn't be this much of an issue. What about people who have coops at home?

>Trying to /thread your own utterly worthless post