ITT: heavily overrated things

ITT: heavily overrated things

I'm going to have to say duck. It's unremarkable in every way. Although, duck fat is baller to cook with so I'm okay with people eating them.

goose is definitely superior

I've never heard any buzz about blue moon. I just know it as a fair choice in banana-pear water.

mac & cheese
chicken breast
chain pizza
Subway sandwiches

American 'cuisine'.

I don't know if subway is overrated. It's just everywhere

women. and corn.

Man, you must be no fun at parties

Lots of folks choose it as an everyday option, which is odd to me given how terrible their sandwiches are.
Obviously we go to different kinds of parties.

Really? I guess I don't know too many people. I know it's popular in rural areas for some reason

I agree, beer is pretty shit

Its like eating tastier beef than beef.

2bh I only cared about Blue Moon just for the kinda stylized, artistic vibes they had going on for their labels, which they really don't seem to have anymore.

how about lobster, truffel and foie gras.
all crazy overrated.

Nah I love Blue Moon.

Busch lite is overrated. I live in Iowa and I don't understand why people religiously drink that piss (other than it being cheap).

It's the number one selling witbier and a gateway into craft beers. It should always be on tap after bud light.

I even know people in the suburbs who have Subway as their default fast food choice because they think it's a "healthy" option. Fair enough, since some of their sandwiches are marginally better choices than pizza or double cheeseburgers. But their bread is awful, and the fillings are all pretty much cheap crap.

Ive heard subway varies from country to country.
I think its pretty good in Sweden

What the fuck kind of teenagers do you hang out with if those things are on your radar literally at all, much less considered GOOD?

>other than it being cheap
That's your answer.



Um, the other posters in this board.

Yeah and the rest of the fucking world? Or better yet, murica spamming their shit onto people

My point is these things are all very popular, but not really all that good.

We agree, and they fit perfectly in a "heavily overrated things" thread

True, true. Sorry.


blue moon is absolutely disgusting

Didn't know AIs learned to post on Veeky Forums.


Fuck off Commiefornia.

Sorry but wings and burgers are kinda universally loved. Just about every country I can think of that actually eats chicken likes wings. Burgers are more, "well they were great in America"

Cake. I always seem like a jerk for not wanting cake at a birthday party too.

chicken breast?
an entire ingredient is overrated?
are you daft?


it's fucking salty and useless and I'm tired of the meme's and instance of adding it to everything I eat.


it's fucking salty and useless and I'm tired of the meme's and instance of adding it to everything I eat.

Try turkey bacon or reduced sodium. Don't go for anything like thick cut it jalapeƱo if you can't handle regular sodium. Alternately, get it uncured.

One billion percent this. I always serve pie for my birthday.

It's an ingredient that gets used in stupid shit everywhere you go for no good reason. It ends up on pizza, in Caesar salad, in Alfredo sauce pasta, in sandwiches and even sausages. All kinds of places where it doesn't fucking belong. It's the perfect ingredient for people with no idea what they really want to eat, which seems to be most people.

"tastes like soap" -black roommate from college

its a shit beer.

i hunt duck and i love it. i get it fresh as hell.
sorry but goose has a much more chicken flavor. i might as well just buy chicken

Blue moon draft is good af. Bottle i agree w u

never heard anyone talk about blue moon beyond "look, its blue moon"

avacado is overrated
kebabs are only good when drunk
kale is a meme
white chicken meat is just filler

did i miss anything?



but its so delicious


Nah, nigiri is best sushi type. Rolls are overrated

I think the reason you see so many rolls with weird deep fried shit in them and sauce all over is because they're pretty boring to begin with, so yeah.

Try a magret duck breast served medium rare with crispy skin, shit is life changing

I agree with you

>w u

kill yourself

think u mean kys

Nigga, corn is the best.

>nibbas whomst'd've don't say kys yourself


I definitely agree with lobsters. Its ok, but I'd tire of it pretty quickly

Energy drinks.
I know guys that literally can't properly function without at least 1 Red Bull a day. How can they drink so much of that sugary piss?

chicken wings.

barely any meat. cost too much. seems to be more about eating the skin and fatty sauces.

i would rather just have tendies.


Even regionally.

Paris, New York, Tokyo--they all have their own Subway system unique to the city.

This guy gets it.


I told my friend once that blue moon tastes like something halfway between dirty socks and leather boot soles and now he can't un-taste it so he stopped getting it.

No one really likes Subway, it's just better than other fast food.

Now that's just heresy

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy avocados but overall it's pretty bland, it adds a nice texture to your dish and nothing you else

>better than other fast food
Better how? Their sandwiches taste like shit. I think the only reason people eat there is because they think it won't make them fat.

>americans just now discovered wheat beer


Fucking this. I started branching out in my beer drinking lately and 4 people recommended blue moon. Finally got a bottle, don't see what the big deal is at all. I'll stick to my boston lager, much tastier.


They might have been overrated, but we do owe them a debt of gratitude for putting hair metal out of business.